Who is Kamala Harris?

Kamala the Snake
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are traveling around the country lying to people about what she (and he) stands for.
She likes to quote Maya Angelou who said, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.” Continue reading
Ross: I’m Simply Showing You The Door
When you put a seed into the ground (putting aside the myth of Jack and his magic beans) does that seed grow into a full-grown plant overnight, or does it take weeks for it to germinate and grow into a plant that you can enjoy? The same can be said of the human body; we do not age overnight; nor is a years-worth of age, of aches and pains, added to our bodies on the anniversary of our birth; it is a gradual process that happens without us realizing that it is happening. I find it pretty amazing how time sometimes seems to creep by, but then, when New Year’s Eve rolls around, I find myself asking where the past year went. Continue reading
I’m a Civil Rights Attorney: The Truth About Kamala Harris’s Appalling Record

Cackling Kamala Harris
Now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democratic presidential nominee, both critics and supporters are scrutinizing her record on key issues to either bolster or undermine her campaign. Immigration, crime, reproductive rights and the economy are among the key topics being analyzed. Those topics will likely continue to be debated in the three months leading up to November’s election. Continue reading
Nostradamus: A Plague is among us…
RFK Jr.: What Nicole and I Found at the Border
As Nicole (@Nicole-Shanahan) and I have journeyed throughout the country, we’ve listened carefully to the struggles of everyday Americans. All that we’ve heard has been vital in helping us generate realistic solutions.
Our multiple trips to the southern border, in particular, opened our eyes to the stark reality of what happens when the federal government abandons its responsibilities. We have since doubled-down on our commitment to secure our southern border.
Simply put: we care what is happening to you. When the time comes, you can trust that we will choose YOU – not a big corporation, not private donors, not the sock puppets in Washington. We’ll never stop advocating for solutions to your problems, listening to your feedback, and doing all we can to protect the air, soil, and water that belong to each and every one of us.
Elon Musk Releases New AD About Kamala Harris
In this video, Elon Musk releases a groundbreaking advertisement that has taken the internet by storm. The ad, focused on Kamala Harris, has sparked intense debates and is said to have significant political implications. Watch as Musk’s powerful narrative challenges Harris’s political career and raises questions about her future.
DeWeese: Who Do Our Elected Officials Actually Represent?
I’ve been told if I took the red pill, I would be able to see reality – the truth of what is really going on around us. Well, I just happened to have a red pill and I took it. Suddenly there was a bright light almost blinding my eyes. Then, like traveling through time, I was rushing forward, I grew dizzy, and then, as my eyes cleared and I could stand in a steady manner, everything became crystal clear! Continue reading
The U.S. Military Machine Is Unsustainable
For nearly two centuries the United States has been an expansionist power. Though it was the War of 1812 when the U.S. solidified its dominion over the Americas, it was at the twilight of the Spanish-American War when the American Empire finally came of age. The first two decades of the 20th century marked America’s transition — for better or worse — into a global superpower. Continue reading
Abbott Orders Texas Hospitals to Report Health Care Costs for Illegal Immigrants
The governor said that Texas will seek reimbursement from the federal government for the medical expenses incurred by illegal immigrants.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Aug. 8 requiring that hospitals collect data on patients living illegally in the United States and report the costs of medical services provided to them.
In a statement, Abbott said he aims to collect data on illegal immigrants who use public hospitals so that Texas can seek reimbursement from the federal government for their medical expenses.
“Texas will hold the Biden-Harris Administration accountable for the consequences of their open border policies, and we will fight to ensure that they pay back Texas for their costly and dangerous policies,” the Republican governor stated. Continue reading
We Are Wasting $2 Trillion a Year Chasing ‘Green’ Fantasies
Despite much hype, the much-vaunted green energy transition away from fossil fuels isn’t happening.
Achieving a meaningful shift with current policies turns out to be unaffordable. We need to drastically change policy direction.
Globally, we are already spending almost $2 trillion annually to try to force an energy transition. Over the past decade, solar and wind energy use has increased to their highest-ever levels. Continue reading
Something just STINKS in this Country!
Kamala thought that she could discreetly squeeze out a “panty whisper” but she soon found out that it was going to become a “SHITUATION“… and then America realized that it had stopped being cute about two weeks ago!
If you are offended by this post – then you just don’t get it. Let’s be honest – this entire 2024 ‘Erection‘ insanity is like NOTHING that we have ever witnessed… and THAT is what you should be offended with! ~ Editor
Commie Kamala
Black Woman, Former Democrat Gave The Best Speech You’ll Hear Today
“I’m Done With Democrats!!”
Tulsi Gabbard: Who Actually Runs The US Government?
Once you have finished watching and LISTENING to this entire interview – you will fully understand just what is wrong in America! She is so right on the money – and POWERFUL. SHE should be running for the Presidency. ~ Editor
It breaks my heart to listen to this interview and imagine the possibility of being governed, protected, and guided by earnest people like Tulsi. May the time soon come when the sincere and the honest can advance to the top of the system. ~ Ryan Stucka
I’ve always liked Tulsi ever since she smeared Kamala Harris in the democratic nominee debates years ago! She’s amazingly intelligent, well-spoken, fights for what she believes in, and isn’t scared to speak up and reveal corruption! I hope she gets a spot in Trump’s cabinet, and she would be a much better option for the first woman president. ~ MMCLA5
American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion
“You shall have no other gods before me.” – The Ten Commandments
“Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore.” – Donald Trump
Politics has become our national religion.
While those on the Left have feared a religious coup by evangelical Christians on the Right, the danger has come from an altogether different direction: our constitutional republic has given way to a theocracy structured around the worship of a political savior.
For all intents and purposes, politics has become America’s God. Continue reading
Catching Fire: Just Burn It All Down
“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.” ~ Lysander Spooner
American traditions, once thought immutable, have sustained one withering assault after the next over the past eighty years or so, while taking even harder hits from the Bush administration to the present Biden regime, traditions supported by America’s core principles found within Natural Law, Christianity and the Declaration of Independence. These traditions exist because they were well-founded in truth and practical ideas that worked for the benefit of all in the best of all possible manners, respecting mankind’s reality and existence within nature as a free born and sovereign, each to their own, and the sanctity of marriage, one man one woman, and life itself, and the right to pursue our own life without any oppressive government intrusions.
Our traditions time have not come to pass but still survive precisely due to their foundations in truth, and they need only to be defended and brought to bear in the hearts of America’s families, Her sons and daughters and Her patriots once more, ever more fiercely and fervently. Continue reading
Kamala Harris’s 90-Year-Old Ex-Lover Gives His Take on the Election – And Reveals the Fear He Has About Her Becoming President

She always liked brown Willies
Vice President Kamala Harris’ 90-year-old ex-boyfriend Willie Brown believes that President Joe Biden should step down as president so that she can take the job.
Brown candidly revealed his thoughts about Harris, who he dated when he was 60 and running for mayor of San Francisco, and she was a relatively unknown 29-year-old prosecutor. Continue reading
Uncle Joe Likes to Sniff My Hair!
Now – just WHO do you think that she might be singing about?
Country Joe & the Fish: VietNam Song – Live Woodstock, 1969
I couldn’t go to Woodstock, because I was training for a tour in Vietnam. I was 20 years old and had no idea what I was getting into. On the chartered flight to DaNang, we sang this song over and over. The lyrics were so true. The military industrial complex is who wanted this war. It had nothing to do with preserving freedom in the U.S.. ~ David Holst
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