Churches and the Cost of Freedom

The problem for the past century has been educating the people, which has become harder and harder thru the controlled media. Facebook is controlled and is deleting posts that attempt to get the word out. The only other well-known method is thru the internet and conservative sites which might not be allowed much longer. Then where will we be?

There is a final alternate group that is all over this country that could be highly effective… CHURCHES !!!

Most people of both parties attend church.† Preachers, Pastors, Reverends, Elders and deacons, and other church leaders by whatever title need to step up and take responsibility for their flock and start talking about what is going on and giving their parishioners the info they need to make good decisions.

There is no separation of church and state; it is a MYTH. If it were so voting machines would not be allowed in churches. This principle was meant to restrict the STATE! – NOT the Church.

The Declaration of Independence is full of God and Godly principles. Our Founding Fathers were Godly men who operated on Godly principles. Our common laws were based on these principles, as was the Bill of Rights. We have the RIGHT to talk about ANYTHING in church; Abortion, money and the Fed, our founding documents upon which our freedom of religion is based, politics, or ANYTHING else concerning the local community. – ANYTHING !!!

Have lectures on common vs Admiralty law. Talk about our founding documents and how they originated. Inform about the U.N. agenda and who is behind it. – KILL the Covid MYTH !!!

Some will say that the church will lose tax exemption if they do. To that I say “What cost Freedom?” What are you willing to pay to ensure basic Biblical and Constitutional freedoms? Black churches have been doing this since the Civil War under Democrat leadership. Why can’t we??? Get out from under 501C restrictions; pay the taxes on your church if necessary and do your duty. Do it anyway and dare local authorities to challenge you. Take them to court if necessary. Refuse to be intimidated.

After you get on your knees to God, get OFF your knees and STAND against bogus civil rule.

Take back your church, your community, your country and your God. – NOW !!!!


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