Self Denial by Richard Cook
Party of Denial
A favorite tactic of totalitarian political systems is to deny the obvious. In this case, the Democratic Party and its leadership continue to tell Americans not to believe their lying eyes and ears. Parents are told that CRT is not being taught in their schools even though at school board meetings they learn about all the hateful, divisive, racist tenets of CRT that are part of their children’s curriculum. And when state legislators try to ban CRT from school curriculums, they are fiercely opposed by teachers unions for something that supposedly doesn’t exist.
According to the president, inflation is not serious and will soon go away, except in the meantime, cost of basic necessities are up by 25% or more. Not to worry though, a multitrillion-dollar spending bill will somehow reduce inflation instead of actually increasing it.
Increasing violence in cities is really not a problem and not the result of decreasing police forces but simply overstated and over reported.
The shameful retreat from Afghanistan was a huge success according to President Biden, even though images of Afghans desperately clinging to departing planes and American soldiers being murdered was not relevant.
There is no border crisis even though close to 2 million illegals will have crossed our southern border this year.
We now have an administration who cannot be trusted and willing accomplices in the liberal media who will never hold them accountable.
Igor Shpudejko
Just head to Cuba
The espousal propagated by the Marxists is a diatribe of ideology purporting truth but in essence demonstrates it never works. Look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe as two perfect examples of what equity defines. Both countries were exporting goods that caused them to flourish.
But because rulers that believe that socialistic equity was the way to go. Venezuela raised taxes to run social programs promoting socialist equity with swelling promises of a greater life. Soon those who were working and paying the overwhelming taxes could no longer support government spending.
Producers of goods had to abandon their businesses because the economy faltered. Inflation blossomed to levels where their dollars were printed in the tens of thousands and worth a U.S. penny.
Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe took all farm property away from the British promoting socialist equity and made them the people’s farms. Soon the farms became idle. No one was able to repair the machinery used for planting and harvesting.

Yo’bama and “family”
So it sat and rusted. Their currency rapidly became worthless because of inflation. Their currency inflated to the point they were printing bills that were in the billions of dollars. It is virtually worthless. For a U.S. dime, I bought a Z$40 billion and $1 billion note as a souvenir when I was in Zimbabwe. So, you can see the consequences of government spending by printing more money to pay for these grandiose promises of building a better life.
You will not find CRT in school programs, but you will find socialistic equity being taught and CRT is a part of equity. I would recommend that anyone who wants to flee socialistic countries like Cuba can come to America and those that want to live under socialism can go to Cuba.
Les Armstrong
Written to and Published by the West Valley View ~ December 30, 2021