Blow it Out Cher (G)-Ass! Chapter III

Oklahoma Farmers Sound Alarm on Chinese-Owned Weed Farms Taking Over Their Town With Workers Armed With AK-47s Using Fake Amazon Trucks to Distribute Cannabis

Farmers in Oklahoma are warning residents about cannabis farms owned by China backed heavily armed workers using phony Amazon trucks.

Authorities in Oklahoma, Oregon, California, New Mexico and Maine have all been battling a surge in Chinese weed farms, with some thought to be linked to criminal gangs known as ‘triads’.

The spread is seemingly uncontainable, with police in Penobscot County, Maine, in February arresting three Chinese nationals at a weed farm and seizing 40 pounds of the drug alongside $4,700 in cash…. (Continue to full article)

Senate Acts to Ban Plastic Bags and Reduce Plastic Usage
The Massachusetts Senate passed legislation that builds on the state’s climate and environmental leadership by banning single-use plastic bags, making straws and plasticware available by request only, and making it easier to recycle. The legislation passed by a vote of 38-2.

“I’m very excited about the passage of the Act to Reduce Plastics. Reducing the amount of single-use plastic consumption is essential in ensuring waterways, streets, and communities in the First Middlesex District and statewide remain clean and safe,” said Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Lowell).

“In Massachusetts, we take pride in being a leader when it comes to protecting our environment and people’s health, and this bill continues that leadership,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “Limiting our plastics use means less trash in our waterways and on our streets, and giving our kids the green, clean planet they deserve to inherit.”

Now Wal-y-World can start charging us for Paper-bags… (Continue to full article)

Illegal Border Crossings at Northern Border Continue to Break Records
Illegal border crossings at the northern border continue to break records, according to the latest data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

In May, 18,644 foreign nationals were apprehended illegally entering the U.S. at the northern border, the highest total for the month of May in recorded history.

The northern border has seen the highest number of illegal entries in U.S. history under the Biden administration.

In the first eight months of fiscal 2024, more than 99,000 were apprehended after illegally entering through the northern border, according to CBP data . If the current trajectory continues, the numbers are on track to surpass fiscal 2023 apprehensions of 147,666… (Continue to full article)

“Fixing” Public Schools? Forget It! You’ll Never Do It
The problem with the government schools is that they don’t have the Ten Commandments posted. Putting aside that many of the students won’t be reading at high enough a level to understand them, there’s no fixing taxpayer-funded progressive indoctrination centers. (To be fair, a lot of conservative parents like them too because they see them as a ‘free’ babysitting service where they can dump their kids from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

They are state owned and run and will only ever support the state’s plan of limitless expansion and micromanagement of its vassals’ lives. The only real solution to the pathologies of the government schools is to permanently close them and repeal the property taxes that fund them.

The answer is – no they can’t. In fact you can’t do anything to repair the public schools. They are irreparable for the simple reason that they are doing now exactly what they were intended to do from the beginning!!!(Continue to full article)

Almost Half of U.S. Electric Car Owners Regret Purchase
A consumer research group surveyed electric vehicle (EV) owners all around the world and found 46 percent of American EV owners regret their purchase and are “very likely” to switch back to the internal combustion engine (ICE).

Around the world, 29 percent of EV owners said they will go back to the ICE. The top concerns are the lack of a reliable charging infrastructure, the costs involved in owning an EV, and anxiety about long-distance trips.

Also not happening, as anyone can see, is the building of a charging infrastructure. There is not enough demand in the free market to build these charging stations through private enterprise, so two years ago the Biden administration allocated $7.5 billion to build a charging infrastructure.

To the surprise of no one, two years later, only eight charging stations have been built.

The idea was to have more people purchase and love their EVs, which would then increase demand and desire for EVs. That is obviously not happening…. (Continue to full article)

How Republican Ashley Hinson’s ‘Farm Bill‘ Provision Could Stop China’s Buy Out of U.S. Farmland

… as it’s revealed communist adversary has bought 347,000 acres

The upcoming House Farm Bill will contain measures to restrict foreign entities like China from scooping up American farmland in a big win for national security, a Republican who helped secure the provisions told

Foreign entities own a total of 40 million acres of U.S. farmland and China has bought up nearly 347,000 acres, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Now lawmakers are working to further restrict China and other adversaries from snatching up coveted land in the fiscal year 2024 ‘Farm Bill.’… (Continue to full article)

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