Smith: A Moment of Racial Reckoning In America

There’s so much to address these days, and I started to write a comprehensive piece covering the bits and pieces from Climate Change and Biden’s failing energy policies to crime, out-of-control spending and the national debt and Biden’s handling of Ukraine. But then I noted our own invasion, not so peaceful once one gives it deeper scrutiny, is still ongoing at a mad dash and totally unabated other than the limited measures the affected states have taken.

We must keep the heat on this topic. I just hope some poor, lone author isn’t still having to write about unrestrained Illegal Immigration two decades down the road, as America becomes an unimaginable hellhole. Continue reading

Marquardt: Black Is Black – White Is White – A Is A – There Ain’t No Grey

It’s been almost a year, and in spite of the fact that most people were watching their televisions almost non-stop on January 6 and 7, 2021, most did not understand they were watching a false flag operation. They saw what the Deep State/Globalists (DS/G) wanted them to see – an attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters. Media added the false “shootings and beating by the conservatives. Continue reading

This Island America

We have met the enemy, and it is us…

We are isolated from the world by a government that controls our information. We don’t know what’s happening at home or globally, we don’t see how this country really works, and we don’t understand how it all interrelates. It’s all filtered and groomed to present the appropriate messages. We don’t know, and we don’t seem to care if it’s real or if it’s Memorex as long as it sounds good.

Even a casual scan of the news will tell you everything they deem necessary, nothing superfluous. Headlines and stories are carefully filtered and craftily worded to send the right message – the message they want us to hear, delivered by their messenger of choice, the politically partisan press. Continue reading

McCutchen: A warmongering American Government and a censoring Media…

…(all) carry the lies about the Ukraine

Let it be said that I have written over the years that Russia could be and should be our ally for several self-serving reasons, but always thwarted by the U.S. recently (but not the most recent) by Hillary Clinton and her mob of Democrats, Oligarchs, and others keeping ex-president Trump defending against she and their lies and litigation blaming Russia for her falsehoods. Some of the elected players in these war-starting lies are Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, etc. laying a veil of corruption over Trump’s presidency that only recently has been proven that they are the liars re: Russia! Continue reading

Advocacy Journalism is Propaganda

Over the last two years, I have come to realize that “journalism” and “journalists” seem to have changed in some fundamental way. I used to believe that there were standards and bedrock ethics which all journalists working for major publications ascribed to. I guess I had thought that the stereotype of the intrepid journalist toiling away in a brave and unending quest for truth was the norm (think “All the President’s Men”). But no longer. Now I feel so naive for ever believing that. What I have personally experienced, again and again, is something very different. Continue reading

The Den of Parasites!

It may be 5 years old – but some things will NEVER change! ~ Ed.

Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.”

I remember a passage in the bible that says “if anyone hurts one of these children of Mine, it would be better if a millstone were tied around their neck and dropped off into the deepest part of the sea” ~ Rod

Finney: Honorable???

I sent the following to every Senator, every Representative, in Washington State:

Honorable [Senators, Representatives],

Among the documents that Pfizer Pharma was forced to disclose is the attached. Do you call 1,291 adverse effects a sign of a viable and safe jab? Do you believe, given this report, that you should have a right, or Governor Inslee should have the right, to force this poison on anyone?

SB 5909 is a joke, and the victim of that joke, is the people of Washington State who have suffered under the tyranny of Jay Inslee because the Washington State Legislature turned their power over to someone who is drunk on power.

None of what has transpired, regarding COVID, has followed the science. None.

Those who supported the lockdowns, the masking, and the vaccines, should resign immediately. We need responsible people who are not drunk on power doing the people’s business. Continue reading

Are we The Hollow Men?

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! ~ T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men

Drew Angerer / Getty; The Atlantic

Neville Chamberlain enabled Hitler and set WWII in motion. Biden has enabled Putin ….. AND Xi ….. and things are about to get real ugly, real quick whether America wants it or not.

Putin and Xi have engaged in joint military exercises for many years now that are focused on America as the enemy. Both men have their own designs for the world and are at odds in some regards.

But what we see in the here & now is the old adage at work that says “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

WWIII may not come this year, or next, but as for the next decade, the world will be more unsettled & dangerous than ever before, and the future doesn’t look good at all, not for America, not for the world.

This is what comes with weakness & appeasement. ~ Justin O Smith Continue reading

Perpetual Tyranny: Endless Wars Are the Enemy of Freedom

War is the enemy of freedom!

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” ~ James Madison

James Madison

As long as America’s politicians continue to involve us in wars that bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women, increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much closer to eventual collapse, “we the people” will find ourselves in a perpetual state of tyranny.

It’s time for the U.S. government to stop policing the globe. Continue reading

Putin Longs for the Former Russian Empire

“If we have to fight them, now is the time. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger.” ~ General George S. Patton, May 20th 1945

Many in our country, even people in Europe, are under the mistaken impression that Ukraine’s crisis does not really affect or concern them, and they cannot see it’s in their vital interest to see Ukraine emerge free of Russian coercion and compulsion to do Russia’s bidding, especially since Ukrainian crops and natural resources are in an extremely high demand globally. Ukraine’s resources are the jewel Putin desires to seize, a jewel that will reinvigorate Russia and set it back on track to being a more formidable economic and geopolitical opponent and enemy.

In reality, Ukraine is most likely lost, given the fact that America hasn’t any real leaders in places that count today and Europe is fine with the abandonment of Ukraine, so long as their cushy little cozy Nanny-state lives aren’t disrupted and the Russian gas keeps flowing. Putin has Europe and America right where he wants them, boxed in tight and wondering what the hell just happened; they would have known if they’d been paying attention. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Russia Invades Ukraine

The invasion hasn’t surprised anyone, nor has the inability of the American president to ward it off.

Barack Obama just called. He said his speechwriters want their snarky “Russia” punchline back.

Rarely are leftists proven so grievously wrong as Joe Biden’s then-boss was a decade ago, when, during the third and final of their presidential debates, Obama ridiculed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his characterization of Russia as our nation’s “number one geopolitical foe.”

The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back,” sniffed His Brilliance, and the Leftmedia loved it. They lapped it up. Today, though? Mostly crickets and tumbleweeds. Continue reading

Dwyer: White Supremacists and Other Right-Wingers Descend on Ottawa

(Or so the “liberal” “mainstream” media want you to believe)

“Just look at the color of their skin. It’s white, with no hint of black or brown. So, they are the oppressors. The Critical Race Theory has clearly established that. But they have guts to claim that they have a reason to complain? Gimme a break. It’s their stereotypical white fragility. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saw through them. He saw who they were: racists, fascists, and right-wing insurrectionists who want to spread their hatred of people of color and sent them all back to plantations, while pretending that they are fighting for freedom (a right-wing thing, anyway). Fortunately, Mr. Trudeau had courage to confront those truckers-crackers – so used to their white privilege – and their “Freedom Convoy” with decisive force of his police. Way to go, Mr. Trudeau. Let your police, on foot or on horseback, beat those spoiled brats, round them up, tow and confiscate their trucks, and freeze their bank accounts so they know that there is zero tolerance for racism and hatred in North America. Those white supremacists don’t deserve any empathy. They are the ones who deserve to suffer. Their suffering will teach them a lesson that they should be ashamed of their whiteness and stop showing their racist white faces where there are too many of which, already.”

The above made-up quotation from a fictional but quite realistic “liberal” who portrays himself as an inclusive, tolerant, heart bleeding anti-racist, explains why the “liberal” “mainstream” media – that just a year and half ago so wholeheartedly supported BLM and Antifa’s so-called “peaceful” protests that often turned into rioting, looting, vandalizing, destruction, and hurting innocent people – are not offering the same kind of compassion and support to working-class Canadian peaceful protesters fed up with draconian restrictions that their government imposed on them, ostensibly, in order to contain the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading