I would never have been as conscious of racial differences growing up if so much hadn’t always been made of it all. I was taught at home to worry not about the color of anyone’s skin and simply take them according to how they treated me and whether or not they were trustworthy, honorable persons of integrity, in essence, judge them “by the content of their character”.
But it’s a whole new world out there today, with blacks and hispanics and every other race that might have a grudge against White America recently empowered and emboldened by the Biden regime’s own race-baiting stance and it’s own self-loathing and expressed hatred for White People, especially White Christians in America.
I could give two hoots in hell about a man’s color, and I sure as hell can’t help that I was born white as Casper the Ghost, but I’ll be damned and go down taking a body count, before I let myself or any of my white family members be murdered simply for the “crime” of being white. Continue reading