Author Archives: The Publisher
DeWeese: Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”
Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home – the place where the family resides, stores their belongings, and finds shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. Most people don’t give property ownership much more thought than that.
There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself.
John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
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TRUMP (Gotta Vote) – VAN HALEN “Jump” PARODY
Dickens: “Vengeance is Mine” sayeth the Lord!
“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” ~ Romans 12:17-19
“Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.” ~ Deuteronomy 32:35
I don’t usually open articles with biblical quotes. I’ve interspersed them in my writings to make points or to highlight a bit of ancient wisdom, but the idea of retribution struck me as I read the news this morning. This collection of wisdom, we call the Bible, is thousands of years old, but it still speaks volumes to anyone that reads, or even remembers its teachings. When you overlook the misnomer that it’s only about religion, you’ll appreciate the truth of the wisdom. If you believe the myth and the lies attempting to distract you, you miss the sound judgement it’s trying to teach. Continue reading
Smith: I Was Born This Way: Queer Is As Queer Does
Bend Over – They’ll Drive: Originally published on the Federal Observer on September 13, 2019. As of this date, the author has done some minor updating. Over FIVE years have gone by, and what the author wrote about back in the day – has only com-POUNDED up the nation’s backside. What this nation has turned into has become absolutely sickening. ~ Editor

Pedo Satan
Author’s Note: In light of the recent oral arguments for the U.S. vs Skrmetti case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought many of You, the readers, and concerned Americans would find this old piece of some interest. It was written in September of 2019 for ‘The Federal Observer, but it’s as true now as it ever was, maybe more so given the unhinged, delusional minds and character of so many within the LGBTQ “community and more specifically the Transsexual / Transhumanist Movement that pushes our society closer to some Frankenstein androgynous “creation” and the end of humanity as we know it and as God intended for us to be.
Every man and woman, regardless of their sexual preferences or deviancies and perversions or pronouns, has the exact same rights as one another under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as other Inalienable God-given Rights that were not enumerated in our Bill of Rights, as seen in Nature and under Natural Law as created by the Lord our God. But this has never been good enough for the LGBTQ folks, who have militantly fought for not any “civil right” or “equal rights”, but rather they have fought for the “right” to have their lifestyle validated, since the 1970s right through their win on same sex homosexual “marriage and to the present fights on Trans Title IX “protections”; and more than this, they have been and currently are demanding privilege above and beyond every single straight, heterosexual man and women who hold tight to traditional American norms and values and the virtues and Christian principles that built America.
Now more than ever, stopping this mad Trans and Queer movement and cult following is one of the most important things we can do for the health and restoration of America and the future of our children and their children’s children and generations beyond.
December 6th 2024
Hunter Biden Pardon Song: “Pardon Me, Dad“
Smith: A Critical Time for America
Nearly half of America is jubilant with thoughts that their political savior has arrived and nearly another half of America is gnawing, spitting and gnashing their teeth in violent, spasmodic angst in their certainty that a new Hitler has risen in the country to make their lives a living hell, while the rest of us are simply watching and waiting to see what the next shoe to drop will be and just how much of our liberty will be trashed and violated under President Trump, no matter how much the economy may or may not improve.
Americans should stop deluding themselves to believe that their Inalienable God-given Rights are safe, now that Trump is poised to enter the White House again.
Every American that’s still worth a damn should be done with being told they are racist, sexist or a fascist, and more than that, they should be done with politicians lying to them, forcing a hard accounting upon every offender. No real patriot will ever easily allow their own common sense to be scoffed and ridiculed as unsophisticated or dangerous, and they certainly will never be a pawn in someone else’s game, especially since this last election seems to suggest that we really are the majority in America.
Now it is up to us to hold the Trump administration to its promises and help every incoming Cabinet member to regain control of our captured institutions. There is a long, well-deserving list of people who acted as the enemy-from-within who must be brought to account and their day of reckoning, however it should arrive. And, at the end of the day, the American people must regain control of themselves, in order to become better informed on all matters and to rise above any fear to speak their minds immediately even though it would be easier to remain silent whenever they are surrounded by fierce, unpredictable opposition.
The American people need to learn to hold tightly to the mast, even as the maelstrom blows around us and…
Embrace the Value of the Individual
Dickens: Same As It Ever Was… It’s Still War!
“That which we call a rose by any other word would still smell as sweet.” ~ William Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet
‘It means that the name of something doesn’t matter, what matters is that it is, what it is…’
We are still at war… which is: ‘active hostility or contention; conflict; contest.’
We all know the word ‘war’.
Many of us are, or were, active participants in these contests either as conscripts or volunteers.
Oh, and by the way, we still are… ALL OF US – willing or not! Continue reading
Parents Are Virtually Monitoring Their Kids in Class: Teachers Aren’t Happy
Parents texting or calling their kids during class is a major source of frustration for many teachers.
But that’s not the only way that parents are using technology to insert themselves into their kids’ K-12 classrooms: a number of educators report that parents remotely monitor their children’s laptops during class.
One in 5 teachers, principals, and district leaders say that parents are remotely monitoring their kids’ laptops during class at least once a month, according to an EdWeek Research Center survey of 868 teachers, principals, and district leaders conducted in June. Technologies exist that allow parents to monitor their children’s online activity or even remotely watch the screens of their kids’ school-issued laptops during the school day. Continue reading
Trump’s Border Security Push Needs 10,000 Agents: The Answer Is Right in Front of Us!

Send ’em to the Border
President Trump’s call for 10,000 new Border Patrol agents is precisely what our border security needs, but there’s a crucial question: where exactly are we supposed to find these people? The answer is staring us right in the face. Every year, about 200,000 service members transition out of the military. These aren’t just numbers on a page – these are trained professionals looking for their next mission, and we desperately need them not just for Border Patrol but for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).
What we need is a comprehensive “Troops to Homeland” program. Continue reading
Birthright Citizenship: The 14th Amendment Does NOT Apply to Illegal Aliens

A YouTube screen grab of Latin American men (and a few women) voluntarily invading America. They are not the same.
America is about to go to war over whether the government has the power to deport entire families of illegal aliens. That question involves “birthright citizenship” – that is, whether a child born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents is automatically a U.S. citizen and, thus, an “anchor baby?”
The answer, by any fair reading of the Constitution and history, is “No!” Continue reading
Why It’s Time To Abolish the Department of Education
Ryan McMaken makes a convincing case on Mises Wire for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). But DHS is not the only executive branch cabinet department that has been occasionally mentioned as a candidate for elimination.
Aside from the US cabinet departments of State, Treasury, and Defense that date back to the earliest years of the nation, the names of other departments – Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs – do not typically roll off the tips of Americans’ tongues. Many of these departments and agencies could easily be considered candidates for elimination or consolidation. Continue reading
Maund: World at the Brink ~ How We Got Here
Because we are at such a pivotal point in world history we are going to stand back and consider The Big Picture because what happens in the next few months and even weeks is likely to change everything. What we are going to do is consider where we are now and then “reverse engineer” it to see how we got here. This is important because we stand at the threshold of a nuclear war and gains in the markets won’t help you much if you are dead.
The first key point to understand is that the Western World is in an advanced state of decay and collapse, a situation that has arisen because it is increasingly bankrupt, morally physically and spiritually. Continue reading
Smith: Raise America’s Children to be Extraordinary and Exceptional
Across time, the hand that rocks the cradle has always played a key part in the development of the human race and how we proceeded in a manner that ensured mankind’s survival. But now, since the advent of feminism and so many other idiotic insane movements, we see mentally deranged mothers exerting an undue influence over their children in new ways, that only ensure great harm and physically and psychological destruction for this generation, especially as we witness young mothers assuring doctors and authorities that their five or six year old boy told them he thinks he is a girl.
With 25% of this Millennial generation supposedly saying it identifies as one or more component of the LGBTQ alphabet sickness, it sure does look bad for the future procreation in America. Is it any wonder the RINOs and commies are colluding to flood the nation with cheap labor, when no one in America is breeding any longer, other than conservative women. But conservative women can’t do it by themselves.
The main thing however remains that America must turn away from its new malaise of simply flopping into the average and mediocre as if that is just fine. The American people on the whole must seek to return to endeavors and righteous ways that give new meaning to the word “elite” in a way that makes it shine again, as we rebuild our manufacturing base and locate and renew lost knowledge and skills, in order to once again see this country we love so well learn, train and ultimately rise again to see America become the most powerful and Exceptional nation on earth.
The future is exactly what we make it. There may be many ignoble, devious, despicable, vile and evil men and women, who may outnumber America’s patriots, standing in the way of any American restoration to greatness again, but evil has never really been a match for a righteous anger loosed upon the world in its most dire time of need. And although the current challenges are vast and many, we can overcome them, beat our opponents down and eventually make America a country worth living in again, for this is where glory and a life of meaning was once found and can be found again. ~ J.O.S.
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HippyBiker: Posting TRUTH!
What you about to read was sent to me several years ago – and he was shocked and ecstatic when I chose to publish his words. In addition, I shared his commentary on my program on August 26, 2022 “Time is Running OUT for America!” – a program which we will be re-airing on Thanksgiving Day – November 28, 2024. Tune in – and enjoy! ~ Editor
August 26, 2022 ~ I’ve experienced a lot in my 70+ years on this planet. A lot of good things and bad but I never in my life have been exposed to the level of political tyranny I experienced yesterday afternoon!
Some foolish person espoused some very nasty and truly disgusting comments about former President Trump and anyone who supports him. He than posted prices for airline flights to Russia and suggested we all should go there.
I made a comment and I quote… ”Stupid Americans should read The Declaration of Independence.” Continue reading
“All I Want to Do Is Enter My House Justified!”
The Classic American Western As Emblem of Historic American Culture
December 21, 2017 ~ Since the beginning of the twentieth century one of the newer art forms and expressions of our culture has been cinema – “motion pictures.” It was the novelty of live theater and acting captured as moving images in film and presented on a screen. In many respects, like other art forms, film represents what is happening in our culture. At its very finest it is capable of shining a vivid light on our beliefs and values, portraying them, dissecting them, and, like other art forms, it may be used as an instrument to affect or even shape our outlook and our politics. Continue reading
Knifeman: Worldwide Anarchy
February 5, 2012 – What we are seeing in the world today is those that would like to rule the world creating worldwide anarchy. Just stop to think about it. Going back to what they called the “Arab Spring” ad you will see what I mean. What are these uprisings other than anarchy? They do not like the ruler at the time so they take to the streets as a mob. The United States and other countries ask the leader to step down and foment the mobs in those countries.
Where there have been elections the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over. Where the military has taken over in certain countries to make the transition, the anarchists are not satisfied that they are moving fast enough. The mobs take to the streets again, supported by the U.S. and others that want a one world government. They feel that if enough of these countries fall into anarchy, they can step in and bring the government into the one world government. Continue reading
This Is How It Begins: The Deep State Wants to Terminate the Constitution
“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.” ~ Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
This is how it begins.
This is how it always begins, justified in the name of national security.
Mass roundups. Raids. Indefinite detentions in concentration camps. Martial law. The erosion of habeas corpus protections. The suspension of the Constitution, at least for select segments of the population. A hierarchy of rights, contingent on whether you belong to a favored political class.
This is what you can expect in the not-so-distant future. Continue reading
What Would JFK Think?
The meme below perfectly captures the downfall of a once thriving nation, before the Deep State/CIA murdered John F. Kennedy, ushering in the welfare/warfare state, built upon debt, consumerism, egotism, and technological distraction. The image is sad, deeply disturbing, and accurate.
The ongoing degradation and decay are a consequence of the nation turning its back on personal responsibility and service to community as reflected in JFK’s viewpoint of, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. LBJ’s Great Society encouraged the destruction of the family – particularly black families, while setting in motion the accumulation of current and unfunded welfare debts. What can your politicians give you to buy your vote. The selling of feminism to females further destroyed the traditional family and has resulted in the state raising our kids in their indoctrination centers, to the detriment of society. Continue reading
Senator John F. Kennedy on the Electoral College
Given that we have just gone through another year of a Presidential election – I felt that it would be interesting to go back into our history and see how a young John F. Kennedy dealt with the issue in 1956. Was he right? Was he wrong? Only the future will tell! ~ Editor
Calls to abolish the electoral college are all the rage these days, but they aren’t new. One such attempt in 1956 was thwarted with the help of a Democratic senator from Massachusetts — a young John F. Kennedy.
The Senate was debating Senate Joint Resolution 31 on March 20, 1956, a “follow-up to what was originally labeled the Lodge-Gossett proposal,” author and law professor Robert Hardaway told The Daily Caller. Continue reading