Benson: Communism In America Happened Before You Were Told It Did

Many who have written histories of this country have never mentioned communism and/or socialism until some time in the 1930s. It’s interesting that this subject seldom comes up for them until that time period when research has shown that we had a problem with socialism and communism starting back as early as the 1850s. You have to wonder what happened to those historians that, somehow, missed over 80 years of communist and socialist activity in their historical scribblings. Somehow, when these historians do deign to write about the revolts in Europe in 1848-49 they seem to forget to make mention of the communist and socialist aspects of them. Somehow that part of those revolts seldom comes to the fore. Continue reading

The Fool on the Hill

I’ve been on this rock circling the sun more than 25,880 times.
I’ve been to war.
I’ve been wounded emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I’ve loved and lost.
I’ve seen death, and I’ve witnessed the miracle of birth.
I’ve made mistakes, but I’d like to think I’ve learned from them.
I have very few regrets.
My view is from ground level.
~ Cogito, ergo sum. What?

Are you so high up on your mountain that you can’t see through the clouds?

So high up that details are indistinguishable, and the landscape looks like a multi-colored cut-pile carpet?

Are we pieces on the chessboard of your soaring aspirations? Continue reading

Nothing New under the Sun…

“… there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.” ~ Joe Biden

No matter what Biden meant when he used the term on Monday, his regime is an advocate of the World Economic Forum, the globalist organization that calls for a “Great Reset” of capitalism and national sovereignty while boasting of regularly assembling “the world’s most powerful decision-makers.”

And when he says “we’ve got to lead it”, he’s not talking about All Americans. He’s speaking of himself, his handlers and whoever is set to replace him, along with the top leaders of the Democratic Party Communists. Conservatives and Independents need not apply. Continue reading

Is Eating People a Solution to World Hunger? The Science Behind ‘SOYLENT GREEN

IT’S PEOPLE! (But it’s also a bad idea.)

Released in 1973, Soylent Green imagines a dystopian nightmare version of 2022 in which overpopulation and climate disaster have made the Earth nearly unlivable. Resource and housing shortages have exacerbated class stratification, with the wealthy living in lush, reinforced houses while the rest of the population is scrounging for scraps just to survive.

With not enough to eat, half of the world’s population is sustained only by a staple food source created and sold by the Soylent Corporation. It comes in various colors, the best of which is the titular Soylent Green. The company bills their new green variety as more nutritious, having been manufactured from oceanic plankton, but by the end we know the truth. Soylent Green is people!

The film was a stark commentary about the dangers of destroying our environment and the lengths to which some corporations could go to maintain profit. Now that we’re actually in 2022, the world has seen an increase in novelty foods, including one supposed meal replacement shake named after the famed movie.

The question now is, could we really make Soylent? And would we want to? Continue reading

Engel: Are We Witnessing a Southern Invasion?

* Does an influx of illegal aliens constitute an invasion?

* If this is an invasion, what does the Constitution require the federal government to do?

* What are the consequences of referring to the masses of illegal aliens as invaders?

A reader sent me an email about the influx of illegal aliens on our southern border. The question of whether or not this constituted an invasion and thereby requires a response by the federal government under Article IV, Section 4, is one which is worth our taking a closer look. Not only the question of does this constitute an invasion, but what are the consequences of such a point of view? Continue reading

Longstreet: Groomed for a Socialist Dictatorship

From out of our past – a message from a deceased friends and writer. ~ Ed.

America’s very own government is systematically destroying the United States of America. If this comes as a revelation to you – then where have you BEEN?

America’s destruction has been ongoing for some time now. But not until the election of the democrat controlled Congress in 2006 and the election of President Obama in 2008 did it swing into high gear and the real dismantling of our constitutional republic begin in earnest. Continue reading

The Return of the Sone of the Cold War

In 1966 an experimental musician named Frank Zappa recorded Freak Out, the first of many albums. This recording contains a cut called – The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet. It’s here – if you dare sample it. Like I said – experimental.

The recording (below) has nothing to do with this post, except I realized a variation of the title would make an excellent post when I awoke this morning. Only a few old-fart musicians will appreciate the simile.

Another Cold War is just what America needs right now… Continue reading

Smith: I’ll Carry My Firearm, “Law” or Not

Image from some years ago – it still fits!

In a country that was supposedly founded upon several inalienable God-given rights, one would think that America’s leaders would never seek to diminish, erode or abrogate them, but that’s just what they do and have done my entire adult life, because those rights stand in the way of their power and control over the people. Our rights are under constant attack by Democrats, who now more closely resemble Marxist tyrants and Republicans-in-Name-Only, who are statist globalists and equally repugnant to freedom-loving Americans, and recently these enemies of freedom and liberty saw fit to infringe upon our Second Amendment and our lawful right to self-defense, by inserting anti-firearm legislation into the recent $1.5 trillion spending bill through the Violence Against Women Act.

One should note that Joe Biden has long led the charge to eradicate our Second Amendment right, throughout his senate career, and as Vice-President in January of 2013, Biden led a gun control commission for the purpose of offering proposals to the White House and Congress for gun control laws and regulations. Continue reading

Smith: Government Policy Shouldn’t Make American Life Worse

In years past, they have branded their Marxist-Maoist anti-American schemes as some sort of Green Energy “Marshall Plan”, as they now keep pushing their con and try to hand out “free” government run healthcare, free education, high-speed rails to replace air travel, a federal jobs guarantee — unless of course one refuses their toxic Covid “vaccine”, more codified family care and leave time [Trump got the ball rollin’ on this one], a national union, a universal base income paid to those unwilling to work and rebuilding every structure in the nation according to U.N. Agenda 21 “sustainable development” guidelines and new environmental regulations. Their plan closely follows the failed ‘Leap Manifesto’ advocated by Canada’s Commies, anti-capitalists and eco-socialists, such as Naomi Klein, who once wrote “shredding the free-market ideology that has dominated the global economy for more than three decades” is the only way to combat climate change. Continue reading

Greene: Land of the Ignorant, Home of the Cowards?

Too blind to see…

The past two years have proven above all else, just how easily conned the average American is today, and how fast you can frighten them into total compliance with even the most insane tyrannical government dictates. No matter how little sense anything makes, Americans are most likely to go-along with excessive government orders believing that it will make it possible for them to get-along with their sworn enemies.

If you’re not yet sick and tired of being sick and tired, scared of the many frightening things thrust upon Citizens over the past few years…it’s because you’re either an idiot, or a coward. Watching the entire country as the people were totally controlled by a fraudulent government running our country into the toilet for the last 14-months, confirms…we are no longer the Land of the Free or Home of the Brave! Continue reading

Smith: I Am Ukrainian – Prepared to Fight, Prepared to Stay

Ukraine office workers heed call to arms

I am watching the epic saga of Ukraine unfolding with my own anxieties heightened by recent developments and a sense of hope for a peaceful end mixed with a foreboding that it will not, and the end results will prove horrific for the Ukrainian people and an ongoing miserable, unacceptable future problem for America and the world. The entire world surely must be thinking much the same thing: “Don’t let this be WWIII“. Continue reading

Double Eagle Headlines: March 12, 2022


Gold Flirts With Record; It’s Not Just Russia
Gold cracked $2,000 again this week and made a run at the all-time record high. Some of this is clearly safe-haven buying due to the situation with Russia and Ukraine, and a lot of analysts think gold will fall back to earth once that situation resolves. But Peter Schiff doesn’t think so. In his podcast, he explains why gold would be going up even if Russia never invaded Ukraine…

Is the US Undermining the Dollar’s Credibility?
The credibility of the dollar is taking some self-inflicted blows. And make no mistake, the world is watching. Could this hasten the end of the greenback as the world’s reserve currency? It started long before recent events in Ukraine. The Federal Reserve printed trillions of dollars out of thin air in response to COVID-19. This devalued the dollar… ~ (Continue for much MORE…)


My wife’s parents escaped the Ukraine during the reign of Stalin and escaped to Germany. I once asked her father, “Why did you go to Germany and succumb to the German Holocaust?” He answered, “Because Hitler did not treat the Ukraine’s in the manner of Stalin.”

The following is posted in honor of my wife of over 51 years and her family. ~ Ed.

At the entrance to the memorial park in Kyiv, there is a sculpture of an extremely thin girl with a very sad look holding a handful of wheat ears in her hands. Behind her back is the Candle of Remembrance, a monument with details reminiscent of authentic embroidery that can be found on traditional Ukrainian costumes. This is a monument that commemorates a historical event known as the Holodomor.

What is the Holodomor? Continue reading


About 6 months ago, there was a news program on oil and one of The Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, “I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?” Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, “More than all the Middle East put Together.”

The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only Scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn’t been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and Extreme eastern Montana. Continue reading

Has Been ~ Used To Was…

Many, many years ago, I dated a Cajun woman, a fiery green-eyed red-head with an astounding skill to turn a colloquial phrase.

Maybe it was the translation from Creole French to English and the idiomatic nuances involved. It’s a subtlety I’ve noticed when the verb precedes the subject in other languages.

It initially sounded backward, but then, I never misunderstood or lost the intent. I derived today’s title from her comment when referring to the past.

She’d say – “it used to was.”

I appreciate the expressive economy in this style of phrasing. There is no confusion between the insect or the state of existence.

I’ve co-opted this phrase to mean – Has Been, as in, “a used to was.” Continue reading

Duigon: How Our School Boards Turned Against Us

When I was a newspaper reporter in the 1970s, I covered several local boards of education. Board members were ordinary people who wanted to make sure their communities provided a decent education for their children. By and large, it was a calm, peaceful, humdrum process.

There was the occasional controversy. Maybe an old school had to be closed, because it wasn’t worth the money to keep repairing it, and a new one built to replace it. This could lead to some pretty lively public meetings. Or maybe some “expert” down in Trenton would recommend the schools provide sex education curricula. Then the parents would show up to the next meeting and gently persuade the board not even to try doing this; and that would be the end of it.

Two forces rose up to change this… Continue reading