From the 1965 Immigration Act to the present, the Democratic Party and the likes of Senator Ted Kennedy, along with many RINOs too, have turned our immigration policy on its head and opened the doors to some of the worst people in the world while making it virtually impossible for educated white people to immigrate to America from all parts of Europe. Wave after wave of new immigrants, many legal and many more illegal, have arrived by the millions, over those preceding decades that have been a benefit to the nation at times and a detriment and drag on our systems in too many more.
How this all ends is anyone’s guess, but I venture to say, given the current trajectory, it doesn’t end well, and while there may still exist an outline in geography books called “America”, it will be far removed from the America of 1492, and far, far and away from anything remotely resembling the America of 1776, or even the America of my childhood. Continue reading →