Looking through the past decades and the prism of history, it is crystal clear that the danger for all Americans emanating from the expansion and growth of the various DC federal agencies has been growing for an extremely long time. We see the proof of the danger by way of traitors like General Mark Milley, who refused to carry out direct orders from President Trump and even went so far as to say he would warn the Chinese Communists if America were to ever mount an imminent attack against them. And so too, we saw Lt Colonel Alexander Vindman, not only spy on Trump but deliver false and purposefully misleading testimony during Trump’s impeachment hearing.
And then enter Biden. No enemy of America’s could have a better friend and agent acting on their behalf than Traitor Joe, who had it rough fighting Corn Pop at the local pool when he was just a young teen growing up in Little China, Massachusetts … Hahaha.
No one should be fooled by the size of Trump’s victory. The Deep State DC Machine is preparing for war, even more fiercely than we saw occur during the Obama years; but Trump is wise to them now and going in full bore, hard charging all the way.
The only real problem in terms of final outcomes of this election remains the fact that Trump is not now nor never has been a true conservative and he has no real true convictions of any kind. He is a pragmatist who is fairly easily swayed on any given day, depending on who has his ear and is most favored on that day.
Like all populist movements, the Trump Machine must now deliver the restoration of sanity, prosperity, security and liberty – most of all individual liberty – and the security at and within our borders that he promised for all Americans. If it can accomplish this, Trumpism or some form of it will be strengthened, growing in stature and esteem in the public’s eyes; and as such, it will most certainly ensure future election victories for the GOP, so long as it halts its own leftward lurch and love affair with Big Spending. And more importantly, if Trump and the GOP stay true to the Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-given Rights, they have the opportunity to lay new foundations for an abiding American Exceptionalism …
… if only … if only a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass every time he hopped.
We can only hope and pray his new Cabinet will be acting with integrity and an honest intent to dismantle the Deep State and move America a hundred thousand steps closer to true freedom and individual liberty for all Americans. But knowing the inclination for Republicans in Congress to always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory or make some unnecessary nation destroying “compromise” with the radical commies, I won’t be holding my breath in anticipation.
Trump’s next four years is only one more buffer zone against what will eventually come. We have not dodged the bullet or removed ourselves from a trajectory that ultimately leads directly to a hot full blown civil war. The radical Dem commies won’t allow it, not if it means the republic remains.
Look for more riots in cities across America on Inauguration Day and an incredibly massive burst of violence once Tom Homan actually starts rounding up the illegal alien invaders for mass deportation.
Americans have had enough, and it’s past time for America to take names and make some heads roll all across the ranks of the country’s radical hard left Democrat party.
Many hard-fought battles lay ahead over the coming decade, because the radical Marxist-Maoist communists remain in the country and President Trump and the millions of Americans who still stand for the Flag and love America face an obstinate, unbelievably immoral and evil anti-American enemy and its Deep State component within the DC cesspool on Capitol Hill and behind the various intelligence agencies, who are willing to do anything to “win” and hold power for as long as they can – forever in fact. Inasmuch as this is true, it portends of many civil upheavals and the exponential explosion of violent confrontations across the country between now and 2035. And this guarantees the next four years will be violent and filled with more chaos driven by America’s radicals, ever the more intent on destroying the republic.
The war for true freedom and individual liberty has not been won – not yet. It has just begun.
December 10, 2024
Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.