It was difficult for me to watch the carefully crafted circus known as Nancy Pelosi’s select Committee for the January 6 protest. The slick production is nothing more than a third impeachment trial for President Trump – and he’s not even in office. Yet that’s the point of the trial – to keep Trump from winning office once again. Continue reading
Category Archives: End of Days
Gonzales: The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools
In 1999 I wrote an article I titled “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools,” that was published in an Australian newspaper. Eight years later WorldNetDaily reproduced it, adding, “Editor’s note: This prophetic commentary was first published in June 1999.
“Guns they’ll never find, ‘cuz my lethal weapon’s my mind.” — Ice-T
Soon after the school shootings at Jonesboro, Arkansas and Springfield, Oregon, were reported, the American media began rounding up the usual suspects: guns and, by implication, the National Rifle Association and the parents who allow their children access to guns. Since then, school killings in the U.S. have become a common occurrence, and both the national media and gun control advocates keep chanting the mantra that access to firearms is the main reason for the killings. The killings, they claim, are a reminder of the terrible price we all pay for the lax gun control laws in our nation. Continue reading
Hayworth: The sour stink of ‘success’
You may have entertained this thought — perhaps in different words or at an earlier point — sometime over the past (soon to be) 18 months.
It appeared recently in the form of a question found in an email… but the fact that it was posed in “game-show friendly” form does nothing to detract from the genuine jeopardy we all now face: “Are there any examples of the Biden administration proposing policies that ‘might work’?”
In the tradition of Bill Clinton’s infamous utterance, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
If success is defined as decreeing by government edict and “cultural consciousness” that there are more than two genders, regardless of the principles of biology. Continue reading
Biden Screws Up America Intentionally: Screw Ye’ Lest ye be Screwed!
There is an old saying: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Joe Biden is a screwdriver and his job is to screw up America intentionally. To be sure, we know it’s Joe’s handlers turning the screws, but the end result is the destruction of America. Continue reading
’bout says it all!
Gonzalez: How the Anti-Gun Conspirators Miscalculated
There is a saying in the military, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times enemy action.” But intelligence, and particularly counterintelligence officers, leave no room for happenstance or coincidences. To them just once is enemy action, and all coincidences are potentially deceptive.
So, for a counterintelligence officer, it would be highly suspicious that on May 17, just ten days before the National Rifle Association Convention was to take place on May 27-29, in Houston, Texas, there was a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. He would be even more suspicious that again, on May 24, just three days before the opening of the NRA Convention, there was a similar mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas.
As if on cue, our President, who after several decades of silence surprisingly recalled God during his visit to Catholic Poland, mentioned God again: Continue reading
Benson: The Name Of The Game Is Confiscation
Ever since the false flag shootings during the Obama Regime there has been a sporadic, yet ongoing debate over gun control. It ranges all the way from the socialists who want extensive gun control (for everyone except themselves and/or their bodyguards) to those who want no gun control whatever. I have to admit that I lean more toward the latter than the former. Now, after the shootings in Uvalde, Texas, the debate has broken out again, like a broken record that keeps playing one part of the tune again and again.
I read an article just last evening where a man said the problem is not with guns, it is really with broken and disintegrating families–families with no father around and a mother that is struggling with problems of her own and cannot adequately watch out for her children, and so she doesn’t. In which cases the kids are left to their own devices. Not the ideal situation. This man may have something. But, then, the leftist politicians don’t want to go there because that scenario doesn’t fit their gun confiscation agenda. Continue reading
If Someone Is Trying to Disarm You, That Means They Consider You an Enemy.
The illegitimate Resident, Joe Biden, took to his green-screened White House podium and called for drastic gun control to be passed by Congress. Earlier Biden claimed the second amendment was “not absolute.” Both the constitution and the second amendment ARE absolute, while the Biden regime is not. Continue reading
The story continues to unfold: A Parade of Cowards
Many will fault me for “Monday morning quarterbacking” on this one, but I know of that which I describe, having a life full of experiences that too often could have ended with me wrapped in a blanket and thrown in a dark hole, or left to rot in the woods somewhere … Hahaha.
I just wish those Uvalde police officers could been trained by Howard Ross, an “old school officer” who served the City of LaVergne, Tennessee back in the day, or Lt Gary Whitehouse from the Nashville Metropolitan Police Dept, or even A.C. Wintermeyer who served as a lone police officer for LaVergne, before it incorporated, and dealt with a huge criminal element along the longtime lawless border of Rutherford and Davidson Counties; these were tough, hardened no-nonsense men who went up against some of the most hardened criminals of their day and lived to tell the tale. Buford Pusser didn’t have anything over them. Continue reading
Hayworth: Opinion: ‘Cruelest month’ invites a ‘cruel fate’
T.S. Eliot made the celebrated observation that “April is the Cruelest Month” in his critically acclaimed poem “The Wasteland,” published in 1922. A century later, a small group of U.S. senators gathered late in that cruel month to formulate a cruel fate for our nation.
Under the banner of “bipartisanship,” these senators have proclaimed that they are “practical problem solvers.” In reality, they will create an even larger problem: delivering amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens who have flooded into our country… and who continue to cross our porous southern border, with the complete cooperation of the Biden administration. Continue reading
Gonzalez: America is Becoming the Monster it Claimed to Fight
“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first set our minds and hearts in order” ~ Confucius.
The signs are everywhere very clear for anyone to see: women defending their “right” to kill their babies, people proudly exposing their mental disorders, the young enjoying a life of drugs, alcohol and sexual excesses, the very rich totally ignoring the growing poverty around them, society totally lacking in values, honor, compassion and truthfulness, growing philosophy of utilitarian individualism, and a widespread lacking of respect for the common law, the traditions and the elderly. This has become America’s new normal. Continue reading
Demon-crats: The Merchants of Death
America has been pushed too far left, and our Constitution and federal government has been twisted and manipulated into a monstrous liberty-killing creature that would be unrecognized and viewed as Illegitimate by our Founders who foretold of the very mechanisms that might be used to do just what we see today. It will be a long time repairing the current damage, and such a renewal will not come without tearing everything down to its core and starting again from the basic principles that Western Civilization is based upon.
I fear we will see many more Americans die in some of the most egregious and heinous acts yet seen in our country, as the Left become increasingly unhinged and emboldened and empowered by the Biden regime and, God Forbid, any future commie regimes that solidify their grip on power over everything in the American domain with each passing year.
Many say the tide is turning against them. That’s all well and good, but until our election process is repaired and the greatest number of corporations stop acting as Democratic Party Communists’ enforcers, that matters little in the consequences to follow. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading
Bodies Surfacing in Lake Mead Recall Mob’s Time in Las Vegas

Bugsy Siegel
Las Vegas is being flooded with lore about organized crime after a second set of human remains emerged within a week from the depths of a drought-stricken Colorado River reservoir just a 30-minute drive from the notoriously mob-founded Strip.
“There’s no telling what we’ll find in Lake Mead,” former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said Monday. “It’s not a bad place to dump a body.”
Continue reading
Churches and the Cost of Freedom
The problem for the past century has been educating the people, which has become harder and harder thru the controlled media. Facebook is controlled and is deleting posts that attempt to get the word out. The only other well-known method is thru the internet and conservative sites which might not be allowed much longer. Then where will we be?
There is a final alternate group that is all over this country that could be highly effective… CHURCHES !!!
Most people of both parties attend church.† Preachers, Pastors, Reverends, Elders and deacons, and other church leaders by whatever title need to step up and take responsibility for their flock and start talking about what is going on and giving their parishioners the info they need to make good decisions. Continue reading
The Illusion of Freedom: We’re Only as Free as the Government Allows
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government … doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety… It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.” ~ George Carlin
We’re in a national state of denial. Continue reading
America Castrated: Equality – The Greatest Lie

Don’t kid yourself – SHE had ’em!
The more I see, the more I’m convinced we are nothing more than spectators to the ‘Greatest Lie on Earth.’ What we see from these plastic puppets is a paltry portion of this picayune pageant of prevarication.
I’ve seen hundreds of stories about wrongdoing, but nothing is ever done to correct, stop, punish, or even reprimand the perpetrators. There may be a civil lawsuit or two, but we never see significant actions for violations of the constitution or other statutes.
What message does this send?
If you look at the rise in crime rates across America, you’ll have your answer.
There’s no avoiding the tabloids or headlines or the rantings and ravings of the maniacal talking heads on the ‘Altar of Enlightenment.’ Continue reading
Ross: The Triangle of Tyranny
Back when I was still in the Air Force, I was required to attend annual fire safety/fire extinguisher training; primarily because my job required that I work with flammable materials. One of the first things they teach you is the fire triangle; the three basic requirements for a fire. The fire triangle is exactly what its name implies, a triangle with each side being one of the three components necessary for a fire; fuel, oxygen and heat. The way a fire is put out is by depriving it of one, or more, of those three essential elements. Continue reading
Gonzalez: I Hate This Country
Yes, I have to confess it: I hate this country:
Why I hate this country? In the first place, because today’s America is quite different from the country I moved to 35 years ago. This country America has turned into has nothing to do with the America I knew. Secondly, because what this country has turned to reminds me more and more the totalitarian country I had to escape from.
Around twenty years ago I began telling family and friends that I was seen things in America that reminded me things I experienced in Castro’s Cuba. All of them, without exception, told me I was crazy. Today, however, all of them tell me I was right. Continue reading
Tax Refund? Whey amz mah monee?
The big question many taxpayers are asking now is: “Where’s my refund?”
Taxpayers waiting for refunds find little help from IRS’s ‘Where’s My Refund’ tool
You’ve got a shot at getting straightforward answer via But then again, maybe not. Many taxpayers — who can’t get through the jammed phone lines at the Internal Revenue Service — are complaining that the “Where’s My Refund?” tool isn’t helping them, either, according to critics.
“If they use the ‘Where’s My Refund?‘ or ‘Where’s My Amended Return?‘ tools, they get in essence, technologically, what would be a shrugged shoulder,” U.S. Rep. Jody Hice said during a House Oversight and Reform subcommittee hearing April 21.
The Georgia Republican said his office has heard from taxpayers who are “absolutely at their wit’s end.” Continue reading
Ross: Are Y’all Ready For The Shitstorm?
It is my firm belief that the vast majority of those living in this country today do not know, and I mean REALLY know, what it means to be free. If they do, it certainly doesn’t seem to bother most of them that they are anything but free. One of the reasons I say this is because I constantly hear people saying things like we need to pass more laws to better secure our rights and liberty. To me, that is like crawling up to your master and begging for bread crumbs. If people knew what it meant to be free, they would also realize that their freedom does not come from government; in fact, it is the enemy of those who wish to be free.
It amazes me that there are people today who believe that they are comparable to those who fought for this country’s independence; yet they sit back and support far worse infringements upon their rights and liberty than our, so-called, Founders did. Continue reading