Category Archives: Village of the Damned

Something is terribly wrong with the Education ‘Village‘ of America – the complete breakdown of America’s government controlled education system through indoctrination and Socialism. Our children have become truly ‘damned‘ and will have little chance to truly succeed in this nation – UNLESS – the system can be overturned. Sorry Hillary, but the Village thing hasn’t worked so well – for the children of America.

This category was so-named because of then First Lady, Hillary Clinton’s comment, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In addition to my feelings that our children are truly ‘damned‘ as long as this system is allowed to continue.

The ‘Village‘ is the place that I would not wish to be in today. I was privileged to participate in one of the last non-socialist school systems. Hell – I don’t know – maybe it had already begun, but I had great teachers. At 74 years of age – I can still picture and name over 90% of those whose care I was placed into. What we present here includes a range of commentary by a wide range of authors, which may well not fit into other designated categories. So here we provide, well – you know – “a little of this and a little of that!“

As the esteemed Dr. Rosemary Stein, M.D. has stated; The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools. Remember, the father of their modern education ‘Elite’ beliefs is John Dewey. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Here is the quote of the day. “This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.”You are going to have to take ownership over the education of your children ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

The time is past due for we the people to take back the responsibility of who raises and who teaches OUR children… With the the words of our contributors both through new posts and archives of the past, we will do our best to bring you the dastardly news so that you may arm your selves to prepare for the ongoing battles and the ugliness of what THEY want to do to destroy this nation through THEIR ‘re-education’ system. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Kettle Moraine Publications

You’re Letting Liberal Educated Globalists Brainwash Your Kids!

Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: ‘You are in the process of being indoctrinated. We have not yet evolved a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. The slightest look at history will show how impermanent these must be. You are being taught by people who have been able to accommodate themselves to a regime of thought laid down by their predecessors. It is a self-perpetuating system. Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgments. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being molded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.” – Doris Lessing, from ‘The Golden Notebook’

Unfortunately, the current self-perpetuating system in America and even in most Westernized countries, is liberalism, which is just another form of collective socialism. It is a flawed, bankrupt system that emphasizes the collective and de-emphasizes the individual, the former being the very antithesis of the foundation of American freedom. Becoming an educator is a process of being indoctrinated by the current self-perpetuating system, liberalism. Continue reading

The Schools are at Fault

March 17, 2012 ~ It’s not something you might expect to hear from a school principal, but Jeffrey Wick of Bowling Green, Virginia, says the public school system is helping to destroy the country’s foundation.

Wick is now offering his thoughts in his new book Public Education: The Final Solution in the Conquest of America’s Ideals.

“I think we’re at a state in our country where we are on that precipice, as a lot of us believe, and part of the reason we’re in this problem is what the public schools do,” says Wick. “It’s not necessarily what the teachers are doing, but it’s the philosophy that’s guiding the system.” Continue reading

Turtel: How to End Disastrous Education in Our Public Schools

June 13, 2009 ~ “We” have to give the schools more money. “We” have to pay the teachers more. “We” have to get parents more involved in their children’s public schools. “We” have to get parents more involved in their children’s homework. “We” have to find a way to close the achievement gap between white children and black or Latino kids. “We” have to demand accountability from our public schools and teachers. “We” have to end the drugs and violence in our public schools.

“We” have to improve our teaching methods so our children can read their own diplomas when they graduate high school. “We” have to teach our children environmental propaganda about saving the earth and global warming. “We” have to teach kids to “respect” other people’s lifestyles with classes about homosexuality in their sex-ed classes.
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