Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

Something just STINKS in this Country!

Kamala thought that she could discreetly squeeze out a “panty whisper” but she soon found out that it was going to become a “SHITUATION“… and then America realized that it had stopped being cute about two weeks ago!

If you are offended by this post – then you just don’t get it. Let’s be honest – this entire 2024 ‘Erection‘ insanity is like NOTHING that we have ever witnessed… and THAT is what you should be offended with! ~ Editor

Tulsi Gabbard: Who Actually Runs The US Government?

Once you have finished watching and LISTENING to this entire interview – you will fully understand just what is wrong in America! She is so right on the money – and POWERFUL. SHE should be running for the Presidency. ~ Editor

It breaks my heart to listen to this interview and imagine the possibility of being governed, protected, and guided by earnest people like Tulsi. May the time soon come when the sincere and the honest can advance to the top of the system. ~ Ryan Stucka

I’ve always liked Tulsi ever since she smeared Kamala Harris in the democratic nominee debates years ago! She’s amazingly intelligent, well-spoken, fights for what she believes in, and isn’t scared to speak up and reveal corruption! I hope she gets a spot in Trump’s cabinet, and she would be a much better option for the first woman president. ~ MMCLA5

American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

“You shall have no other gods before me.” The Ten Commandments

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore.”Donald Trump

Politics has become our national religion.

While those on the Left have feared a religious coup by evangelical Christians on the Right, the danger has come from an altogether different direction: our constitutional republic has given way to a theocracy structured around the worship of a political savior.

For all intents and purposes, politics has become America’s God. Continue reading

Kamala Harris’s 90-Year-Old Ex-Lover Gives His Take on the Election – And Reveals the Fear He Has About Her Becoming President

She always liked brown Willies

Vice President Kamala Harris’ 90-year-old ex-boyfriend Willie Brown believes that President Joe Biden should step down as president so that she can take the job.

Brown candidly revealed his thoughts about Harris, who he dated when he was 60 and running for mayor of San Francisco, and she was a relatively unknown 29-year-old prosecutor. Continue reading

Cuck a Doodle Dooo

… In her case – Cuck a Doodle-Do – ANY Cuck will do! ~ Editor

Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he was ready to debate Kamala Harris on FoxNews – and with an audience present. This was unacceptable to Harris, who insisted Trump stick to the agreement he had with Biden and show up on ABC, with heavy moderation and no audience. Continue reading

Sanctuary Cities Exporting Migrants to Red States Would Face Payback Under New Bill

“Round ’em up and Move ’em Out!” ~ Gil Favor

Nonsanctuary cities and states could retaliate against sanctuary cities that have shipped out migrants from their streets to Republican-run jurisdictions under a new proposal.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) will debut legislation this week to cut off hundreds of millions of dollars in Federal Emergency Management Agency funding to cities that, overwhelmed with illegal immigrants who have been released into the country from the southern border , have opted to use federal grant money to pay for bus, train, and plane tickets to move migrants to other towns. Continue reading

Harris Has Always Identified as Indian American and Black

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris has only recently begun identifying as Black, and that until a few years ago “she was only promoting Indian heritage.” That’s nonsense.

Harris, whose mother was born in India and whose father is from Jamaica, has always identified as both Indian American and Black.

Trump appears to be trying to resurrect bogus social media claims that gained some traction back in 2020 after Harris was tapped as Joe Biden’s running mate. The posts claimed that when Harris became a senator in 2017, she only identified as an Indian American, and that she only later began identifying as Black for political gain. It was nonsense then, too. Continue reading

An Immigrant’s Perspective: Americans Must Persevere to Regain Our Independence in 2024

In the Soviet Union everything was controlled by the state

Rebekah Koffler

Now that we’ve celebrated Independence Day and the fireworks, barbecues and other festivities are over, I’m pondering about what independence really is. While the holiday commemorates the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, as an immigrant, the word independence has a special meaning for me. It encompasses a much broader concept than the separation of the United States from the kings and queens of the Old World.

I was born and raised in Soviet Russia. My parents disagreed with the communist system, but they didn’t actively rebel against it – there was no point. The state apparatus that controlled the people was so strong that it was impossible to shake it up. Instead, my mother inculcated in me the idea that one day, I would be free and independent because I would go to America.

As a child, I didn’t know what America was and why I was to flee to this unknown land, abandoning my family and friends in Russia. But I didn’t question my mother. I knew she wanted the best for me. Continue reading

Are You a Double Hater?

In November of this year, a new U.S. president will be elected, but after the recent debate, the tension over this decision is at a peak. People seem very discouraged, scared even. Neither main candidate seems right to a great number of people, and recently I’ve seen the term “double hater” in the news.

Double haters are those individuals who see both candidates as wrong on so many levels that they view themselves as having to choose between two evils. There seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance concerning our country as well as our political system. Continue reading

Engineering a Crisis: How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power

“The two ‘sides’ of mainstream politics are not fighting against one another, they’re only fighting against you. Their only job is to keep you clapping along with the two-handed puppet show as they rob you blind and tighten your chains while your gaze is fixed on the performance.” ~ Caitlin Johnstone

A failed assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. An incumbent president withdrawing his re-election bid at the 11th hour. A politicized judiciary that fails to hold the powers-that-be accountable to the rule of law. A world at war. A nation in turmoil.

THIS is what controlled chaos looks like. Continue reading

ROSS: Myths…

Do you remember how, when you were a child, you used to believe in all kinds of silly things? We used to believe that some guy lived up in the North Pole, making toys all year long, to be delivered to all the children who had been good on Christmas Day. We used to believe that the Easter Bunny delivered colored eggs and candy for us to find scattered around our homes. We used to believe that if we left a baby tooth that had fallen out under our pillow, that during the night the Tooth Fairy would come along and exchange it for a quarter; at least it was a quarter when I was a kid.

Why is it that we no longer believe those things? The simple answer is; we no longer believe them because we grew up; we learned the truth. Sadly, those myths were only replaced with others; such as:

* Man cannot live without government

* Your votes matter

* If we could only get back to constitutional principles all our problems would go away.

Sadly, most people still believe those myths; they have not yet outgrown them and discovered true freedom. While the myths of our childhoods entertained us, the myths people believe today enslave them. Continue reading


Joe Biden has dropped out as the Democratic nominee, but did Joe drop out himself or was he forced out?

We all knew this day was coming ever since the disastrous debate with Trump on June 27th. The announcement was a surprise as reports went back and forth saying Biden was staying in the race than five minutes later, it was, no Joe is dropping out soon. Continue reading

OK, So Now What?

Joe Biden bowing out of the race may be the one honest thing he’s ever done in 50 years of politics. These people have absolutely no soul, so get ready for a tsunami of deceit and propaganda from the media as they thrust Kamala Harris down our throats.

fraud (noun) /frôd/ :DECEIT, TRICKERY, specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another [person] to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. An act of deceiving or misrepresenting.”

This is the actual definition of fraud from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.

Of course, anyone who has talked about fraud over the past few years has been canceled as a baseless conspiracy theorist. But at this point there are certain things that need to be said. It’s time. Continue reading