Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

Smith: White Children ~ Indoctrinated to Hate Their Roots

I would never have been as conscious of racial differences growing up if so much hadn’t always been made of it all. I was taught at home to worry not about the color of anyone’s skin and simply take them according to how they treated me and whether or not they were trustworthy, honorable persons of integrity, in essence, judge them “by the content of their character”.

But it’s a whole new world out there today, with blacks and hispanics and every other race that might have a grudge against White America recently empowered and emboldened by the Biden regime’s own race-baiting stance and it’s own self-loathing and expressed hatred for White People, especially White Christians in America.

I could give two hoots in hell about a man’s color, and I sure as hell can’t help that I was born white as Casper the Ghost, but I’ll be damned and go down taking a body count, before I let myself or any of my white family members be murdered simply for the “crime” of being white. Continue reading

Smith: A Legacy for America’s Children

If there’s ever been a thing that could end America, it’s this climate change lunacy that seems to have wormed its way into the brains of all the fools of the country, which are surprising large in number, and just enough to give the Biden regime its justification for pursuing national suicide in this manner.

Yes Toto, we ain’t in Kansas no mo’!

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Smith: Plain, Naked Human Evil

“Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion, were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible noble purpose, but to plain, naked human evil.” ~ Ayn Rand

One has to wonder when all of this political madness and the drive towards national suicide will end, that is if one is sane. The surreal world these communists are attempting to create results in nothing less than a massive death count nationwide, no matter that they haven’t fully succeeded yet. Their successes in the short term are getting the job started, and anyone with half a brain sees where this is going, while everyone, brain or no brain, can already feel the pain in many sectors of America.

The Biden regime is advancing this destructive, death-dealing New Green Deal through legal and illegal means in pursuit of the Marxist-Maoist vision of a Green Utopia that will never be, that can never be – that must not be allowed to ever come close to fruition or becoming our new reality. Continue reading

Smith: The Transgender Movement Makes a Mockery of Traditional America

Les and Bea – where is Anne?

I hope this really sticks in the LGBTQ Movement’s ass – Good and Hard – and makes them spew their Fruit Loops or Chai Tea when they read it. I’m an eternity past givin’ a good damned about these godless creeps.

Isn’t the Queer phenomena of our country some kind of vile spectacle that makes a normal man want to puke. There’s something to be said for the days when these freaks were forced to stay in the closet, but now the sick, rotten bastards are right out here in broad daylight, prancing about and shoving their perversion in the face of every good and decent American, making the Christians of the nation rail to God to come soon or take these godless Satan worshippers on to Hell … Oh … all Christians except for the new improved Queer friendly churches like the Southern Baptist Convention that now delivers heretical sermons soothing to queer ears, even allowing drag queens to desecrate the church by performing from behind the altar. Continue reading

Smith: America Speeds Headlong Into an Unimaginable Fiscal Disaster

~ Foreword ~
I haven’t been worried about this debt ceiling “crisis” shutting the government down. I remember the shutdown that went on for three weeks during the Clinton years, and we survived it just fine.

What everyone should find troubling is the spending that has grown so large it accounts for much more than the receipts the U.S. takes in each year. And if it grows too much larger, it will eventually make it near impossible to even service the interest on the debt.

Defaulting on the debt would be a mixed bag. We’d still have the largest world economy, but the International Monetary Fund would demand some restructuring on how we handle our debt and how much more, if any, we could accrue, not to mention that many nations would grow reluctant to trade with us further. We see this already as many nations are currently moving to align with the BRICs nations, dealing in Chinese yuan for now. Continue reading

Smith: Make America’s Communists Swing in the Wind

There’s no way for any true justice to prevail in any case, with Merrick Garland putting his thumb on the scales to balance everything in the Democrat Commies’ favor, even in the face of blatant, obvious wrongdoing and criminal acts. Much the same situation exists in the FBI that is currently rife with commies, after Obama purged its ranks of conservatives in 2012.

America is being ruled, not governed, by a group of power-hungry Marxist-Maoist communists who care more about their party, gaining raw power and forcing their anti-American ideology on all Americans than they care about freedom, liberty and America Herself. Continue reading

Smith: A Tidal Wave of Humanity On America’s Borders

We are watching the ongoing madness on the southern border with some great anger and consternation, as I wonder once more just what will it take, to make Americans decide it is finally up to us, and us alone, to handle our border security in the absence of any real and sincere attempts by the Biden regime. This is a purposeful, manufactured crisis, that taken in conjunction with our economic crisis, is accelerating the ultimate collapse of American society.

In many ways, it almost seems as tho’ the American people’s will has already been broken and they have lost their soul, so beaten down by the ravages of one Democratic Party Communist assault after another.

If the American people do not soon regain an incredibly powerful will and the strength of mind and heart to do whatever it takes to save the country, I full well expect the country will drift along in a static status quo fashion that sees the nation overrun and overwhelmed, as we experience the consequences of a defacto capitulation of our own duties to ourselves, our families and America. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: Lay Bare Their Bones in the Blazing Sun

Our country left the era of do no wrong and mean no harm a long time ago. Our system has separated from its moral Christian principles and traditional moorings, and it has morphed into a corrosive beast where it’s everyone for themselves in a gross, reprehensible style focused largely on self-interest first, party second and God and country last.

I possess a virulent anti-authoritarian strain dating back to my childhood, and I have always found the concept of respecting authority for authority’s sake as nonsensical, even asinine, probably due to my father’s warning to always question authority — this coming from an old, decorated combat veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Respect is something earned, not automatically deserved for any reason. And this has placed within me a natural affinity for anarchism, not the commie-leaning anarchism that evolved in 19th century Europe, but the sort of anarchism that reaches for the largest expansion of individual liberty and seeks nothing less than free associations, free market capitalism on the domestic front and a barebones “government”.  – J.O.S.
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Smith: American Patriots Must Resolve to Restore Freedom and Liberty

“The Good Lord raised this mighty Republic to be a home for the brave and to flourish as the land of the free, not to stagnate in the swampland of collectivism, not to cringe before the bully of communism.” ~ Barry Goldwater, 1964 acceptance speech for the Republican nomination for President of the United States

Americans cannot continue focusing on any candidate for President of the United States for what he can do for them and the economy, since it is this precise irresponsible, dependent mindset that has grown centralized federal government and its vast welfare system, that has also led America to a material determinism, crony-capitalism and more government intervention in businesses and intrusions into our personal lives, at odds with permanent human truths, our inalienable God-given rights and individual liberty. Americans can do better than Donald Trump, if only they choose to do so, and they damned for certain can and must do better than Joe Biden, the crazed, fascist despot. Continue reading

Smith: Take a Hard Stand for Faith, Family and America

“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ~ C.S. Lewis

Of late, and I’m certain You’ve noted, I can’t shake the feeling that a civil war will be the only way we save the country right now. Many will disagree for a litany of great reasons, but without it, they can be certain that they will live to see real tyranny place its cold grip over the heart of America and lead it into its final death spiral.

That could be the result anyway, if those who love traditional America fight and lose. And it is hard not to question the commitment of those who profess to love America with so little action showing the proof of it. Continue reading

Smith: Fly Away from Your Own Destruction

Well … the more things change the more they remain the same.

Cradle to Grave Painting by Gergely Bukovinszki

I don’t think any of us really knows what it’s going to take to turn life in America around and place it back on a more reasoned and moral path, but it’s a certainty that the nation will soon self-destruct, if it doesn’t soon abandon the policies being implemented by Joe Biden’s anti-American regime. There isn’t any nation that can survive forever being torn between two antithetical ideologies in such a nonsensical, irresponsible and subversive and treasonous manner.

It speaks to America’s mass delusional, corrupt nature that they could so willingly give themselves over to a philosophy that will ultimately make them all slaves on the promise of “free stuff” and cradle to grave care from the government, this regime or any other. As so often noted by so many, a government that has the power to grant privilege and gifts also has the power to take them away. Continue reading

Smith: East Palestine – America’s Chernobyl

…DON’T want to be!

The East Palestine train derailment is a real clusterfuck, one hundred percent and seven ways from Sunday, and the nation will see severe repercussions from this event for decades to come, unless I miss my bet.

It’s unfathomable that they didn’t immediately evacuate the entire town as soon as the containers were known to be leaking, given the hazardous nature of what was contained in several of the tanks. The manifest was readily known to railroad and government officials, which makes it unconscionable that they didn’t do more, that they were incapable of doing more due to their own miserable lack of talent and knowledge in their chosen professions, or for more designing reasons. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: He’s Crossed the Green Mountain…

Murder and Heartbreak in Tennessee

Mark “Markus” McCord, Jr. was only twenty-one…

He and my first granddaughter, Katlyn, had big plans for a future together.

Markus was murdered yesterday, at approximately 1:15 p.m. by four gang-bangers, ending his life, all his dreams and his life’s journey and all the potential he showed in his daily life, all the possibilities and the wonderful things we all knew he was capable of accomplishing. Continue reading

Smith: America’s Serious Trouble on the Southern Border

It doesn’t matter that many illegal aliens are good and decent people, when they are breaking the U.S. law and jumping in front of millions of others, who are attempting to come to America legally, because so many thousands more are committing well documented rapes, assaults, robberies and murders by the thousand each year, at a rate that has grown exponentially with the Biden regime’s immediate reversal of President Trump’s effective border policy.

To hear Joe Biden tout his actions on the border during the recent State of the Union address was sickening, dishonest and evil to the core, as he attempted to convince the American people that an extremely out-of-control and serious problem didn’t exist on the Southern border, a problem of his making that continues to be facilitated by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Continue reading

Smith: America’s Cracked Republic

As we look at all before us in D.C. and all the State Governments, it becomes apparent that the only thing of any real substance we have left are the Founding Documents – so little of which is now adhered to – that rightfully inform us all of our Inalienable God-given Rights. Our core institutions maintain the structure of our government, but traitors and our enemies from within have hamstrung them and turned them to ends they were never meant to pursue, killing their guardianship of all America and turning them into warrooms for those who hate America – turning them into propaganda centers where freedom and liberty are paid lip-service and the speeches are nothing more than performance art. Continue reading

Smith: Dangerous Days for Freedom and Liberty

Everywhere I’ve looked of late, the news reads like a Who’s Who in a long list of tyrants who want to impose some new insane, nonsensical idea that harms the average American but enriches them and their cronies and grows their power in some way. This is a level of corruption that surpasses even the massive corruption seen in the FDR and Obama administrations, and it begs the question: Just how much more will conservative, Christian and independent American patriots sit still and watch a continuation of more of the same.

I’m not so much disheartened as I am angry and disgusted. I’m going to be happy, even if tyranny eventually reigns supreme everywhere we look – it may not be easy, but I refuse to let tyrants dictate the terms of my life; so, should the worst come to pass, they will call me “outlaw”. Push comes to shove, I’ll be the Amerikkan Commies worst nightmare and I won’t lose a wink of sleep over any I may eventually send home to their Maker. Continue reading

Smith: We Will See the End of America

Lock and Load – FIRE at Will!

It is plumb damned outrageous to me that the American people aren’t on the steps of the White House and the Capitol Building demanding that they immediately close down the border and start shipping all 30 to 40 million illegal aliens out of the country.

At this current rate of invasion, people need not complain when America is completely driven under and looks like a Third World Banana Republic. Their silence and complete inaction on this issue makes me believe that by and large, they just don’t care, or they’re fine with seeing the nation overrun by the barbarians.

Yes. Angry and disgusted are the only adjectives to describe how I feel whenever I bring myself to assess the situation. I’m plumb damned sick to my stomach and sad for the next generations that will have to suffer the full and final consequences of this despicable, reprehensible lawlessness and treasonous powerplay by the new amerikkan communists sitting in the White House and Congress. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: Destroying America In the Name of the “Sexual Revolution

The more things change the more they remain the same. And even tho’ the queer community has been with us since the earliest days of man, never before has it exerted such undue influence or held so much power over a majority of a society, as it now holds over American society. And anyone who sees this development and isn’t horrified by what is becoming commonplace by leaps and bounds in our country has something seriously wrong with their own minds.

The Queer America Movement is so far past “marriage rights” and ending discrimination now, that they have reversed the dynamics to exert their new found power in regular displays of discrimination against conservatives and Christians, just as we saw with the Christian baker in Colorado, and now the website designer in that same state. These sick bastards aren’t content with true “equality under the law”. They seek extra, non-existent rights only for their select group above all other Americans and validation of their lifestyle through the force of law and the full weight of the federal government.

It’s hard to believe that America has allowed this to get so out of hand (job) and out of control. It really does make one pray to awaken one day to the sight of salt pillars scattered across the countryside. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: A Dark Evil Rests In The Heart of America Today

The Tree of Liberty is rotting and dying where She once grew strong and vibrant, from a lack of care and watering with the blood of tyrants and patriots, while the American system has already grown rotten and corrupt to its very core, thanks to America’s enemies from within and a largely apathetic, complacent or complicit American population and a people who have become unimaginably corrupt. And, it surely leaves those of us who still love America wondering what is preventing millions of good and decent freedom-loving, liberty-loving conservative and independent Americans from taking to the streets in a furor of civil unrest, seeking out our country’s traitors with lengths of rope, piano wire and rifles in our hands. Continue reading