Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

Smith: It’s Time to Impeach These Commie Rat Bastard Judges or Just Hang ‘Em High!

Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” ~ Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Abigail Adams, September 11th 1804

The U.S. Judiciary and our court system at every level has undergone a metamorphosis throughout the last six decades that has it resembling something one is more likely to find in a Third World Banana Republic or the old Soviet Union rather than in America, a country where Justice was once thought to be blind and our courts actually used to work to protect America and Her people instead of protecting Her enemies as we witness today. I am sickened to the depths of a country outhouse’s manure pit to know that there are thousands of men just like Judge James Boasberg who are all too willing to betray their oath to the Constitution [flawed and damaged at it already is] and America as if it is of no more consequence than their morning dump on the toilet.

The American people could make this change pretty damned quick, if they would only start exacting a real, meaningful, hard consequence from these rat bastards. And should they remain incalcitrant from doing the right thing for America, they should be made to suffer severe consequences, first by way of exhausting all legal means and finally dangling at the end of a rope handled by the rightfully angry American patriots who have long grown tired of witnessing their country taken apart little by little and piece by piece, while their own friends and family members are made to suffer by way of these traitors’ anti-American actions and Machiavellian mechanisms. Continue reading

Smith: There’s No Such Thing as “Hate Speech”; There’s Only Free Speech in America

It would be beyond fantastic and amazing, if everyone in America could get along whether they have political differences or not, but unfortunately there have been a multitude of people in our country who have strived to divide and conquer by way of coalitions of minorities in all areas of all issues, and E Pluribus Unum be damned. It’s simply not our reality in modern day United States, and it looks like it’s going to remain this way for quite some time. Continue reading

Smith: WAR – What is it Good For?

I hate war as much as anyone, probably more, especially when they are senseless wars conducted for no other reason than no one was around with the guts enough to stop them or those who started them. With that said, everyone has to know that some wars are simply unavoidable, because a tyrant intent on making war doesn’t give his victim a choice in the matter.

That’s where we find the world in regard to Ukraine and Russia. Putin wants what Ukraine has and so, Ukraine has no choice but fight or surrender and die and even slower death. Already we see prison camps in Russian occupied Eastern Ukraine and their torture chambers.

Tyranny is in the ascendant not just in Russia and China but even the European Union too, which makes it hard to want to side with them on anything; but we still have a chance to turn things around in Europe as the new alt right and populist movements are now taking hold to some degree in places like Germany and France [the U.K. appears it will present much more work]. Continue reading

Smith: Into the Quiet Shadows of American Isolationism

I know many people say Zelensky disrespected President Trump and Vice-President Vance on the 28th of February, but I didn’t see it quite that way. If I had been Zelensky, I never would have gone out before the cameras in the first place without having it settled in my mind exactly what it was I’d be signing. But he was 100% right to ask Vance “what kind of diplomacy”, since it was all too obvious to me that he and his country were being sold out and sold down the river for an expedient and bad “peace deal” just so Trump could smile into the cameras and proclaim he’d gotten Ukraine “the best deal evah“. Continue reading

Smith ~ EXPOSED: Democrats Destroy America Under the Color of Law

Wa. Wal, wal – I am about fed UP with all of this!

I never thought I’d be singing President Trump’s praises, after what we all witnessed him do during his first term, with his numerous violations of our Inalienable God-given Rights, especially when we review the Lockdowns and the first time in American history where the U.S. federal government suspended our liberties in their entirety. This was so contrary to everything I stand for that I really didn’t care if he was re-elected or not, except that his election was in fact a necessity to act as a foil to the nation’s Woke communists and Transgendered fascists. Continue reading

Smith: Panama ~ Uncle Sam Isn’t Creeping Away

We built it. We paid for it. It’s ours” were words declared by Ronald Reagan in 1977, not long after leaving the California governor’s office, and that’s the position President Donald J. Trump has recently taken, by and large if not precisely; but Reagan was reluctant to put any real action behind those words after becoming president, whereas Trump has shown he has the determination of will and the spine to do whatever is necessary to protect and defend U.S. interests in the Panama Canal Zone, putting Panamanian President Mulino on notice to this fact.

This is a righteous and sound move in response to a growing Communist Chinese influence in a country that has largely been receptive to socialism since its emergence on the international scene as a nation, and it puts new teeth in the Monroe Doctrine and exerting U.S. dominance in the Western Hemisphere to block and expel foreign nations that are hostile to the U.S. from the region. Continue reading

Smith: To Live and Die in America

Traitor Joe has left one outrageous, massive mess in the country for President Trump and his team to try to fix and mitigate, in every segment of the federal government’s operations, but especially as it pertains to our border security and thus our national security. We should all be doing everything within our power to make certain Trump is able to succeed, because the future of the nation truly does hang in the balance. And the next four years will largely determine if we will still have a nation that remotely resembles anything we will recognize as America in ten or twenty years down the road. Continue reading

Smith: Artificial Intelligence: An Existential Threat to Humanity

Sey WHAT Mutha Fuggah?

I can admit that Artificial Intelligence will bring a fantastic new world of possibilities along with it and many amazing new products that enhance and improve one’s life, but it’s the cost that concerns me, especially when we inspect existent technology and all the “user agreements” one must “sign” or be denied the use of everything from one’s computer or cellphone and any number of associated apps that have been made very nearly necessary just to function in today’s society. It’s already damned near impossible now to pay bills any other way than by online – cashless – which makes one’s computer or cellphone a necessity, unless one has their own fireplace and water-well, living off the grid and self-sufficient.

The first Stargate data centers are already under construction in Texas, according to Oracle Chairman, Larry Ellison, one of the partners with the U.S. government in this project. There are approximately twenty already underway, with each spanning 166,666.667 square yards, planned to support the heavy computational demands of the new age A.I. systems. Trump claims the initial startup project alone will create 100,000 jobs across America. Continue reading

Smith: The City of Angels’ Baptism by Fire

Everybody who pays any least bit attention to our nation’s affairs understands that Los Angeles has been plagued by arson-induced wildfires for a decade or better, more likely since even the 1990s, when “progressive” communists became increasingly active and intent on going even further down the rabbit hole of all things “utopian”. And what we have witnessed most recently through the onset of these five wildfires is the Californian people reaping the dire and deadly consequences of what they have sown.

We see images of people of all ages with tears in their eyes and running down their cheeks, especially the more elderly folks who have decades of memories laying in ashes now, and it remains to be seen if this has rocked the City of Angels enough to prompt a revival of the Faith in any flocks left of numerous denominations of Christianity, or any other faith for that matter. But I suspect many prayers are being offered up to Heaven right this minute, because there isn’t anything quite like an atheist or a backsliding Christian being delivered a “come to Jesus” moment that makes one take a new accounting for one’s life. Continue reading

Smith: Preserving Our Sacrosanct Rights for Future Generations

I began to think about the future of our children in America, after I considered our economic situation, $36 trillion in debt and counting, and all the forces that are currently arrayed against them and the parents of our country. And after reading an article by Paul Craig Roberts, I expanded on his thoughts and found my way to write the following article.

In part, Roberts writes:

“Men have lost their role. They are no longer the provider. The wife might have, thanks to gender preferences in university admissions, employment, and promotion, the better job bringing in more income. Studies conclude that boys suffer depression from loss of a role. Reportedly, the suicide rate of boys and young men has been rising.

What the feminists have established is a new form of male deference to women. Males must stand aside and give up their role to women.

Feminist were not content to only destroy men. They destroyed women also. The idea of a chaste woman was objectionable because it held women to a higher standard than men.”

Helen Gurley Brown, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, used the magazine to encourage women to be harlots. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Cosmopolitan was a fixture in the waiting rooms of doctors and dentists. I often wondered what my mother and grandmothers would have thought of a woman’s magazine, the cover of which heralded articles titled “How to be unfaithful to your husband without being caught,” “how to find a sex partner when on vacation without your boy friend,” “how to manage multiple sex partners.”

Today young women support themselves with their porn sites. Women brag on social media about having had 150 sexual partners, sparking rivals to vow attaining higher levels of wantonness. Female school teachers get themselves pregnant by their under age students. Mothers have 12-year old daughters on birth control pills. School children are sexualized at an early age to get them ready for the legalization of pedophiles, now euphemized as ‘minor attracted persons’.” ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: New Year’s Day 2025 and Terrorism in America

What a way for the New Year to begin in America. It certainly does seem to be a foreshadow of things to come, as the Islamic jihadists have recently been thrown into chaos with actions in Gaza and Syria and every one of them wishing to leave a bloody, murderous mark against America.

The two incidents, today, look more and more like they are connected.

The Tesla contained a bomb and/or fireworks. “Explosives” were found in the Ford F-150 Lightening.

Both vehicles were rented from the same agency – Turo.

Isn’t it interesting to discover that Shamsud Din Jabbar was a U.S. Army Veteran? This story is certain to become even more convoluted and disturbing, as the full court press is ongoing to find his accomplices, who are currently still running free and loose to commit more acts of terror at their leisure.

America shouldn’t be required to extinguish, eradicate, its own culture and traditions by Her communists and the current hordes of Islamofascists, all a conglomeration of secularists, atheists and Sons of Allah who hate America, the Constitution, freedom and Christianity. We used to refuse communists and other subversives and radicals entry to America, and our cessation of that practice has enabled those enemies of America to subvert Her society to some large degree. Islam is simply just one more segment associated with such subversive and destructive efforts aimed at ending this republic.

America has been besieged by Islamization problems in every major city in our country, from Minneapolis to New York, Dearborn to Boston and Nashville and Dallas and even smaller cities like Murfreesboro, TN and Fairfax, Virginia, including the undermining of its culture. “Inclusion” of any group of people should never mean the sacrifice and elimination of one’s own tradition’s, culture and America’s heritage.

Each person who values freedom must demand that our leaders halt all Muslim immigration now, or pass legislation that forbids Muslims U.S. citizenship and any voice in regard to America’s future, since the Islamic path isn’t a path any American of sound mind would choose or prefer. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: America’s Spiritual Battle and the Fight for Liberty

Across the entirety of our history, for some unnatural reason, our people just haven’t been quite able to leave well enough alone. It’s almost as if they got together one night on a late night drunken binge and all of a sudden said, “By damned … don’t Y’all think we have just too damned much of this pesky freedom and not enough free stuff? Let’s trade our freedom and liberty for free stuff and lifelong care from Big Brother and all his jackbooted stormtroopers.”

It simply boggles the mind to find so many so willing to abandon their freedom and liberty and Inalienable God-given rights, the republic too, over to those tyrants who would be kings, ever promising the world to the populace in one breath and delivering jack-shit with the next breath. Continue reading

Smith: America Is Headed Towards An Epic Economic Collapse

“Our new Constitution is now established; everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

The unimaginable presents itself as the average American citizens bear the brunt of debt repayment through increased taxation, inflation and it’s certain to cause internal instability across the country, when our national debt crisis actually really does reach the tipping point, whereby the military becomes even more underfunded than it already is and the government breaks its promises on Social Security and other programs. These are all indications that the country rests on the verge of collapse, unless something of real consequence is done to reverse course, if it’s even possible at this point. Continue reading

Smith: This Christmas, Pray for a Better World

Christmas 2024 brings many memories to mind, some fun and some poignant, that make me question where mankind goes from here and what will the future look like as a people here in America, long after I’m dead and gone. With decades of the “Christmas Spirit” behind me, it’s hard to see any real good in mankind, holistically speaking, and despite our ecstatic claims of being so civilized, most of my lifetime has revealed that the human race isn’t really much more that a steady, ebbing flow of beings constantly doing great harm to one another, no matter all the false pious “Christians” who too often profess they represent our better angels in the same breath they cheat, rob, bear false witness against or murder someone in cold blood for self-gain. Continue reading

Smith: America’s War for True Freedom Has Just Begun

Looking through the past decades and the prism of history, it is crystal clear that the danger for all Americans emanating from the expansion and growth of the various DC federal agencies has been growing for an extremely long time. We see the proof of the danger by way of traitors like General Mark Milley, who refused to carry out direct orders from President Trump and even went so far as to say he would warn the Chinese Communists if America were to ever mount an imminent attack against them. And so too, we saw Lt Colonel Alexander Vindman, not only spy on Trump but deliver false and purposefully misleading testimony during Trump’s impeachment hearing.

And then enter Biden. No enemy of America’s could have a better friend and agent acting on their behalf than Traitor Joe, who had it rough fighting Corn Pop at the local pool when he was just a young teen growing up in Little China, Massachusetts … Hahaha. Continue reading

Smith: I Was Born This Way: Queer Is As Queer Does

Bend Over – They’ll Drive: Originally published on the Federal Observer on September 13, 2019. As of this date, the author has done some minor updating. Over FIVE years have gone by, and what the author wrote about back in the day – has only com-POUNDED up the nation’s backside. What this nation has turned into has become absolutely sickening. ~ Editor

Pedo Satan

Author’s Note: In light of the recent oral arguments for the U.S. vs Skrmetti case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought many of You, the readers, and concerned Americans would find this old piece of some interest. It was written in September of 2019 for ‘The Federal Observer, but it’s as true now as it ever was, maybe more so given the unhinged, delusional minds and character of so many within the LGBTQ “community and more specifically the Transsexual / Transhumanist Movement that pushes our society closer to some Frankenstein androgynous “creation” and the end of humanity as we know it and as God intended for us to be.

Every man and woman, regardless of their sexual preferences or deviancies and perversions or pronouns, has the exact same rights as one another under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as other Inalienable God-given Rights that were not enumerated in our Bill of Rights, as seen in Nature and under Natural Law as created by the Lord our God. But this has never been good enough for the LGBTQ folks, who have militantly fought for not any “civil right” or “equal rights”, but rather they have fought for the “right” to have their lifestyle validated, since the 1970s right through their win on same sex homosexual “marriage and to the present fights on Trans Title IX “protections”; and more than this, they have been and currently are demanding privilege above and beyond every single straight, heterosexual man and women who hold tight to traditional American norms and values and the virtues and Christian principles that built America.

Now more than ever, stopping this mad Trans and Queer movement and cult following is one of the most important things we can do for the health and restoration of America and the future of our children and their children’s children and generations beyond.

December 6th 2024

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Smith: A Critical Time for America

Nearly half of America is jubilant with thoughts that their political savior has arrived and nearly another half of America is gnawing, spitting and gnashing their teeth in violent, spasmodic angst in their certainty that a new Hitler has risen in the country to make their lives a living hell, while the rest of us are simply watching and waiting to see what the next shoe to drop will be and just how much of our liberty will be trashed and violated under President Trump, no matter how much the economy may or may not improve.

Americans should stop deluding themselves to believe that their Inalienable God-given Rights are safe, now that Trump is poised to enter the White House again.

Every American that’s still worth a damn should be done with being told they are racist, sexist or a fascist, and more than that, they should be done with politicians lying to them, forcing a hard accounting upon every offender. No real patriot will ever easily allow their own common sense to be scoffed and ridiculed as unsophisticated or dangerous, and they certainly will never be a pawn in someone else’s game, especially since this last election seems to suggest that we really are the majority in America.

Now it is up to us to hold the Trump administration to its promises and help every incoming Cabinet member to regain control of our captured institutions. There is a long, well-deserving list of people who acted as the enemy-from-within who must be brought to account and their day of reckoning, however it should arrive. And, at the end of the day, the American people must regain control of themselves, in order to become better informed on all matters and to rise above any fear to speak their minds immediately even though it would be easier to remain silent whenever they are surrounded by fierce, unpredictable opposition.

The American people need to learn to hold tightly to the mast, even as the maelstrom blows around us and…

Embrace the Value of the Individual

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Smith: Raise America’s Children to be Extraordinary and Exceptional

Across time, the hand that rocks the cradle has always played a key part in the development of the human race and how we proceeded in a manner that ensured mankind’s survival. But now, since the advent of feminism and so many other idiotic insane movements, we see mentally deranged mothers exerting an undue influence over their children in new ways, that only ensure great harm and physically and psychological destruction for this generation, especially as we witness young mothers assuring doctors and authorities that their five or six year old boy told them he thinks he is a girl.

With 25% of this Millennial generation supposedly saying it identifies as one or more component of the LGBTQ alphabet sickness, it sure does look bad for the future procreation in America. Is it any wonder the RINOs and commies are colluding to flood the nation with cheap labor, when no one in America is breeding any longer, other than conservative women. But conservative women can’t do it by themselves.

The main thing however remains that America must turn away from its new malaise of simply flopping into the average and mediocre as if that is just fine. The American people on the whole must seek to return to endeavors and righteous ways that give new meaning to the word “elite” in a way that makes it shine again, as we rebuild our manufacturing base and locate and renew lost knowledge and skills, in order to once again see this country we love so well learn, train and ultimately rise again to see America become the most powerful and Exceptional nation on earth.

The future is exactly what we make it. There may be many ignoble, devious, despicable, vile and evil men and women, who may outnumber America’s patriots, standing in the way of any American restoration to greatness again, but evil has never really been a match for a righteous anger loosed upon the world in its most dire time of need. And although the current challenges are vast and many, we can overcome them, beat our opponents down and eventually make America a country worth living in again, for this is where glory and a life of meaning was once found and can be found again. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: The Democrat Communists Must Face a Day of Reckoning

Well … Trump is President – for whatever that really means. He’s got the wind in his sails and off to a great start so far as symbolism, rhetoric and style goes, but we will be able to better ascertain just how good or bad he will be by his first day and the number and quality of substance he puts into each Executive Order he signs that day. As energetic as he has been of late, he shouldn’t have any problem churning out ten or twenty or more on that first day, depending on how involved they may be.

As I note in the body of this article, I believe it to be of the utmost importance for him to make his very first act the blanket pardon of all the January 6th Prisoners and those J6ers awaiting trial, to send a clear message to the Democrat Commies that he’s more than wise to what they pulled that day and he’s coming for them – unless he isn’t, and then we will see the top issues of the day addressed right away. His second EO should be an order to seal the borders and halt all illegal alien invaders, followed by one putting oil and natural gas exploration and extraction a priority, going from there to correct the asinine, immoral changes the Biden regime made to Title IX … and on and on to place everything on the conservatives’ wish list into law. Continue reading

Smith: The Republican Congress Must Stop Any Trump Betrayal of America!

Polly-ticians ~ Continued…

President-elect Trump is making ready to enter the White House for his second term, interrupted by madcap, delusional and tyrannical-mined communists for the past four years, and millions of Americans are naturally ecstatic over the prospect of things to come. They should also be concerned, since along with Trump’s flashes of policy genius, the country will also most likely bear several detrimental acts, because of Trump’s idiosyncrasy to vacillate on major issues, depending on who is most favored and in his ear on any given day, as we witnessed during his first term.

It’s true that President Trump moved to help business flourish by removing many EPA regulations and exiting the Paris Accord climate change nonsense and other U.N. Agenda 2030 climate change initiatives. He also enabled a massive explosion of growth in the fossil fuel industry in regard to natural gas and oil produced through fracking, and he has promised to do so this time around as well – which is what makes some of his “new friends” gathering about him appear unseemly and highly questionable, in that they are some of the most radical advocates for the climate change carbon credit criminal schemes one can imagine. Continue reading