…or is that we are just tired of all of the Bullsh*t? ~ Justin O. Smith
There’s so much to say right now, but much of it is beating a dead horse and repeating a lot of what I’ve already discussed in ad nauseam through the years.
I’ve had a few grains formulating here and there, but nothing the greater population will want to hear. So many are eat up with a bad case of the dumbass, and it’s enough to make a man want to vomit up his Cheerios. Continue reading →
Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo spoke to Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) on Thursday and asked him what the government is doing to ensure China is not building a “little baby army” on U.S. soil. Continue reading →
April 21, 2009 – You spend your entire adult life living life the right way. You buy a car on ‘time’, you pay your debt. You get retail store credit cards, such as JC Penney, Sears, Best Buy, etc you pay your bills on time or before they are due.
You purchase your first home in 1972, another in the Spring of ’76, sell it and buy another in the Fall of the same year. In ’79 your daughter is born, you pay the bill to the hospital because you have no insurance and you buy another house, and then another in ’80 and ’85, move to the Valley of the Scum in ’90 and buy another house, and another in 2003, sell it in 21 months and make a killing, and buy another in 2005. Continue reading →
The following is from an email which I received from a listener in November of 2023. ~ Editor
Elections are simply an illusion, a choice of “erection” and perhaps which orifice we would like violated for the next four years. Forgive my vulgarity please but I’m out of patience with the so-called citizens who have allowed this to happen to us, and even less patience with the demonic powers whom deliberately sold us this joke we call a country, at least in modern form.
We find ourselves living in a combination horror, comedy, and freak show. Decades of poor decisions predated decades or treason which created a “civilization” who embraced demonism and jungle law. How in Hell does a Nation recover from that? How can any country anywhere operating under the “Democratic” umbrella of governance function if the morons casting the votes are uneducated, uninvolved, and at best make their political decisions based solely on a few minutes of casual research, IF THAT? Continue reading →
Sometimes you’re not supposed to directly confront the problem you’re dealing with in a way that causes you to strive and this is because God is attempting to teach you to rest in Him.
Sometimes It is better to trust wholeheartedly like a child than to kick against the enemy in desperation.
They want you fighting on their terms: Chaos. Fear. Discord.
Peace is your Trump card.
Many of us are undergoing challenges in this season that cause great anxiety and frustration. But when we meet that anxiety with yet more anxiety, what ends up happening? Continue reading →
Here it comes… the next incremental phase of government droning of the population, and it starts with your kids, all in the name of “safety”. And the sad part, VERY SAD PART, is that parents are allowing their children, their babies, to be injected with this chemical garbage, that has been positively linked to autism (which has increased by ONE THOUSAND PERCENT since the introduction of the MMR vaccine) and other health problems. We already have millions of kids on ritalin, prozac, and other “behavior modification” drugs, now it is going to be a “criminal offense” to refuse inoculations for your children.
How long are we going to continue to be herded like cattle? How can people say they care for their children while voluntarily jamming these disease-ridden chemical acronyms into their bloodstream. It is disgraceful. Start to stand up for YOUR RIGHTS… for your children’s rights… they can’t defend themselves and they depend on their parents to do the right things and PROTECT them. Continue reading →
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” ~ George Orwell
It means “the rapid decline of a state or its downfall, especially leading to its inevitable utter failure or destruction.”
The title is a metaphor. Picture water going down the drain in a toilet. It forms an eddy, the water swirling in a circular fashion as the bowl empties, until only a small amount remains, slowly circling the drain until it finally disappears.
Listen closely…
Do you hear that sound?
The one that sounds like a flushing toilet.
It should sound familiar…
It’s the sound of our constitutional republic going down the drain…
Recent statements from leading medical experts are raising concerns about the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines and their potential impact on long-term health outcomes. Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, has highlighted evidence suggesting an increase in cancers after COVID-19 vaccinations.
Dr. Risch’s research indicates that clinicians have observed unusual cancer cases, such as colon cancer in young individuals without a family history of the disease. These “turbo cancers,” as they’re termed, exhibit aggressive growth and are often diagnosed at advanced stages, challenging traditional understandings of cancer development. Moreover, concerns extend beyond cancer to autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative conditions, and infections. Dr. Risch attributes these adverse health outcomes to potential damage to the immune system caused by COVID-19 vaccines, leading to compromised immune responses and heightened susceptibility to various diseases. Continue reading →
Father says lower-middle class families who pay for college ‘left out’ of student debt relief conversation
Dad who sacrificed his savings to pay for son’s college calls student loan forgiveness a ‘bitter pill’
Amid the renewed student loan forgiveness push, Daniel French said he feels as though people like himself, who sacrificed so their kids could remain debt-free, are left out of the conversation.
A father who sacrificed his savings and his health to pay for his son to graduate from college debt-free said he feels “marginalized” amid the growing push for student loan forgiveness. Continue reading →
A school district in Southern California is having to compensate a teacher who was fired for not going along with its so-called “transgender” policies, and one attorney says it’s a win for teachers of faith everywhere.
Jessica Tapia taught physical education at Jurupa Valley High School in Riverside County, which is part of the Jurupa Unified School District, until she was let go last year for “hypothetically, in statements to district personnel” refusing to call students by their preferred pronouns and refusing to allow them to use the restroom or locker room of their choice.
She also refused to keep that sort of information secret from parents, according to the federal suit.
The school district did not admit to doing anything wrong but has agreed to pay Tapia $285,000, plus an additional $75,000 for her attorneys’ fees. As part of the settlement, Tapia also agreed not to seek future employment with the district, and both sides agreed to not disparage each other or file future lawsuits. Continue reading →
The time has come for Parents to assume the FULL responsibility of and forYOURchildren. Take them OUT of the Public School SystemNOW. Look into a Home Schooling program – or start your own – for the benefit of YOUR Children. We invite you to visit,Metropolis.Café – and spend some time there. There is no cost to visit the site nor are there any charges for what we are committed to. My life has been committed to this since I was in the 5th grade – some 66 years ago.
If you are in need of some guidance at Metropolis – you may email me from that site. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor
A federal court on Wednesday upheld a Maryland school district policy that does not allow parents to opt their young K-5 children out of curriculum about gender identity and sexuality. Continue reading →
The United States government is not appropriately addressing the threat posed by growing Chinese ownership of American land, according to a report released by the Heritage Foundation Thursday.
The federal government is woefully ill-equipped to track Chinese-owned real estate in the country, despite the serious threat these Chinese Communist Party-affiliated entities can pose to critical U.S. infrastructure, according to the report. The report calls on federal and state leaders to take action, such as increasing transparency and conducting more critical reviews of land purchases. Continue reading →
U.S. House Panel Debates Voting by Noncitizens, Which Is Already Illegal
U.S. House Republicans are promoting a bill to curb voting by noncitizens. Though noncitizens can vote in some local elections, it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.
Republicans on the U.S. House Administration Committee argued at a Thursday hearing that there is a need for legislative action to bar noncitizens from voting in federal elections — even though voting by noncitizens in federal elections is extremely rare and already illegal.
“American elections are for American citizens and we intend to keep it that way,” the chair of the committee, Rep. Bryan Steil of Wisconsin, said in his opening remarks.
House Democrats said Republicans were laying the groundwork to instill mistrust in voting ahead of the November elections… (Continue to full article)
China’s growing threat to U.S. national security in the crosshairs of Congress
House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability held a hearing on the explosion in the number of Chinese nationals entering the U.S. via the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.
Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, border patrol agents have been instructed that when processing Chinese nationals, they should conduct short, basic interviews that include only generic background questions instead of in-depth interviews.
The influx of illegal immigrants from one of the U.S. greatest rivals has raised national security concerns. In fact, as The Center Square previously reported, FBI Director Christopher Wray last month told attendees at an American Bar Association’s Committee on Law and National Security that China was the “defining threat of our generation.”… (Continue to full article)
Migrants Breach Fortified Border Barrier, March Through Texas Neighborhood
A group of nearly 100 migrants, including some young children, was observed marching away from the Rio Grande after breaching border barriers near the heart of downtown Eagle Pass, Texas. The migrants strolled through the city streets and were observed by residents who notified authorities of the breach.
One resident captured several photos of the large migrant group strolling through her neighborhood on Tuesday just as the Border Patrol arrived to make the arrest. The group managed to breach concertina wire installed along the Rio Grande by state authorities deployed to fortify the border under Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.
A Customs and Border Protection source, not authorized to speak to the media, says many in the group will likely be released to pursue asylum claims within the United States… (Continue to full article)
Biden Border Crisis Could Increase Number of Illegal Ballots Cast in 2024 — up to 2.7 Million
Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?
The answer, of course, is yes, they do.
A recent academic study based on surveys done for the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies showed evidence that non-citizens are voting in our elections in meaningful numbers. As many as 27 percent of non-citizens surveyed were registered to vote, and as many as 13 percent of them actually cast ballot… (Continue to full article)
Hey, Amigo, when joo get een to the US Vote for Biden
The endgame of the Biden border crisis is to disenfranchise American citizens by diluting their votes
So you would have to say in all honesty, that the Biden border crisis is a manufactured crisis. It’s not accidental or coincidental. It was done on purpose.
The question has been put forward–can this be considered election interference? Probably it can, but do you think that bothers the Democrats? If you do you are prone to delusion. Today’s Democrats lack any moral scruples whatever. Anything, no matter how raunchy or outright crooked, that will put their people in office is totally acceptable and is encouraged… (Continue to full article)
Full List of Democrats Who Voted Against Deporting Migrants Who Attack Cops
majority of House Democrats voted against a bill put forth by GOP lawmakers that would require federal law enforcement to detain migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally and face charges for assaulting police officers.
The bill, which is titled the “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act,” was first introduced by New Jersey Representative Jeff Van Drew and backed by several other Republicans. It is among a series of legislation that the House GOP has vowed to bring to the chamber’s floor in the coming days in honor of National Police Week. Republicans said in a release on Wednesday that the bills “highlight our continued support for America’s law enforcement offices.
Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day… …despite saying he needs Congress to act!
President Biden is planning executive action that would allow him to shut down the US-Mexico border once the number of migrant crossings reaches 4,000 per day, a source close to the White House told The Post Wednesday.
The order would match a provision in the bipartisan border bill that failed to pass the Senate in February , which gave the president authority to expel migrants when border crossings reached the same daily average.
“Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office,” he said. “Give me the Border Patrol, give me the people, the judges — give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.”
DC Hosted Voting Registration Training for Illegal Immigrants
Washington, D.C. , hosted an online training camp last month to help illegal immigrants sign up to vote in city elections.
Making good on new legislation granting illegal immigrants voting rights, even for those who have lived in the district for just 30 days, the city joined a handful of others in opening the vote to undocumented migrants.
The training PowerPoint , provided to legal watchdog Judicial Watch under a Freedom of Information Act request, said that some form of government identification was required to register.
The migrants will not be allowed to vote in federal elections, just city contests, according to the newly approved law….. (Continue to full article)
Biden Admin Releases New Deportation Rule That… does NOTHING
After waiting for the poll-watching Biden administration to announce a crackdown on illegal immigration, an immigration watchdog says what came instead was a meaningless P.R. stunt.
“It is more of an attempt on the part of the Biden administration, ahead of the election, to try to convince the American public that they’re trying to do something about asylum abuse.”
Biden administration preparing to hand out 10K migrant ID cards in several US cities
The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers.
The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers
The program aims to “modernize documentation provided to some noncitizens,” according to ICE, which notes that the cards are only intended for use by Department of Homeland Security agencies — such as ICE, Customs and Border Protection and Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Nearly 8 million migrants have crossed the southern border into the US since President Biden took office, including more than 189,000 individuals in March… (Continue to full article)
GO HOME! Hasta la Bye-Bye!
Ex-DHS chief calls for reinstating ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
Former Trump administration acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said President Joe Biden should reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy and use other measures to turn back migrants at the border, calling the current situation a crisis that has gone unaddressed for too long.
He also recommended invoking presidential authority under Section 212(f) to expel migrants due to an “emergency” at the border.
The comments came as more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress sent a letter urging Biden to secure the U.S.-Mexico border amid ongoing large numbers of migrant crossings.
Nearly every day since September, hundreds of migrants from China, Colombia and other countries have wiggled through openings in the border wall with Mexico and walked dirt trails to surrender to U.S. agents and seek asylum. Some days, more than 1,000 arrive in the boulder-strewn mountains near San Diego alone… (Continue to full article)
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus – the bureaucracy, the police, the military.” ~ Simone Weil, French philosopher
We are caught in a vicious cycle of too many laws, too many cops, and too little freedom.
It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a Kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a Kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or a Nanny State Idiocracy. Continue reading →
Hell represents many things to different people and religions, everything from perpetual torment to a lake of fire, or to the total absence of good or light. One thing is for sure, it is a place of our own making and design. We build it with every deed and thought and action. Hell is not a bad place, it is the absence of anything good; our every action and thought makes it a very special and personal place, created by and tailored foreach of us. Many religious texts, including the Bible tell us that we are responsible for our thoughts and actions. Each has a consequence, and those that go unrepented create what we call Hell.
“It was Hell on earth.” “War is Hell…” “I’m going through Hell…”
This commentary is titled “A Season in Hell.” Season in this case is a period of time, much like spring, summer, fall, and winter; often used as metaphors for our changing ecological, political, social, and economic climates. The similes extend to our republic as well. Continue reading →
As I watch Biden and his people in action, moving to break every law they can in pursuit of their illiberal, anti-liberty, anti-American agenda, once more I am stunned by the relative, comparable inaction from the ranks of all who profess to be patriots and defenders of said liberty and the rights of their countrymen. As is so often remarked by many pundits, “Our Founders would already be shooting by now”.
What a disgrace we have in the ranks of today’s Republican Party, as they are a massive part of the problem, too often “going along to get along” and compromising away one more piece of liberty after the next. How any of the statist, globalist Republicans-In-Name-Only still call themselves “American” with a straight face is beyond me. Continue reading →
Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs, to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious and dangerous role played by the US regime’s intelligence agencies in America.
Specifically, Carlson suggested the CIA continues to lobby for keeping the JFK files secret, possibly because the CIA had a role in the assassination. Tucker also brought up how the FBI’s second-in-command was responsible for taking down Richard Nixon. Carlson described how intelligence agencies hold immense power within Congress because members of Congress – who are generally disreputable people with many secrets – are terrified of being blackmailed. After all, in a post-Patriot Act world of nearly unrestrained spying by the US regime, there is no privacy in America. Continue reading →
Douglas B. Hegdahl, 77, is one of the unsung heroes of the Vietnam War
Hegdahl, now 77, secretly memorized the names of 256 American servicemen held prisoner in Vietnam, allowing them to be reclassified from MIA to POW years before the war ended
The captured US Navy sailor known to his North Vietnamese guards as ‘The Incredibly Stupid One‘ had a sneaky trick up his sleeve.
Navy sailor Douglas B. Hegdahl survived for two years in the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison by posing as an illiterate fool
During the Vietnam War, Seaman Apprentice Douglas B. Hegdahl survived for two years in the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison by posing as an illiterate fool, while secretly memorizing the names of 256 American servicemen held there.
Memorized to the tune of ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’, the list of names likely saved many lives, by confirming the men were still alive and putting immense pressure on the North Vietnamese to release them at the war’s end.
Hegdahl, now 77, is living quietly in San Diego, retired after an illustrious career spent teaching at the US Navy SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) School at Naval Base Coronado.
A family member told DailyMail.com he is ‘not really interested in attention in general’ and didn’t wish to speak publicly about his harrowing war experience.
But Hegdahl is one of the great unsung heroes of the Vietnam War, and a legend among fellow veterans and former POWs. THIS is his remarkable tale of survival… Continue reading →