DeWeese: Radical Greens Launch a Massive Attack

The radical environmental movement has just launched a massive attack on those of us who are fighting to stop their attacks on our farmers, our property rights, and our free market system.

They have especially focused on our efforts to expose the disastrous results of massive wind and solar farms, which cover thousands of acres of vital farmland with solar panels. The growing danger is that nothing can grow to feed us.

Worse, solar and wind farms are producing little of the vital energy we desperately need to live.

We are fighting the battle to expose and stop this mess. Obviously, we are having an impact.

Because suddenly, earlier this month, several Leftist Green publications blasted attacks on our movement – all at the same time.

They called us “the most notorious opponents of common-sense conservation efforts…” One headline read: “Inside the right-wing conspiracy to thwart the clean energy transition.”

Of course, they mean we are damaging their efforts to ban the very fuels that we desperately need to heat our homes and run our cars. So, which one is the conspiracy – the effort to save energy or the effort to destroy it?

But the biggest lie of all in these organized attacks is the charge that our movement is fueled by Big Oil!

The American Policy Center has never received a penny from Big Oil, yet, the Sierra Club has been spewing this lie for years. I once wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Exxon and said, “APC has been taking the heat for you for years, where is our check?” I never even received a response from him. But, according to the radical Greens I am a vile lackey of big oil.

A few groups APC works with early on received some money from big oil – but that stopped several decades ago. Here’s the real fact that radical Greens do NOT want you to know – Big Oil provides millions of dollars to the Greens – especially the Sierra Club!

Question – does that make the Sierra Club a “lackey of Big Oil”? Oh, of course not, it’s for the environment!

But the attack from the Green movement was obviously launched in order to discredit us. They called us Disinformation Artists to “manufacture doubt about global warming.” Climate Science Deniers, Fossil Fuel Shills, and Rabble Rousers! The real purpose for their attack on our movement was revealed in this quote… “gaining ground in a larger mission: twisting public opinion against renewable energy in other would-be host communities.”

This is huge news!

The radical Left is terrified of our efforts to expose their lies and must go all out to attack and discredit us.

That’s because we are winning most of the battles now!

I am working with activists in Iowa, South Dakota, Ohio, Minnesota, Montana, Tennessee, and Wyoming, – all working to stop the assault on farmers that are in the path of growing solar farms. And I have just opened contact with folks in New York who are fighting to stop offshore wind farms.

I’m working with activists in Michigan who are fighting to repeal a new law that blocks the ability of local county governments to help protect private property from being taken for solar farms.

These battles are growing because the radical green movement has joined forces with the government and powerful, rich corporations so they can just take land at their whim for their agenda.

People are learning the truth, and they are scared. They want us to help them – they need us to stand with them.

Across Europe governments are starting to push back against the idiotic Net Zero plan to destroy all fossil fuels. Even the leftist European Union is backing down. Great Britain is doing the same. There are major farmer protests in the Netherlands. More protests have broken out in France. Argentina is beginning to take a stand against sustainable policy. And now protests are growing here in America.

And that’s exactly why the radical Greens are doing everything possible to destroy our movement – before we crush them!

The biggest challenge to each of us is to not get discouraged and afraid of attacks like the one just launched against us. They fear us because much of their agenda is beginning to crumble – because it’s all based on lies and people are learning that.

That’s why we must ramp up our efforts to reach more Americans, spread the truth, and discredit the Left’s lies. Most importantly, we need to be there to make sure local citizens have the tools necessary to fight back.

Of course, that is exactly what APC is working to do. And I must have your support to keep going. We certainly are not going to receive any funds from WOKE corporations that are piling it into the pockets of the radical Greens!


Use the link below to share this email with your friends and family.

You have been wonderful in your support of my efforts, and we are obviously having an impact. We can’t stop now. Can I count on you today to send your financial support to APC to continue this fight? Just click HERE. Or you can mail your gift to APC at 53 Main Street, Box 3640, Warrenton, Virginia, 20188-3640.

I know that if we push forward, we will defeat these radical policies that are destroying our way of life. Please continue to stand with me! We’ve got them scared! Now is our time to finish the job!


Please consider supporting my American Policy Center (APC) with a generous gift to help us continue the battle to protect privacy and property rights across the country.

Thank you again!

Yours in Freedom,




March 18, 2024

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

~ The Author ~
Thomas A. DeWeese is the President of the American Policy Center.

Tom is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

Tom DeWeese’s commentaries may not be reprinted or republished without permission. All Rights Reserved. Submitted to and published by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. by arrangement, and with permission of the author.

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