Category Archives: Point BLANK
Reversing Brown v. Board: Anti-White Racism in Action
An Atlanta school allegedly segregated classrooms, but a brave black parent stands up.
Parent Kila Posey recently requested of her child’s principal, Sharyn Briscoe, that her second-grader be put with a specific teacher that Posey knew would be a good fit. Her husband works as the school psychologist at Mary Lin Elementary School in Atlanta, Georgia. Requesting a specific teacher is one of the privileges that comes with his job. However, the response the couple received was quite disturbing.
Posey was told, “That’s not one of the black classes.”
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‘Record-Breaking‘ numbers of stash houses of migrants evading Border Patrol
More than 5,000 illegal immigrants have been discovered inside stash houses around Laredo, Texas, since last fall, according to local authorities, an indication of how many are evading Border Patrol agents at the United States-Mexico border and getting away.
Since President Joe Biden took office in January, the number of migrants encountered illegally coming across the border has reached a 21-year high . Laredo has seen an increase in the number of people who are sneaking past law enforcement on the border and making it to stash houses where smugglers hold their human cargo before moving them further into the country, according to Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz. Continue reading
Parents Increasingly Fight for Control
Bad policies from school boards have had at least one unintended good effect.
Lately, parents have become more active in the debate around what and how their children should be taught in public schools. Parents are weighing in on curriculum about “systemic racism,” policies about vaccinating children without parental consent, and the front-and-center debate of whether a child needs to wear a mask for the school day. The Left may be pushing wrong policies, but more parental involvement is a good thing.
The political Left teaches that America is racist because it was founded through oppression, prejudice, and white privilege. Kids are being taught how to affix blame using racism, not how to prevent it. Whether it’s called Critical Race Theory (CRT) or some other clever name used to camouflage activism, this indoctrination has been exposed, causing many states to ban the passing on of this mindset. (Continue to full story…)
Kabul Has Fallen — but Don’t Blame Biden

Gary Varvel – Tuesday, August 17, 2021
This weekend the US experienced another “Saigon moment,” this time in Afghanistan. After a 20 year war that drained trillions from Americans’ pockets, the capital of Afghanistan fell without a fight. The corrupt Potemkin regime that the US had been propping up for two decades and the Afghan military that we had spent billions training just melted away. Continue reading
Ross ~ My Thoughts Where We Stand Today
“An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1813
Some of you may be aware that there is going to be a special election on September 14 to determine whether Gavin Newsom is recalled or if he will continue on as governor. Personally, I’d like to see the son of a bitch fed to the sharks; but that’s neither here nor there. Regardless of how I feel, I got my recall ballot guide in the mail yesterday and discovered something incredible – there are 45 people trying to get Newsom’s job! That, to me, is mind boggling. I can see a handful of people seeking the governorship, but never in my life would I have imagined that I’d see 45 people running for the same position.
That got me to thinking, as things like this are apt to do, and the first thought that popped into my head is the quote from Thomas Jefferson that sits at the top of this essay. I could be wrong, but I think the very climate of politics is not one in which honesty can long survive. Continue reading
The Pitiful Fall of Western Principle
Early in the fifth century, a masterpiece of literature was produced. Entitled The City of God, the now classic consolation was composed by a man destined to become the foremost scholar of the early Christian Church. Saint Augustine wrote his renowned work under terrible conditions though, for the age he lived through was one nothing short of utter chaos and upheaval. Only a few short years had passed since Visigoth armies had taken the city of Rome by force – ransacking the symbolic headquarters of the civilized world in an earth-shattering feat that no barbarian tribe had dared undertake for some eight centuries. Thus, by Augustine’s day, the Roman Empire was collapsing – and with it, many of the principles that had laid the groundwork for what we moderns call the Rule of Law. Continue reading
The End of the End is only the Beginning!
~ Foreword ~
What you are about to read – is the MOST INTENSE investigation of this wretched fiasco that you will be damned to ever read ~ and you about to learn what it is REALLY all about.
For over 20 years I have chosen to copy, fully prepare and post nearly every column (now exceeding over 200,000 columns and publications on Federal Observer alone). THIS one would be an intense project and undertaking – hence – an introduction and a link to each part of this monstrous task – and now it is up to you! Read it, Pray and profusely thank one Corey Lynn. ~
Jeffrey Bennett, Editor and Publisher
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The Next 5 Years…
“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history.
If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. Kitty wasn’t so lucky. Her family chose to stay in her native Austria. She was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And she was watching.
“We elected him by a landslide – 98 percent of the vote,” she recalls.
She wasn’t old enough to vote in 1938 – approaching her 11th birthday. But she remembers.
“Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.”
Not so… (Continue to full story…)
Spivey: All Hope Surrendered
It’s been quite some time since I’ve put my proverbial pen to paper, although a lot of folks have been after me to do so. The reason I haven’t is that, although there has been no shortage of topics, the Good Lord has simply not called upon me to do so, but that has changed. Four days ago… Wait a second… When I say what I’m about to say, many of you might say, “Why didn’t you just go see a doctor?” To you, I would say, “Because I refuse to be made into a false statistic.” And no, I don’t trust doctors any more than the government these days; knowin’ what I know about “COVID-19” and its ramifications, I’d be a double-dyed fool if I did. But I digress…
Wednesday mornin’ (4 August 2021), I awoke feelin’ the call to write, but I tried to ignore it. My mind couldn’t put a loop around any single one of the many topics bouncin’ around inside my gourd, so I didn’t write. When I woke up Thursday mornin’, the call to write was even stronger. Even so, I did not write. Continue reading
The Good, the Bad and the UGLY!
Take yo’ pick and jab it in Yo’ own AZZ…
The CDC Has Plans For Putting People In COVID Quarantine Camps
Frightening plans that have never been put into action.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a lengthy document on its website, seemingly unnoticed when it was originally written, explaining how to put people in camps to keep them safe from COVID-19.
In the document released last year, titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings…“, the CDC offers an operational procedure for “humanitarian settings” in which putting people in camps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may prove necessary. The document appears to contain procedures meant for use outside of the United States… Continue to full article)
Why I Will Not Submit
It is “just” the inability to express our humanity and the total negation of our very selves. All of these measures have served as a prohibition of expressing outwardly one’s valid and complex internal reality. This kind of suppression of self does violence to one’s very soul… (Continue to full article)
…and the Dummies are falling for it!
A Kingdom of Distorted Mirrors: We Have Been Duped
Through the power of an intensified dream experience, an entire year and a half of abuse fell off—and as I looked around, I felt like I had gone traveling, and arrived in a bizarre sci-fi kingdom of distorted mirrors and people who had been poisoned by professional criminals, with great cruelty and precision. A kingdom ruled by cold-blooded psychopaths. Like a fairy tale about lying villains. Continue reading
The Mark
My Junior year of H.S. is starting next week. A lot of news outlets are saying how it might be mandatory to get the vaccine just go be able to go to school. Even my parents are trying to get me to take the Jab. I am scared about the future. I will do whatever it takes to not take the Jab. Y’all stay blessed. ~ V. Lord
Mad Science & The Far left
“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
Mr. Shaw may have overstated the problem with science a bit, but there are consequences when science moves ahead without limits, without mores, without God. And if there was ever a time in our history when we needed boundaries, it is now. There is a bad cocktail out there, and it’s found in combining the Far Left with science.
We live in two different countries. It has never been as apparent as it is today. It may not be strictly geographical, but they are separate nonetheless. One has a recognition of who we are before God, and the other with no sense of the eternal or spiritual, no sense of natural, or biological law. The latter are convinced they are gods unto themselves. Continue reading
NEVER ignore the teachings oF Orwell
“To learn who rules over you, find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.” ~ Voltaire
People Power: If Only We Use It
It’s unfathomable to me, in some sense, that we are even having to discuss why forced “ANYTHING” in America is really never a good idea. It’s even more troubling to know that so many of my countrymen are so willing to take this “vaccine”, when everything about it, from start to finish, stinks to high heaven.
I could state my case in only a few sentences, but the situation has become such, that I felt the need to go into some depth, hopefully awakening many who as of yet have not thought this development all the way through.
Even so, I have no objection against anyone who really wants to willingly receive it. My main objection, as I believe should be the objection of any reasonable person, is to the government forcing Americans – through any and every means of coercion — to take it against their free will and conscience, especially when many are unable to take it for existing health conditions or object on religious and other grounds, like the science that proves this vaccine has dangerous side-effects for many and the potential to cause long term harm to all who take it. Continue reading
This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated…
This is the most important commentary I’ve ever written.
It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: “The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!” They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans. Continue reading
Loudon: The Critical Brain Theory is Desperately Needed to Erase the Critical Race Theory
If it were not for human beings, and their brains, the world would not be the same. A great example of that was the world of the dinosaurs. In millions of years, the dinosaur’s ability to think changed very little. In return, their lifestyle, safety, convenience, diet, travel, comfort, diet, protection, exploration, and innovation changed very little.
Then the Homosapien came along. Except for the bible, pyramids, and some other unexplained phenomena, the intelligence of man slowly progressed. An example of learning is that more information and research at the present time can be found in one day than what took a whole year in the 1600s. Intelligence is expanding today faster than the universe is moving outward. Several factors are involved with our astonishing knowledge and information explosion. In fact, according to Moore’s law, computer power, which is one small information source, has been doubling every two years for more than 20 years. The observation of Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, was that the computer was the springboard for intelligence, innovation, free-thinking, and the technological explosion in the 20th and 21st centuries. Continue reading
…and the Beating of America goes on!
This Video was removed by YouTube 5 hours after uploading: $500 Trillion Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS.
POSTED for and by Brighteon ~ August 4, 2021
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RESIST – at ALL Cost!
Garrison: The Clouds Continue to Darken Along the Front of Freedom
The Biden Regime wants to bring back the slave masks. He wants mandatory injections. The globalist corporations are falling in line and insisting that all their employees take the experimental jabs or lose their jobs. Some companies such as Vanguard are offering as much as $1,000 to lure their employees into participating. Vanguard and Black Rock are outfits that get the Federal Reserve’s funny money and they use it to prop up the stock market. They are tossing money into companies that are aligned with their Great Reset and climate change bunk. Continue reading