Although it may not seem like it at times, everyone has a set of principles they live by, a moral code that guides them in their lives. Even the vilest of criminals have them; although their standards may be much lower than those they prey upon.
Before I move forward, let us define the word principle. A principle is a moral rule, or belief, that helps us know what is right or wrong, and influences our decisions and actions. A person whose standards for right and wrong are high is said to be virtuous; have integrity. The lower a person’s standards are and we begin calling them, dishonest, corrupt.
The problem with standards is that there is an Overton Window that dictates what is considered morally acceptable. What is morally acceptable today would not have been considered acceptable when I was a kid, and what was morally acceptable when I was a kid, probably wouldn’t have been acceptable by the previous generation; and most certainly would have been considered immoral by those who lived in the era when our founding documents were written. Continue reading