Spitting On American Principles: Remember This Day Forever

Before it’s all said and done, I expect to see many more Americans, Good and Bad Ones alike, planted in the ground or simply left rotting in ditches, because we’ve reached a point where this dual duplicitous system that’s been holding our Constitution hostage for over a 100 years needs to be burned to the ground and started anew within the barest framework of the Constitution to ensure individual liberty over special interests, security and safety and “to promote the general welfare” that has been utilized to enslave us all to the taxman, illegally I would add. And as we start anew, we must also ensure that unclean, evil death-dealing ideologies can never be interjected into our system, since Free Speech, as a right, has a Righteous Moral Grounding and wasn’t something our Founders saw as demanding any Bad and Evil Idea be given any ground within our system, especially if it was designed to see to our destruction, and as such, Foreign ideologies like Marxist and Maoist Communism and Islam must never be given any platform ever again within our system, to our detriment and ultimate harm.

The Founders never intended the U.S. Constitution to be the transport for our very demise. It was designed as our defense of Freedom and Liberty, not a toll for our enemies from within to utilize for the Country’s destruction and the end of the Republic. It is not and never was a Suicide Pact. ~ J.O.S.

The storming of the U.S. Capitol in D.C. on January 6th 2021 is one of those momentous occasions, that no one will soon forget, since innocent people, who did not breach the Capitol Building, died outside in the ensuing melee, and one fine, young lady, Ashli Babbit, a Trump supporter, died inside, after following a few Antifa infiltrators and agitators into the building. Worse in many respects, a national election has absolutely been stolen and the future of freedom and liberty imperiled for many generations to come, since this violence did not benefit anybody but the Pretender, Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party Communists, as Senators, previously poised to challenge the criminal fraudulent 2020 election results, suddenly shifted position and voted to certify illegally decided and cast electoral votes, shredding the Constitution and spitting on American principles in the process.

What was true yesterday remains true on the ‘morrow, does it not. If those votes were deemed illegal, no outside protest or violent event changes the fact.

America has witnessed its last free election on November 3rd 2020. This criminal fraudulent election has set the stage for future elections that basically rubberstamp the Democratic Party Communists on a continuous basis, much as seen in China. Look at any current Democratic stronghold, like California, with Democrats packed shoulder to shoulder at all levels of government and a Supreme Court that has proved its worthlessness. And soon, unless some hard and drastic action is taken, America will look like every other cesspool of a Democrat managed city, requiring one to wear wading boots and learn to avoid hypodermic needles, as the tent cities pop up, along with the bugs and the rats, with the next generation owning nothing and expected to act as though they like it — or else.

Prior to all things falling apart this day, America suffered the fools, Chris Wallace of Fox News and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as they compared apples to oranges and equivocate Republican challenges to the Criminal Fraudulent 2020 Election Results to what the Democrats have done without any factual basis in past elections. They flatly deny the actual mechanisms that do in fact exist within the Constitution, for just such instances, and have been utilized in the past, as they also repeated the Democratic Party talking points, calling the Trump lawyers’ and supporters’ charges “conspiracy” and suggesting the Electoral College Vote, illegally cast votes and all, should be certified.

And just as egregiously, essentially, Vice-President Mike Pence delivered an erroneous account of what President Trump had asked of him. Rather than being asked to solely decide the election on his own authority, Pence was simply asked to do his Constitutional duty under the 12th Amendment to recognize the illegally cast electoral votes and return them to their state legislatures, in order to arrive at a solution and a rectification of the vote, possibly through a newly selected slate of electors.

On January 6th 2021, President Trump spoke to the crowd, declaring:

“We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen … it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. … We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and Congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength.”

That doesn’t sound anything remotely close to inciting the crowd to riot on his behalf, as the Leftist Mainstream Media and even Fox News have tried to assert, does it? It sure doesn’t to me.

But already, America is being overwhelmed by heavy breathing on-air commentaries from the Leftist Media [now including Fox news] about how “the mob was incited to violence by President Trump”, rather than acknowledging that all sane Americans are angry as all hell to see a corrupted election machinery deliver the United States Presidency to an incompetent, ignorant, anti-American, malleable figurehead president and his Marxist watchers. Also just as sickening, cowardly Congressmen are now reemerging from under their desks to damn the people who elected them, while Biden continues to spout gibberish, and Speaker Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer shriek for the removal of President Trump, who has less than two weeks left on his term. And no patriot gives a shit what they have to say.

Discounting certain stories that have supposedly already been debunked, one cannot deny that one supposed “Trump supporter” sported the well known communist insignia of a hammer and sickle tattoo on one of his hands, highly visible in many photographs from numerous credible sources. He has since been identified as an Antifa member from Philadelphia.

And then there’s Jake Angeli, the guy in Viking costume. He’s a basic anarchist who was photographed in June at a Black Lives Matter protest and at a climate change protest in 2019. A bit on the nutty side, he also claims to be a shaman.

One hard right Trump supporter, Robert Barnett, from Arkansas, was extremely angry with Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He actually found his way into her office where he left a calling card, in the way of a nice little note, essentially saying that conservative America won’t be stopped. He later told authorities that he entered the building looking for a bathroom.

As reported in the corrected version of a recent Washington Times story, it received the following from a law enforcement source:

“The professional protesters were in the crowd posing as Trumpers. They were preaching violence. As they approached, it was announced that [Vice President Mike] Pence had said he has no Constitutional authority. The crowd got mad. The agitators used this to whip-up anger. If the Feds are really intent on making the linkage between the instigators and Antifa, the evidence is there.”

For the most part, it does appear that Antifa agitated the violence and many Trump supporters followed in kind, as a few hundred, perhaps more than a thousand and enough to overwhelm Capitol police, stormed the Capitol out of impulse and rage.

As noted a bit later that day, President Donald J. Trump wrote:

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a correct set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

In the aftermath of the fray, two pipe bombs and several other incendiary devices were discovered near the RNC and the DNC Headquarters.

If one wonders why so many fine, patriotic Americans are so concerned, still at this hour, about America’s election integrity, in just one state, Pennsylvania, for example and apart from the fraud allegations, one finds a state constitution that prohibits mail-in ballots except in very defined and specific rare instances provided for in that law. And yet, all America bore witness to Pennsylvania elected officials violating their own constitution last year, and as Pennsylvania citizens attempted to be heard before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on their grievance, they were dismissed for a variety of disingenuous reasons, such as procedure, timeliness or a violation of Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s own precedent. So the merits of the case have never been heard, nor the constitutionality of what transpired defended.

Two and a half million mail-in ballots were cast in Pennsylvania alone. And that should give all America cause to pause.

The evidence absolutely was weighing heavily in President Trump’s favor that exhibited massive fraud, procedural errors and outright violations of states’ constitutions, that quite likely would have resulted in a quite different outcome, still possibly without an actual win for President Trump but with at least some good bit of vindication. Breaching the Capitol essentially stopped all momentum in this direction, and squashed and silenced debate and any possibility of bringing the Democratic Party Communist crimes under intense scrutiny and into the full light of day.

And later, how angered did many patriots get to hear the Joe Biden, the Pretender, spout off his big, ignorant mouth on national television calling the small bit of violence an “Insurrection”? So, a crowd gets out of control, a bit real and rough, and breaks into a building — even if it was the Capitol Building — and all of a sudden it’s an insurrection. Isn’t this ironic, in light of the fact that Biden didn’t utter a peep, when the Democratic Party Communists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter were burning entire U.S. cities to the ground?!?

Biden has no credibility when he tries to speak as an authority on “Who we are as a people.” I could give a damn less on what an Enemy From Within has to say about who or what Americans are or aren’t, especially when it’s his Democratic Party Communists who seek to end the Founding and the Republic.

Biden and Company would have been blacklisted as Communists or Fellow Travelers in the 1950s, and with damned good reason. Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Squad and the entirety of the Democratic Party do not have an American-loving bone in their bodies.

By now, any cogent, logically thinking American full well understands that the Democrats are the Domestic Enemies that many of us who served in the military are sworn to defend America against. But even so, I also blame the weak, self-serving cowardly Establishment Republicans, the Never Trumpers, for this debacle, and I have a deep hatred for all of these smug, arrogant, self-righteous, knowingly-complicit Bastards who have betrayed America and handed Her to traitors to be led to Her demise.

Surely there isn’t an American alive who now believes “Trumpism” or the Republican Party will survive what has transpired. Pence too is political history. And it’s undeniable that the Democrats and the Establishment Republicans understand this going forward.

It’s not hard to recognize the sullen and hot anger that now sweeps the best part of the American people. For all their attempts to do the right thing, filing useless lawsuits, swearing affidavits, and calling on feckless representatives to do their duty to keep our country from being stolen by people who mean Her ill, they may as well have been trying to milk a bull.

The “Establishment”/ “Deep State” [powers that be or whatever one calls them] and Joe Biden and his Squad of Commies will soon enough attempt to label the fine, good and decent conservative American patriots as “domestic terrorists” and criminals, and that’s just fine by me. Let them do their worse and receive hellfire in return, for their masks have fallen off and they are readily seen for the tyrants and despots that they are. Ordinary Americans know the evil that has just taken place in the Halls of Congress, done by those weak turncoats and knowing traitors, and things aren’t about to calm down anytime soon. America is two countries, and it has been for some time; but only one can win, can exist, in the end.

Tyranny and despotism are rising in America. and the country is now careening wildly down a hard and short dirt road to civil war, or perhaps simply a terrible collapse of the Republic, as an increasing number of Americans start resisting and fighting greater centralized government and the Marxist globalism to follow, in favor of more decentralized government. The political environment will cease to exist as it’s been seen in past years, and an extreme element of danger will grow ever more ominous and widespread throughout our society, for many years to come, unless and until the American people once again rise up and destroy the tyrants.

It remains to be seen whether or not America has just witnessed the final gasps of Trump’s political capital and his movement, having been sabotaged for four years by people who should have long been removed from government, or the beginning of a greater movement that takes America to find their own Franco.

Who will lead? Look for local bastions of Liberty to emerge all across America, establishing interconnected and coordinated groups in communities, counties and states, while on other fronts, patriots work to decentralize government at all levels. Rather than a Franco or a Pinochet, America must fight the urge to call for a dictator to save us, and instead, the country must work towards less government in all aspects of the American individual’s life.

The Founders and generations of great American patriots created the most wonderful and exceptional country in the history of mankind, and in practically a blink of an eye, the worse elements of our society cast Her aside like so much fetid and foul rubbish, pushing us a step closer to something akin to Spain in 1936 or Yugoslavia after the Berlin Wall came down. And for the aware among the populace, they’re probably already facing facts and hardening their hearts and steeling their resolve to do what is necessary to remain free, as many may consider the disconnected anonymity of the lone guerrilla soldier who seeks out points of weakness, lines of supply, brake lines, internet cables, control grids, electrical hubs and asking just what can be won, by way of surprise warfare.

Somewhere around 6:00 p.m., President Trump sent out this message:

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & peace. Remember this day forever!”

Peace is well and good, but not so much so to the point that a people permit a Dark Tyranny to take hold of the Country and further divide America, if that’s even possible, by allowing Criminals and Communists to Illegally Rule over the other half of the Country and dismantle the Republic by “right” of a Stolen Election.

Y’All can have your “peace.”  As for me, everyone can do as they like, but I will live free, even if it means the Commies declare me an “outlaw”. I’m done playing by any rules that do not secure my individual liberty and freedom for America’s Children and Their Children’s Children. I choose Liberty and Damn the Cost.

January 8, 2021

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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