Do you remember how, when you were a child, you used to believe in all kinds of silly things? We used to believe that some guy lived up in the North Pole, making toys all year long, to be delivered to all the children who had been good on Christmas Day. We used to believe that the Easter Bunny delivered colored eggs and candy for us to find scattered around our homes. We used to believe that if we left a baby tooth that had fallen out under our pillow, that during the night the Tooth Fairy would come along and exchange it for a quarter; at least it was a quarter when I was a kid.
Why is it that we no longer believe those things? The simple answer is; we no longer believe them because we grew up; we learned the truth. Sadly, those myths were only replaced with others; such as:
* Man cannot live without government
* Your votes matter
* If we could only get back to constitutional principles all our problems would go away.
Sadly, most people still believe those myths; they have not yet outgrown them and discovered true freedom. While the myths of our childhoods entertained us, the myths people believe today enslave them. Continue reading →