What’s happened to our moral compass? When did we lose our sense of direction? The assertion that this country as not based on Judeo-Christian values is simply not true.
Consider the phrase “In God We Trust.” It clearly indicates that this country trusts and bases our very existence on a Higher Power: that was the intent, anyway. Try as we might to deny it, we cannot survive without something, a code, to guide us
It seems apparent that the founders of this country knew that without a solid foundation we would be like a rudderless ship in the ocean at the mercy of the prevailing winds. Something tells me that these foresighted people envisioned our modern age and somehow knew what we would face. They didn’t necessarily know the date or time, but they knew that we would face this crisis of direction and division and that our only hope would be a strong moral compass: that being our trust in that Higher Power. I believe that the founders were well schooled in world history. They understood it. They learned from it. They applied it as they created this country. It’s truly amazing how immutable the truth really is. Continue reading →