“Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our country.”
An immigration enforcement advocacy organization agrees with the Trump administration that the southern border is out of control. Continue reading
An immigration enforcement advocacy organization agrees with the Trump administration that the southern border is out of control. Continue reading
SEDGWICK COUNTY, KS (The Salina Post) – A man convicted in the rape of a child under the age 14 and deported in February is back in a Kansas jail.
According to the Kansas Department of Corrections, Simon Rochel-Cervantes, 46, a citizen of Mexico, spent 7-years in the Ellsworth Correctional Facility for the rape and aggravated intimidation of a witness.
He was released and deported on February 19. On March 5, he was found in Sedgwick County, according to a media release from the United State Attorney. Continue reading
Central American migrants, part of the caravan hoping to reach the US border, walk on a road in Tapachula, Chiapas state. AP
Mexico warned this week that “the mother of all migrant caravans” could be heading toward the US. Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero fears that up to 20,000 migrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala are already gathering in Honduras.
“We have information that a new caravan is forming in Honduras, that they’re calling ‘the mother of all caravans,’ and they are thinking it could have more than 20,000 people,” she insisted Wednesday. Continue reading
Mexico won’t have to pay for the wall, after all. US taxpayers won’t have to pick up the tab, either. The controversial barrier, rather, will cover its own cost just by closing the border to illegal immigrants who tend to go on the federal dole.
That’s the finding of recent immigration studies showing the $18 billion wall President Trump plans to build along the southern border will pay for itself by curbing the importation of not only crime and drugs, but poverty.
“The wall could pay for itself even if it only modestly reduced illegal crossings and drug smuggling,” Steven A. Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Post. Continue reading
John Quincy Adams
“But there is one principle which pervades all the institutions of this country, and which must always operate as an obstacle to the granting of favors to new comers. This is a land, not of privileges, but of equal rights. Privileges are granted by European sovereigns to particular classes of individuals, for purposes of general policy; but the general impression here is that privileges granted to one denomination of people, can very seldom be discriminated from erosions of the rights of others. Emigrants from Germany, therefore, or from elsewhere, coming here, are not to expect favors from the governments. They are to expect, if they choose to become citizens, equal rights with those of the natives of the country. They are to expect, if affluent, to possess the means of making their property productive, with moderation, and with safety;—if indigent, but industrious, honest and frugal, the means of obtaining easy and comfortable subsistence for themselves and their families. They come to a life of independence, but to a life of labor—and, if they cannot accommodate themselves to the character, moral, political, and physical, of this country, with all its compensating balances of good and evil, the Atlantic is always open to them, to return to the land of their nativity and their fathers.” ~ John Quincy Adams
The Pentagon has identified $12.8 billion in military construction spending that could be used to fund the building of a wall on the southern border.
The money has already been appropriated but not spent and is targeted for various stateside military facilities. It’s unclear which projects would be affected.
Washington Examiner:
Some states that have been allocated big chunks of money that haven’t been spent could see a hit.
California, for example, was identified as having more than $700 million in unused Army and Navy military construction that could be used. Hawaii has more than $400 million that could be used. Continue reading
NOTE: With this post we return to the archives of the first generation Federal Observer with a column from Linda Chavez writing for Jewish World Review less than one month after 9/11. It seems that all these years later – NOTHING has changed because our elected official-DUMB are more concerned about plying their (ruling) trade over a whole new crowd of ‘voters.’ ~ JB
Is it time to rethink American immigration policy in the face of a clear and present danger from foreign-born terrorists? Nearly eight out of 10 of those polled by the Center for Immigration Studies after the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon think so, including 74 percent of self-defined liberals. But what exactly can be done to prevent foreign-born terrorists from taking advantage of America”s generous immigration laws? Continue reading
A video shot at a section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall shows dozens of undocumented immigrants squeezing through a breach in the metal fence and running north into California. YouTuber Andy Martin, aka ‘Mexican Andy,’ shot the video at California’s Border Field State Park, on the border between San Diego and Tijuana, Thursday at about 4pm. In the dramatic clip, dozens of migrants can be seen gathering next to the border fence, waiting as someone appears to saw through the chain link fence behind the bollards. People can then be seen kicking at the chain link in an attempt to widen it enough for bodies to fit through. As soon as there’s a big enough gap, the undocumented migrants squeeze through the hole and then run into the town of Imperial Beach, past a white Border Patrol truck that has its sirens blaring. (Read Full Story)
The United States Constitution needs to be amended so that state legislatures that have members who can be elected by illegal aliens, or are themselves illegal aliens, are prohibited from taking part in the constitutional amendment process and the Electoral College process.
As reported by the Washington Times, on March 8, 2019, the Democrats in the House of Representatives blocked an attempt by House Republicans to pass a bill amendment that would express disapproval of state and local governments giving illegal aliens the right to vote in state and local elections. The Times reported: Continue reading
US Quarantines Over 2,200 Migrants Amid “Unprecedented” Disease Outbreaks
“We are seeing migrants arrive with illnesses and medical conditions in unprecedented numbers” … (Continue to full article)
The Trump administration’s hard-line stance on keeping migrants out is pushing asylum seekers to take remote and dangerous routes into the United States. And a wall might not be able to fix that.
The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly doubling what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States.
More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecutions, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty. Continue reading
“Why should I capitulate to a bunch of damn criminals? This is my country, not theirs.”
Robert (Bob) Maupin stands on his 250-acre ranch along the U.S.-Mexico border in Boulevard, east San Diego County. (Kimberly Hayek/NTD Television)
SAN DIEGO — Robert (Bob) Maupin, a 79-year-old retired mechanic and self-proclaimed vigilante, has spent decades and thousands of dollars protecting the U.S.-Mexico border from his own backyard. He built his own fence along the border just footsteps north of the U.S. government fence because he said the existing fence was inadequate.
Maupin lives in Boulevard in east San Diego County—one of the most rugged, remote, and desolate terrains in the San Diego border patrol sector. He inherited the 250-acre ranch from his father who purchased it in 1948. He moved here with his wife and high school sweetheart, Jeanette, and together, they raised their two children. Continue reading
NOTE: The following was written over 3 1/2 years before the current invasion from South American countries. The situation has only worsened. ~ Ed.
There’s a growing health concern over illegal immigrants bringing infectious diseases into the United States. Approximately 500,000 legal immigrants and 80,000 refugees come to the United States each year, and an additional 700,000 illegal immigrants enter annually, and three-quarters of these illegal immigrants come from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Continue reading
A majority of “non-citizens,” including those with legal green card rights, are tapping into welfare programs set up to help poor and ailing Americans, a Census Bureau finding that bolsters President Trump’s concern about immigrants costing the nation.
In a new analysis of the latest numbers, from 2014, 63 percent of non-citizens are using a welfare program, and it grows to 70 percent for those here 10 years or more, confirming another concern that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it. Continue reading
“We want to have a safe country. I ran on a very simple slogan – ‘Make America Great Again.’ If you’re going to have drugs pouring across the border, if you’re going to have human traffickers pouring across the border in areas where we have no protection, in areas where we don’t have a barrier, then, [it is] very hard to make America great again.” ~ President Donald J. Trump, Rose Garden Speech February 15th 2019
President Trump simultaneously declared a national emergency for humanitarian and national security reasons along the border. In the same breathe, he noted on February 15th that he would sign the ominbus bill and the bad Border Deal it contains; and in fact, he signed it shortly afterwards, acquiring authority over the $1.375 billion appropriated for the wall, while declaring his intention to spend eight billion more dollars through his authority under the national emergency declaration.
The President was left with very little choice from an intransigent, duplicitous Democratic Party leadership in control of the House, at the moment, such as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had vowed “not $1 for the wall.” He took a head on approach to avoid another partial government shutdown, however unwise a course it may be, while he diverts $6.5 billion to build portions of the wall that the Democrats have refused to authorize. Continue reading
You hear the liberal media expound on the merits of diversity and multiculturalism. They feature every kind of powder-puff story that regales America’s bouquet of colors, ethnic groups and cultures.
When in fact, every newspaper, TV and radio show in the land reports on racism, racial conflict and violent conduct among the races within the United States. If this country cannot mitigate the racial conflicts due to diversity and multiculturalism in 2019, what can we expect when we import another 100,000,000 (million) legal immigrants by 2050—a scant 31 years from now. Continue reading
America is currently witnessing the harsh reality of a Democratic Party intent on gaining power by any means necessary and so enraged by the election of President Trump, that they will not even acknowledge America and her patriots have a right to determine who and how many enter our nation, under any set of circumstances. The resulting stand off between President Trump and Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their respective supporters has allowed the harsh reality to come home, that the Democratic Party really has become the anti-American Party of Brown Ascendancy; and, the Democrats, such as Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, place more value on their own power and their by and large white-hating communist, socialist, and fascist allies from South and Central America and North Africa and the Middle East, than they do on America’s own citizens. Continue reading
It has become hard to discuss illegal immigration in our country today because if you have any misgivings about anything remotely related to it, everybody thinks it’s about race. And now that I have noted the elephant in the room, everything I say will be considered to be code for race.
But I must try… Continue reading