The time has come to Stand and Deliver

It is curious to find that so many of our countrymen choose to accept tyranny, because, for the moment, it seems to be the more simple and comfortable path. Fighting for their freedom and individual liberty might disrupt the apple cart too much and get to messy, especially if it does come down to a hot battle, with lead flying in all directions, where one is likely to see numerous disruptions in goods and services and utilities.

And so, they keep plodding along, strapped in their harnesses and yokes and bleating for more benefits, more financial support from an already flailing system. It’s the tell that they are more interested in taking from the system, with hands extended and mouths open for feeding time, than in doing the hard work that comes with being a truly independent and free people, a free society.

The Democrats are not satisfied with simply beating Trump and his 75 million followers. They insist on heaping more injury on all conservative America by sending them to re-education camps, in order to ensure that their victory is an everlasting one, perhaps the rest of this century or longer.

Punishing speech and one’s defense of our Inalienable God-Given Rights has started something that has no end, at least not a good one.

Once the fence-sitters get a good hard, cold taste of Biden policies and see their damage, whether from their rising electric and gas bills resulting from Biden ending the Keystone Pipeline and signing back with the destructive Cap & Trade taxes associated with the Paris Accords or from his foreign policy that is certain to initiate more wars — however limited or massive in scope, they are certain to recoil from where these criminals wish to take us. The final straw should be any Biden or Harris move to confiscate firearms, which Biden promised he would do within the first 100 days of taking office.

My optimism lies in the millions of Veterans still alive and kicking, who I hope and pray will rise up and say “Enough” when Biden moves against the 2nd Amendment Rights of all Americans. It’s bad enough that he is acquiescing to Big Tech’s control of Free Speech, but should he and Congress actually move to suppress it by “law”, that too should be a tripwire calling for action from all American patriots.

If all peaceful endeavors fail to halt this tyrannical agenda aimed against our Inalienable Rights, that’s where the Second Amendment will serve its purpose, the people and the cause of liberty.

Biden opened up the proverbial “can of worms” when he shut down deportations of foreign illegal aliens and moved back to Obama’s open border policy, especially with so many Americans ruined by the Covid lockdowns that he proposes to continue, by virtue of a “Reopening Policy” weighted down by reams of guidelines to be met first. The ruined will be angry, as will landlords and mortgage holders who won’t get paid, due to an extended moratorium on collecting the rent. All of this is by design to complete the destruction of the economy and cripple America so badly, and more Americans are too well aware of this to allow the Democrats to use this as the excuse to finally usher in full blown socialism.

Basically, while Biden’s policies are dangerous as hell for America from their start, Biden has gotten off to a reckless, ill-fated start that could very well end soon, with Americans turning on Americans in our streets, which will see the radicals suffer the worse losses, if all the conservative firearms owners rise up. Unless they too have become too fat and comfortable to do anything other than say “Yes Sir … How High would you like that pile of shit” and lay down beside it and comply.

Whatever happens from this day forward, I’m ready to see a good deal more anti-Federalist action employed in our government and people put in place, who will work towards real liberty, until the masses finally do take up arms and do the hard and dirty task that lays before them.

January 23, 2021

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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