“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ~ George Carlin

LOOK Closely
It is claimed that Ben Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential freedom for the promise of comfort and security will deserve neither and lose both.” The country we live in today, and the people who inhabit it, are living proof that Franklin was correct in his assessment. Here we sit after decade after decade of ignorance, apathy, and indoctrination, willingly submitting to violation after violation of our freedom, and we denounce those who have the courage to stand up to tyrants as dangers to society. We should be mighty proud of ourselves. [Said with a heavy dose of sarcasm]
How many of our rights have we sacrificed upon the altar of our fears; how much liberty have we surrendered for the twin promises of comfort and security? We call ourselves free, yet there is nary a thing we can do, a thing we can own, that does not require a license or permit, or that is taxed or regulated heavily. We used to be a strong people, a self-sufficient people; a free people…what the hell has happened to us that we so willingly obey those who would enslave us; fight amongst each other over who will be our next master?
We tell ourselves that we hate liars, yet nearly all our beliefs are built upon lies. We say we revere the truth, yet we accept as gospel the words of liars, and reject those who speak the truth as if they were raving madmen. Most of all, we lie to ourselves; for it is easier to do so than to accept the fact that we’ve been lied to for most of our lives; played the fool and made slaves by those we’ve trusted implicitly to do what is best for us.
People tell me to stop being so mad all the time. Mad? I’m beyond mad. I’m not even sure there is a word to describe how I feel; if there is, it is either furious or incensed. Although the following does not teach me anything about how we came to be where we are today, it does describe my inner sentiments towards the majority of my fellow countrymen: “When I contemplate the natural dignity of man, when I feel (for Nature has not been kind enough to me to blunt my feelings) for the honour and happiness of its character, I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools, and can scarcely avoid disgust at those who are thus imposed upon.”
Freedom is our birthright; it is God’s gift to all men, and it was bequeathed to us by much toil and blood in the American Revolution; yet we shun it and reject those who seek it for themselves. Most Americans today would not recognize freedom if it came to their doorstep and introduced itself; they would not know how to handle a life of freedom without a benevolent government by their side; telling them what to do, or how to do it.
The biggest misconception people have is that government exists to secure to them that freedom; I know, I was under that illusion myself for a large part of my life. Government cannot secure our freedom unless those who elect people to office have the security of their rights and liberty as their primary motivation when choosing who shall represent them in government. Our freedom cannot survive long when we have a system of government that does not have a mechanism to punish those who threaten our freedom. Our freedom does not depend upon government for its continued existence; it depends upon our willingness to stand up to anyone who threatens it; at the cost of our lives if needs be.
Freedom is not to be found in political parties, or ancient parchments on display in a museum, or the National Archives. Freedom is found in the hearts and breasts of those who have the courage to defend it against all attacks. In 1944, Judge Billings Learned Hand said as much when he addressed a crowd of over a million people in New York’s Central Park: “I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it.”
It is said that the punishment for treason is death; but what is treason? Treason is far more than selling, or giving away of secrets to our enemies; it is also the betrayal of trust. Therefore, if those we elected are under the sacred obligation to ensure that no law is passed which deprives us of our rights or our liberty, aren’t they guilty of treason, (violating our trust), when they pass laws that do?
These treacherous swine have an army at their disposal, both in the form of local law enforcement and federal agents, who exist to ensure that the laws they pass are upheld. What do we have to counter such a force and secure our God given rights to life and liberty? There is certainly nothing in the Constitution that permits us to punish those who betray our trust. Patrick Henry warned of that fatal flaw within the constitution when he said: “That paper may tell me they will be punished. I ask, by what law? They must make the law — for there is no existing law to do it. What — will they make a law to punish themselves? This, Sir, is my great objection to the Constitution, that there is no true responsibility — and that the preservation of our liberty depends on the single chance of men being virtuous enough to make laws to punish themselves.”
Our freedom, regardless of what you’ve been taught/told, does not come from government; it is ours, and therefore, it is our duty, our obligation, our responsibility, AND our right to defend it against any and all who threaten it. That is why I get sick to my stomach when I see people flying the ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flag side by side with the ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag. If you ask me, that’s schizophrenic; on the one hand they are saying to not tread upon them and their rights, and on the other, they are saying support those who trample all over their rights. It makes absolutely no sense to me; yet it is the mindset of many who call themselves patriots today.
How did this happen? It happened because we have not been taught the truth; generation after generation of lies have been fed to us, indoctrinating us into believing that government has all these powers, and that it is our duty to obey the law. I find it ironic that people celebrate Independence Day every year – celebrate the deeds of a bunch of tax evading law breakers – yet we condemn anyone who even suggests we should act the same way they did in regards to the laws/taxes being imposed upon us. The holiday itself is all pomp and fanfare, with no substance…no soul; it’s true meaning being meaningless to those who celebrate it.
It truly is sad what we have allowed to happen, but what’s even sadder is that people cannot recognize a lie when they see it with their own eyes and hear it with their own ears. Take this whole Covid scam as an example. First, we were told that it was 14 days to flatten the curve, then it became mandatory lockdowns; from which our economy has yet to recover. Then it was mass testing and contact tracing; still the obedient followed orders. Then the coup de grace; the vaccine.
How many remember what we were told by experts and officials when the vaccine became available to the public? I do; I kept video clips of them for reference should they change their story; which, of course, they did. Here are a few examples.
From the Dementia Patient In Chief (Joe Biden) we have:
– You’re okay, you’re not gonna get Covid if you have these vaccinations.
– If you are fully vaccinated you no longer need to wear a mask
Then there is the mouthpiece of the whole scandemic; Anthony Fauci:
– These vaccines are highly, highly effective
– When people are vaccinated they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected
And, of course, there was Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control:
– Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.
– Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing.
Finally, there was Bill Gates, although I have no idea what a software designer knows about the efficacy of vaccines:
– Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing the air transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.
– A key goal is to stop the transmission, get the immunity levels up so that you get almost no infection going on whatsoever.
That was when the vaccines were first being introduced. Let’s look at what they’ve said recently.
Anthony Fauci:
– The level of virus in the nasal pharynx of a person who is vaccinated and infected is the same level as the same level in the nasal pharynx of an unvaccinated person
– And if you look at Israel, which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us, they are seeing a waning of immunity, not only against infection, but against hospitalization, and to some extent death. A booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.
Dr. Walenski, speaking in regards to the vaccine, recently stated; “But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission:. Not only that, she also stated the following; “Reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.”
And finally, Mr. Gates himself; “We didn’t have vaccines to block transmission. We got vaccines to help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission.”
Those are all direct quotes, and I can provide you with the footage to prove it. So, either they have absolutely no idea as to what they’re talking about, or they are lying flat out; and have been the entire time.
I’m gonna tell you something, and it may come as a bit of a shock; anytime you are forced to do something you wouldn’t normally do; be it in the name of public safety, or the overall general welfare, it is a violation of your liberty; your freedom of choice. A people who understood what freedom, what liberty was, wouldn’t need me to explain that to them; they would have understood it in their hearts, and they would not have obeyed any of these mandates coming from government in regards to Covid.
I firmly believe that if men like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams were alive today, they would be shocked to see how willingly people bow at the knee and submit to the will of tyrants. Hell, it shocks and sickens me, and I’m nowhere near the men/patriots they were. I may not have the courage those men did, but I most certainly can recognize when I’m being lied to; know who my enemies are, and what their endgame is. Finally, I’m not stupid enough to think that my vote makes a whit of difference; that it can change things and restore the liberty that those men bequeathed to us at great cost.
So go on, keep obeying their commands, hoping that this time things will return to normal; they won’t; not so long as people keep complying. If you want normalcy back, if you want freedom back, if you want what our ancestors wanted 245 years ago, you’re going to have to do what they did; rise up and shake off the shackles that bind you to them. So long as you comply, thinking these rules/laws/mandates are in your own best interests; they’ve got you by the balls. So long as you depend upon them; be it for subsidies, benefits, or security, they’ve got you by the balls.
Freedom means just what it says, the freedom to live as one pleases, without depending upon, or allowing others to dictate how we should live our lives. Until people realize that, there will be no freedom in this country; only the slow, but steady progression towards absolute despotism and servitude.
I doubt that I will, but I hope that you live long enough to see that people such as myself weren’t your enemy; we were the best friends you ever had; the defenders of your rights and liberty as well as the defenders of our own. Just remember, when that day comes, that you were warned; but you would not listen.
January 1, 2022
~ The Author ~
Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. If you liked Neal’s latest column, maybe you’ll like his latest booklet: The Civil War: (The Truth You Have Not Been Told). Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American history.
Stand apart, if you stand alone!
right on neal, great article. more of this needs to be said.
The only way to have a free nation is to establish law and order. Any one that doesn’t understand flying both the “don’t tread on me” and the “Blue Line” flags is someone that doesn’t understand how freedom needs to be supported buy law and order.