Some Musing On The Durham Investigation

Willie Cicci

The Durham investigation has been prolonged, much to the chagrin of Trump supporters and derision of opponents.

Everyone should realize that Durham has had to do a painstakingly thorough investigation, especially in tackling someone as prominent as Hillary Clinton.

And the Watergate matter was child’s play next to this. Watergate was a burglary to get information about the Democratic Party’s plans for the election and little more. It was the sort of thing that has been done throughout election history, in the United States and elsewhere. It was seized upon by a media with a contempt for a president who despised them, at least as much. It was unrivaled to that point. Continue reading

America’s crumbling into dissension, squalor and decadence.

“Is it me or thee who whispers while running from the truth?” ~ Joe McCutchen

Patrick Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government which is precisely what has happened in America today, principally due it’s policies on mass immigration and diversity, i.e. non-productive minorities. America has suffered through a train of failures that will continue unless we elect individuals with wisdom and courage, not so today. Continue reading

Double-Speak, Lies, and Precedents Driving the Convention of States

The drive for an Article V Convention of States is assaulting state legislatures at an intense level. Obviously, proponents of such an action are counting on the discontent of Americans as the Biden cabal proves the misery of massive federal intrusion into every aspect of our lives. Americans naturally want to rein it in. Continue reading

“This Is Canada’s Kristallnacht”

I’d have to say that Premier Trudeau might well be actually upholding the oath he took here…..seeing as it was sworn to “royalty” with NO reference to the people! How SAD, compared to oaths in the U.S. Good thing our forefathers at least tried to break free from the king! ~ Carol Asher

Canada is in a Constitutional crisis rooted in a problem with oaths and allegiances. The vestiges of the British Dominion model cripple democracy in Canada. We have no laws to remove a tyrant who has enshrine a perpetual crisis, a Reichstag fire, to take power and whose RCMP brown shirts are now “breaking glass” and dragging peaceful protesters out of their vehicles. This is Canada’s Kristallnacht. Trudeau and the RCMP take the same oaths, and it is not to serve and protect the People of Canada. That is TV. The Prime Minister takes an oath of allegiance to the Crown and its Agents (Crown Agents are corps on the Stock Exchange run by Central Banks), to fulfill his office fully and lawfully, and an oath of secrecy. Continue reading

Ross: In Answer to Jefferson’s Question

I know it may be asking too much of folks, but just for a few minutes I’d like to ask that they put aside their partisan ideologies; long enough to answer a couple of quick questions. The first question is relatively simple; What function/s does government serve that you absolutely could not live without? That’s all I ask; for you to name something that government does that makes its existence absolutely necessary for your survival/well-being. Now that you’ve done that, the next question is; Does the thing that you need government to do for you come at the cost of something that is taken from others; such as their income, or the deprivation of certain rights?

Now, if you were able to answer those two questions (with any degree of honesty) you may have come to a simple conclusion; regardless of your party affiliation, there is no real fundamental difference between the two political parties. The only difference between them is how they spend the money government steals from others, and which rights government decides should be infringed upon. Therefore, if you support government (regardless of which party happens to be in control of it at any given moment) you believe it is acceptable to steal from others to fund things they may disagree with, while depriving others of certain inherent and unalienable rights.

Does that pretty much sum up your political philosophy? Continue reading

Canada: Night of the Long Knives

It’s begun. This is Canada’s night of the long knives. Many police stood down due to conscience and love of country. Thugs were recruited and now are pummeling the truckers.

Cab windows are being broken, random arrests are being made brutally, children are being taken away and pets are being threatened to be euthanized. It’s Nazi Germany all over again. Continue reading

Illegal Aliens: Can America Drop Them From Airplanes?

Over my entire adult life, the illegal immigration problem has plagued America and been a bone of contention between the parties, but never has it arisen to this degree of blatant disregard for U.S. law.

These Democrats aren’t pursuing or advocating some minor difference on governance, regarding immigration policy. They are abandoning all legal restrictions on immigration and actively refusing to enforce existing U.S. immigration law, in a manner that can only be called “treasonous” at the least, Machiavellian and evil to its core.

Left to their devices and this current trajectory, it won’t be too much longer before their objective will be met and America destroyed. It’s enough to take a person’s breath away and make them turn red by way of an apoplectic fit. Continue reading

Who Controls China Controls the World!

We have read many articles seen many videos recently saying that America could be at war with China soon. If that is so, it would be straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, where we are fighting with other areas of the world just to keep our citizens afraid and in line. And yesterday, it was sent home to me.

My phone rang and told me I had a call from Mainland China. Did I answer? NO! Why would anyone in China be calling me? For a second, I thought it might be the people in Wuhan calling about an article I wrote a couple of years ago that they wanted to be pulled. But no, I had their number.

Then the voicemail came: Continue reading

Gratchic: Weaponized Inflation

It’s been tough these days to keep all the events in proper perspective. Up close, a work of art has a great deal to share: color transitions, stokes of the brush and texture. However, to really get the meaning of a painting, you need to step back and look….. really look.

It’s, without pun, “getting the big picture.”

We are all suffering COVID fatigue having to deal with over two years of “the two week flattening” and the genocidal Fraudci Franken-shot. Continue reading


Ideas for my writing projects come from the strangest places. I’ve been considering a multitude of topics for several days. This idea snuck in with my first sip of coffee this morning.

I’d been considering a myriad of titles for this piece, but none of them seemed to convey the inanity. Dystopian authors don’t even stretch the limits of neglect and shortsightedness that we have in America. Continue reading

Percentage of Women in the Workforce Plummets

But is this really a bad thing, or is it a boost for families?

According to Tami Forman at Fortune, the women’s work participation rate is down to 57%. It has not been this low since 1988. It is especially bad, according to Forman, because many women have now been out of the workforce for two years . Having this large a gap on their résumés a is problem for prospective employers.

Why are women not returning to the workforce? (Continue…)

Look over Here! Another bright shiny object to distract those silly Americans

With news of the Chinese Olympics all over the media, Xi and Putin met in a summit on Feb. 4, 2022. This meeting produced an “unprecedented 5400 word joint statement” which has “consolidated their alliance against the United States.” We , it seems, have entered a new Cold War, while we were waiting for the sporting events to start. Continue reading

Let’s Roll Canada Leads the Way

My God, I’m proud of them! Justin Trudeau?… Fidel Castro would be proud of his boy, but his days as dictator are numbered

Americans will always do the right thing — after exhausting all the alternatives. ~ Attributed to Winston Churchill

Is it possible that the struggle for freedom has begun in earnest and in of all places…Canada? Where is the Cradle of Liberty, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave in this battle? Yes, Americans are waking up, but they had better finish their coffee. Our country is in peril. Continue reading

Smith: On the Path of Dissolution and Civil War

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” ~ Revelation 20:9 KJV

I hate to be gloom and doom, even though the Biden administration is currently being checked to some degree and his plans to spend outrageous sums is on hold, but I’m just not as optimistic as most, simply because there are at least two generations of hyper-indoctrinated folks out there ready to follow whatever asinine order this clown delivers. On top of that, we find that too many in Corporate America are willing and already working to implement his agenda without any legislation to back it up.

They’ve had a 100 years of indoctrination and planning, and that will not easily be countered in this decade or the next, and we all may be forced to ride this to the end and a final catastrophic economic collapse that includes our creditors refusing to lend any more money. Think Venezuela and the people scrambling for goods without any real currency of any value at hand and the stand offs and fighting that followed between opposing groups in the population and against the soldiers and the government. Continue reading

Dystopia Disguised as Democracy: All the Ways in Which Freedom Is an Illusion

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” ~ Frank Zappa

We are no longer free.

We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.

We think we have the freedom to elect our leaders, but we’re only allowed to participate in the reassurance ritual of voting. There can be no true electoral choice or real representation when we’re limited in our options to one of two candidates culled from two parties that both march in lockstep with the Deep State and answer to an oligarchic elite.

We think we have freedom of speech, but we’re only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners allow. Continue reading

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

In 1940 Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart wrote “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” for a Broadway play titled Pal Joey, and although the lyric doesn’t track my sentiment for this post, the title of this fantastic song hits the target dead center.

The prose is about unrequited love and resulting melancholy. This post is about my incredulity: I’m bothered and bewildered – America is bewitched! Continue reading

FDA Now Burying Incriminating Documents Showing Moderna’s COVID “Vaccine” To Be Harmful

A document used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccine” has been scrubbed from the internet without explanation.

According to reports, the Summary Basis for Regulatory Action contained details about how regulators reached their approval decision. It also included references to an unpublished analysis which found that rates of post-injection heart inflammation are significantly higher than what is being reported. Continue reading

Twelve Months

Since the end of the War of Northern Aggression, American’s have been conflicted. When this nation armed itself to proclaim that ‘might makes right,’ even at home, we entered a perpetual battle for our country. The actors change, but not the stakes. This civil war fractured this country irreparably. Just as then, the ultimate goal is control, and the DemoSocs are about to have it all. Continue reading