Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

A Question Of Morality

Although it may not seem like it at times, everyone has a set of principles they live by, a moral code that guides them in their lives. Even the vilest of criminals have them; although their standards may be much lower than those they prey upon.

Before I move forward, let us define the word principle. A principle is a moral rule, or belief, that helps us know what is right or wrong, and influences our decisions and actions. A person whose standards for right and wrong are high is said to be virtuous; have integrity. The lower a person’s standards are and we begin calling them, dishonest, corrupt.

The problem with standards is that there is an Overton Window that dictates what is considered morally acceptable. What is morally acceptable today would not have been considered acceptable when I was a kid, and what was morally acceptable when I was a kid, probably wouldn’t have been acceptable by the previous generation; and most certainly would have been considered immoral by those who lived in the era when our founding documents were written. Continue reading

Dwyer: The Evil Left and Its Useful Dupes

The evil left derives itself mostly from the Evil Empire, a.k.a. the Soviet Union. The evil left is trying to unite all the evil forces it can against the United States and the good American people who wish to preserve the republic for themselves and their posterity. The evil left and its useful dupes, who – unfortunately – come in droves these days, pose an existential threat to this America. The Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial and the aftermath of his acquittal made the evil left reveal its evil inner ego in front of our eyes, and what we saw was ugly, to say the least.

From the left-leaning media pundits to entertainment and sports celebrities to Democrats elected to their positions of power, they unloaded their disappointment and disgust with the verdict without slightest consideration of the damage that their venomous rhetoric might or did inflict to the exonerated Kyle Rittenhouse, his emotionally battered mother, and the due process of law with its presumption of innocence and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the accused. They mocked Kyle’s emotional breakdowns and tears as “one of the worst acting jobs that [some of them] have ever seen”, and characterized his crying on the witness stand and while listening to the verdict as “fake” or “white tears” – alleged props that he used in order to invoke his “white privilege”. Some went as far as to declare that Kyle’s defenders cynically “put the mother right in that courtroom and said ‘Bring plenty of tissues’, because the jury is looking at the mother crying.” Continue reading

As Morpheus Said: I Only Offer You The Truth

Have you ever told a lie so many times that you begin to believe it yourself? If so, you’ll know that there is a gradual transition that takes place. First, you recognize that you are lying; second, you begin to question whether you are actually lying or telling the truth; then finally, the lie becomes your truth. Unless those you’ve lied to dig into the lie, investigate the facts for themselves, the lie will be accepted by them as the truth as well.

The problem with lies is that, over time, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get people to accept that they’ve been lied to. Continue reading

Please Lord, Give Americans the Strength to Remain Free

After nearly two-hundred and fifty years of existence as a flourishing and free country, for the most part — and noting the stain of slavery upon our heritage — it really appears more likely with each passing week that we are actually going to destroy ourselves. And all for the lack of vigilance in jealously guarding those principles and virtues that have acted as the cement to the foundation of freedom and liberty in America, as generation after generation placed too much trust in their elected officials, ever increasingly infiltrated through the decades by those criminals and scoundrels who loved America not, only loving themselves and the evil they could work. Continue reading

Hide the Sheep and Goats

America has sunken just about as low as it can, or at least I think it has. I’ll wait for the other shoe to drop.

I don’t really care that people may choose to be homosexual or transgendered or anything else, but I do care that the majority of this subculture is so insistent on forcing all the rest of America to accept it as “normal” when they only represent approximately four percent of the population, except in DC where they comprise 9.8 percent. And I do care that they are also so insistent on indoctrinating elementary age children to the notion that this is a normal lifestyle, while they set up grooming programs that even provide puberty blockers and hormone treatments — and that angers me more than I have words to properly express.

I truly get sick of seeing government officials and institutions and now even our military acting as if every other person in the nation is LGBTQ and giving their groups free rein over the rest of the nation, discounting and eradicating our rights at will as though they’re nothing. Continue reading

Wallace: Should Blatant In-Your-Face Treason be Ignored?

Biden, “THE USURPER” and his faux administration who are giving aid, support and encouragement to the illegal invaders are guilty of TREASON as specified in our Constitution.



There can be only one purpose for open borders and that is the complete destruction of the United States to allow for the One World Order Dictatorship. The illegal invaders are uneducated, unskilled, useless, arrogant, don’t speak English, and many are criminals and disease carriers, etc. Continue reading

Why the Semiconductor Shortage Matters

The Biden administration scrambles to address a major, long-term supply chain deficiency.

The American auto industry is continuing to suffer from a major supply chain issue. A shortage of semiconductors has cut the supply of new automobiles available for sale by some 70% from pre-pandemic levels, driving up prices of both new and used cars. And the end of this semiconductor supply shortage is still likely over a year away. Continue reading

Society is on track for a Global Collapse

A steep downturn in human population and quality of life could be coming in the 2040’s.

Human society is on track for a collapse in the next two decades if there isn’t a serious shift in global priorities, according to a new reassessment of a 1970s report, Vice reported

In that report — published in the bestselling book “The Limits to Growth” (1972) — a team of MIT scientists argued that industrial civilization was bound to collapse if corporations and governments continued to pursue continuous economic growth, no matter the costs. The researchers forecasted 12 possible scenarios for the future, most of which predicted a point where natural resources would become so scarce that further economic growth would become impossible, and personal welfare would plummet. Continue reading

Compliance Is Not A Virtue

“… compliance is not a virtue; it isn’t neutral, and it certainly isn’t harmless.” ~ Dr Julie Ponesse, professor of ethics

Joe Biden and his tyrannical regime are attempting to force all America to take a Covid vaccine that has been proven ineffective, as they moved to make it official on November 4th 2021, when Biden announced that the Occupational and Safety Health Administration would in fact demand all companies with 100 or more employees must require them to take the vaccine and still submit to wearing a mask and weekly testing or be fired from their job. Essentially Biden is creating a new segregated caste system based on an individual’s willingness to relinquish control of one’s own body to the government and abandon one’s right to choose one’s own medical treatment via consent, as he encourages the abuse of the unvaccinated by government and those who submit through his mockery of Free Will and Freedom itself. Continue reading

Competing Cultures Breaking Down America’s Culture

The governor’s race in Virginia this week proved that you can’t keep bashing America’s basic goodness by pushing the sheer stupidity of Critical Race Theory. You can’t force America’s children into hating each other via the color of their skin. You can’t make the whole Caucasian race guilty for all the conditions of some Black Americans. You cannot teach young people to detest their country if you hope to maintain basic American cohesion as a society.

You might add that bedrock Americans who make this society successful find “multiculturalism” distasteful and abhorrent in that it’s displacing American values with Middle Eastern 6th century ethos where women are counted with less value than a camel. Children possess no rights along with animals. It’s a fact that you can’t mix “Somalian, Congo, Sudanese or Bangladesh’s” values into American society. Such sociological experiments end up in conflict. Such experiments end up with confused people lost in a culture not of their own. Continue reading

UNVaxxed FEMA Nurses Replacing Texas Nurses Who Refused Vaxx

A Texas woman dropped a bombshell this week when she took to social media to recount an encounter she had at a local Texas hospital. While nurses and doctors are being mandated to take an experimental COVID shot or lose their jobs, all in violation of the Nuremberg Code, federal and state laws, the unconstitutional Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is busing in their own “unvaccinated” nurses and doctors to replace them. Continue reading

The Lure of Plunder

Leftists deep down believe that all our earnings, like our children, belong to the government. In its beneficence, government gives some back, often with strings, instead of taking every dime.

Remember when Democrats proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts?

Well, they took a licking from the public, so they upped it to a still-absurd $10,000 in total yearly transactions. Continue reading

Stay Away From Hospitals & Don’t Get the Jab!

In my last message, I shared with you the Globalist plan for planetary genocide — mass depopulation of the Earth, which has long been the dream of people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klous Schwab, and Luciferian “elites” throughout the world, in preparation for their “Great Reset” which has already been launched.

Their method is the COVID so-called “vaccines,” which in fact, are not vaccines at all, but experimental DNA- and RNA-altering poisons. I told you how — according the the CDC’s own VAERS data — more than a half million people in the US alone have suffered severe and terrible side effects, including strokes, heart failure, blood clots, brain disorders, convulsions, seizures, paralysis, Bells Palsy, inflammations of the brain and spinal cord, autoimmune diseases, miscarriage, infertility, deafness and blindness. I also shared that in addition to these “side effects,” more than 16,000 people have “officially” died as a result of these injections. Continue reading

Americans Must Stand Up And Say “I Will Not Comply” With Covid Mandates Right Now Or Face A Life Under Totalitarianism

Anti-vaccine graffiti is seen on the wall of a shop amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Belfast, Northern Ireland January 1, 2021. REUTERS/Phil Noble

The world (led by the United States) has been under Covid tyranny for over 18 months now. At the very beginning of this masquerade, we were all taken off guard. No one then could have dreamed what the satanic eugenicists Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, et al. had planned for us. Continue reading

What is ‘Critical’ – is that America has bought into it!!

Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist, is best known for his Critical Theory today. Critical Theory subjected every traditional institution, starting with the family, to endless, unremitting criticism in hopes to bring them down.

The advocates of Cultural Marxism and Critical Race Theory seek to conquer America and impose a Marxist ideology, through their Looney ideas that are unfortunately finding acceptance in too large a segment of our population. Control the dominant ideas in a nation and a group can control that nation.

Cultural Marxism is a wide-ranging designation which refers to the promotion and employment of Critical Theory. Critical Race Theory is a subset that formed through the years as communists worked to find the most effective ways to subvert a nation and hold themselves up as its savior.

The term Cultural Marxism, though well-known, is not technically a valid concept. Marx’s form of communism was economic – the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie. While Marx wrote of culture, his focus was primarily and overwhelmingly economic. Continue reading

Good Times Ahead for All

Say “Good-Bye” to Everybody’s Freedom and Liberty

We watch our world crumbling before our very eyes, as those people who hate America, citizens and foreign nationals alike, work to do the bidding of the authoritarian globalist statists, Marxists and fascists currently in the seats of government in America, tolerating the intolerable and still incredulously working to “find compromise” with those who seek to transform America and eradicate the Founding and all that has gone before us.

Why? And for how much longer? One might ask. Continue reading

It Was Planned! Dr. Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for ‘Novel Virus from China” to Enforce Universal Vaccinations

Dr. Anthony Fauci has affected the world of virtually every single American. From the initial diagnosis of the first COVID case, he has been the national point-man. Our nation has been urged to follow the mandates of this so-called scientific expert.

As the truth behind the virus has unfolded, so too has the credibility of Anthony Fauci. He has flipped back so many times on policies and recommendations, most Americans cannot fathom what true science might actually look like.

It turns out that much of what Fauci has said may not be based on science at all. His comments about the origin of the virus now appear to be self-motivated attempts to cover his own tracks.

As more is revealed, Anthony Fauci looks more and more like a self-serving bureaucratic liar. A recent video has emerged that may paint the good doctor as not only a liar, but a manipulator of public health mandates. Continue reading

A Matter of Life, Death and Liberty

I often wonder what the overall mindset of the average American might be and just how the people on the whole could have allowed America to sink to such destructive depths, in the name of being “good people” and to implement programs “for the Greater Good”, without seeing the harm they inflicted to their own freedoms and liberties, sooner than so late as the present day when it’s very nearly too late to correct quickly and effectively.

It’s hard to believe that nearly half of America’s society has forgotten that the individual’s Inalienable God-given Rights supersede the power of the federal government, at least in theory if not today’s real politik. But they better get to remembering and making it the new reality, unless they are comfortable becoming serfs enslaved at the altar of the Super-State, the Leviathan in the making as we speak. Continue reading

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?

I had no words to offer in comfort for the loss of your boy. I could only suggest what worked for me in times of stress. I go to ground, in a manner of speaking.

My own children are all still with us. My first born, a son, was a world class athlete.

After some problems with the money and sponsors he straightened up and has become successful. My daughter got tied up in drugs and other crap, but pulled herself out and has seemingly made a comeback. My adopted son is for all purposes a decent young man, but he is a troubled sort. Continue reading