“If everyone agrees, someone is not thinking.” ~ George S. Patton

“In these days, old man, nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don’t, so why should we?”
I don’t know who G.T. Pickering is, but I just stumbled across something he is quoted as saying that stopped me dead in my tracks: Our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with what they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable, but laudable. Pretty strong words; words that, unfortunately, seem to be spot on when it comes to a vast segment of society.
I find that the above quote bears a certain similarity to something author Isaac Asimov once said: There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
During the Second World War, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels was quoted as saying: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. I don’t know if Goebbels stole that line or not, but it bears a striking resemblance to something written by Isabella Blagden in the latter part of the 19th Century: If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it. Like I said, I don’t know if Goebbels stole that line or not, but you cannot deny that the two quotes bear a certain similarity.
Dogma is a word you don’t hear very often; unless you’re discussing religious beliefs. Yet the word dogma is not necessarily restricted to religious discussions; it can apply to anything where a certain set of beliefs are held to be truthful/factual. The word dogma itself is defined as meaning: a principle or statement of ideas, or a group of such principles or statements, especially when considered to be authoritative or accepted uncritically.
I hope you didn’t just skim over that definition, as there is something vitally important in it. Let’s go back and reread the last sentence, beginning after the final comma: …especially when considered to be authoritative or accepted uncritically.
What do you think that means, to be accepted uncritically? My thoughts are that it means that something is accepted without people ever being questioning whether or not it is factual. Why is it that people do that; accept things as being factual; without ever bothering to verify if what they are being told is the truth?
I think part of it is due to trust. I believe that there are certain titles people hold that cause others to trust them implicitly; which is a big mistake, if you ask me. I believe it was former President Reagan who used to say: Trust, but verify. There are some that I trust more than others, but I always verify for myself what I’m being told. I would hope that, if you’re reading this, you don’t take me at my word; that you verify for yourself that what I’m saying is truthful…but I’m not gonna hold my breath on that.
It is truly unfortunate to see so many people’s dogma, or political ideologies, based upon the lies they have been taught over the course of their lives; which is why I quoted Goebbels and Blagden a few moments ago; the lies have become their truth. What makes matters worse is that those who do try to share the truth are looked down upon and despised as being dangers to the status quo. It’s as George Orwell said: In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Beginning almost as soon as we take our first steps, we are taught two things; to trust those in positions of authority and to obey the rules/laws. By the time we reach adulthood those things are so deeply ingrained into our minds that it becomes almost impossible to break free of the lies we have been taught. We are not taught to think critically anymore; we are taught by repetition or memorization; logic, reasoning, and analysis are skills that most people today simply don’t have; which is why the things they say/believe make absolutely no sense.
Although I don’t normally watch any TV, I just watched one episode of NICS Los Angeles on ION Television as an experiment. During that 1 hour I counted 5 ads for various medications; treating everything from Asthma to Psoriasis, to Type II Diabetes, to Crohn’s Disease. At the end of every single advertisement the narrator listed off a litany of possible side effects, some of them life threatening. However, when it comes to the Covid vaccines, we haven’t heard diddly squat.
There are a couple reasons for that. First off, those ads I saw on TV were paid for by the drug companies to promote their products, and they haven’t had to pay a red cent to advertise their Covid vaccines; the government and news media have taken care of that for them free of charge with their non-stop fear mongering. Secondly, and this is probably of much more importance, the drugs you see advertised on TV all underwent a period of long clinical trials before they were authorized for use, ‘approved’ by the FDA, for overall use by the public. Even then, numerous lawsuits have been filed against the pharmaceutical industry for false advertising and wrongful/off market use…even after these drugs were approved by the FDA.
Those long-term clinical trials can take as long as 4 years, as the drug companies test them on people, then monitor the test subjects for any side effects. That wasn’t the case with any of these Covid vaccines; while they may have undergone a period of limited testing, they were rushed onto the market without any long-term clinical trials due to the Emergency Authorization granted the drug companies by the FDA – the government.
Do you realize what that means? What it means is that, instead of a few thousand people being test subjects to monitor for possible side effects, the 234 million Americans who have consented to take the Covid vaccine are the test subjects; turning 71% of the American people into lab rats. These drug companies don’t actually know what kind of long-term side effects their vaccines might cause; because they haven’t undergone the normal cycle of clinical testing.
Although the mainstream media is not reporting on it, alternative media sources are reporting that healthy people, such as athletes, have dropped dead on the playing field from sudden heart attacks. Children, not normally subject to heart attacks or strokes, are also dying from them as well. Any attempt to bring these facts to light is shut down by ‘officials’ as fear mongering being spread by anti-vaxx groups and conspiracy theorists.
Yet numerous virologists, and physicians who specialize in viral diseases and immune system responses, have said that these vaccines do far more damage than they prevent; especially when you consider that less than 1% of those who contract Covid actually die from it. I just watched an alarming talk given by one such doctor, who specializes in the immune system, as well as maintaining a regular practice. This doctor said that, since the vaccine started being given, he’s seen a 20% increase in certain types of cancer among his patients.
Two of the world’s leading virologists, those who study and participate in the creation of vaccines, have warned that the Covid vaccine is dangerous. The French virologist, Doctor Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the HIV virus, warns that it can induce, what is known as, Antibody Dependent Enhancement. What that basically boils down to is that the vaccine can either introduce the virus in people, or it can enhance the viruses’ natural ability to enter into a person’s system after they’ve come into contact with it.
Then there is Doctor Geert Vanden Bossche, who fears that the vaccine will cause the bodies natural immune system to ignore other normally occurring viruses. What Bossche is saying is that the Covid vaccine programs the body’s natural immune system to look ONLY for Covid, allowing other viruses to infect a person without an immune response. What that means is that your body is going to ignore other diseases; diseases it would normally fight off; because it has been programmed to only look for the Covid virus.
Then there is the fact that, as of August, there were over 11,000 deaths in the U.S. that are suspected of being directly caused by the Covid vaccine. I say suspected because very few autopsies have been performed to determine the cause of these deaths, so they are being listed as other causes; not directly related to the vaccine itself. Even before these vaccines were introduced doctors were told not to autopsy those who were suspected of dying from Covid. Yet throughout this entire fiasco, we have heard the same mantra repeated over and over again – TRUST THE SCIENCE. Is that science when there is no investigating what a virus does to a body, or the cause of death after someone takes a vaccine?
Then of course there is Bill Gates; who could not produce an operating system for computers that could fight off viruses. Gates was a leading spokesperson for mandatory vaccination of everyone; yet he holds no medical degree. There is another thing Gates is on record for supporting – a decrease in the world population; due to his belief that there are simply too many people living on our planet.
I purposefully chose not to mention another side effect of the Covid vaccine until I had introduced Bill Gates into the discussion. According to documentation provided by one of the vaccine manufacturers, studies on lab rats showed a 16% decline in the fertility rates of those rats who were given the Covid vaccine. While 16% may not seem that high, over time, and combined with all the possible deaths that may occur because of the other side effects of the vaccine, you end up seeing a decline in the world’s population; something Gates has always championed. If people are dying off sooner, and in greater numbers, while at the same time, not reproducing at normal rates, the population is going to go down.
I’m not saying that everything these vaccine opponents are saying is true; I honestly could not tell you; as I’m no doctor. However, when you have world renowned leaders in the field of vaccines telling you that there are serious dangers posed by the Covid vaccine, don’t you think you are entitled to be told of that fact, instead of being bombarded with the TAKE THE VACCINE OR ELSE mantra being promulgated by elected officials and the media? Don’t you think you are entitled to make an informed decision about what goes into your body, instead of having it forced upon you due to ignorance and fear?
Eighteen months ago, I chose to retire at age 62 because I refused to work for a company that mandated that I wear a face mask at work. Since then, I have not worn a face mask; yet I have not altered my lifestyle in the slightest. I still go grocery shopping, to home improvement stores, and other places where there are large groups of people. You cannot tell me that I did not come into contact with at least one person, if not more, who were infected with Covid. Yet, I never got sick!
If this virus was as deadly and virulent as it is being made out to be, I should have gotten sick…hell, I should be dead now. Yet, I’m still alive and kicking. If Covid is as serious as they are making it out to be, why is that? There’s something else I’d like to ask too.
If this vaccine does what vaccines are supposed to do, lessens the chances you’ll contract a disease, or lesson the symptoms if you do contract it, why are you so afraid of those who haven’t been vaccinated? If the vaccine does what they are telling you it does, you can still contract and spread Covid; so, what good is it doing you? More importantly, can you honestly believe that, seeing as how you can still contract and spread Covid after being vaccinated, that my taking the vaccine is going to eradicate the virus?
If you put two people into a room filled with mosquitoes, and spray one of them with mosquito repellant, why should that person care if the other person does not use repellant? If the repellant works, then you have nothing to worry about. If it doesn’t work, why are you using it, and why are you demanding that the other person use it? That’s the same logic, or should I say, lack of logic that I hear regarding mandatory vaccination.
Every time I get into a debate/discussion/argument with those who support mandatory vaccination, I get hit with the statement; you gotta trust the science. Let me tell you something, science isn’t science if opposing ideas are being silenced or censored; it then becomes propaganda. But, since trust the science is the weapon of choice for those who refuse to think critically, here’s a little science for you.
Let’s say NASA shoots a rocket up into space, carrying a rover of some sort. That rover lands on a faraway planet and begins taking samples; transmitting its data back to NASA. After those samples have been analyzed, single cell organisms are discovered. What do you think the headlines would say? I think they would say; Scientists discover LIFE on such and such planet; that’s what I think they’d say.
Yet, people will tell you that an unborn child is not a life until it has exited the womb and takes its first breath. If an ovum, the egg produced by a woman’s ovaries, was found on the planet Mars, scientists would be jumping for joy over the discovery of life on Mars. Yet, here on Earth, that same ovum is treated as something that is disposable; even after it has been fertilized and begins reproducing.
As early as 3 weeks after fertilization, a human embryo develops a heartbeat. I don’t know about you, but if something has a heartbeat, that means it is alive; it is a life. Yet, in most states, that life can be snuffed out up to 22 weeks after it begins; simply because it is inconvenient for the woman carrying it.
So, I’ll begin listening to your argument that I should trust the science, when science, and the law, recognize that every year, close to 1 million human lives are taken; before they are given the chance to take their first breath outside the womb! If you want me to trust those promoting this so-called science, (a government that sanctions the murder of unborn children), you’re out of your cotton-picking mind!
My wife was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in 2013; on her birthday, in fact. Helluva birthday present if you ask me! In any case, she chose to have her breasts removed, but forgo chemo and radiation therapy; choosing instead to alter her diet and begin an exercise routine. After her surgery, her oncologist told her that the chance her cancer could come back was high if she did not undergo traditional, scientifically supported, treatment; i.e., chemo and radiation. She held firm, and after 3 years, her doctor begrudgingly admitted that she was her healthiest patient.
So fuck the science we are being told to trust; it is skewed, it is biased, and it is the propaganda arm of the drug companies; all for their own profit, or worse; the depopulation and constant reliance upon their products due to a weakened, or failing immune system. Fuck Anthony Fauci…Fuck Joe Biden…Fuck Bill Gates…Fuck Gavin Newsom…Fuck the news media…and fuck you if you tell me I need to take the vaccine…over my dead body!
I trust that God would not have put me on this planet if He had not equipped my body to fight off illness. I’m not saying I am foolish enough to think I’ll never get sick, but I trust my immune system to do its job, and if not, then it means it was my time to die anyway. Confederate General, Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, once told one of his aides: My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death. I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave.
All I see and hear are a people being led around their noses by fear and panic, over a virus that, most likely, isn’t going to kill them if they contract it. That, in my opinion anyway, is not thinking, it is having your thoughts and beliefs manipulated and controlled by those who control the flow of information you have access to.
And, as a final note, if you happen to be among those who call themselves God-fearing Christians, why are you submitting to these mandates, and taking the vaccine? Do you not trust your body to do its job? Do you not trust your God to have given you an immune system, that if properly maintained and nourished, will prevent you from dying from viruses like this? Finally, if this vaccine is all it’s opponents are saying it is, there is a passage from the Bible you need to consider: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
If you believe that, that your body is a temple to house the Holy Ghost, don’t you think you’ll be held accountable for defiling it with man made toxins; simply because you trusted what the news media and your elected officials were telling you, without doing any research on your own?
I don’t fear this virus, what I fear is a nation full of people stupid enough to take a vaccine simply because their government mandates it. I fear a nation of people who trust a government that would mandate people take a vaccine. Finally, I fear a news media, and social media sites, that limit, restrict, and censor any information that contradicts the mainstream narrative. If you only hear one side of the story, if you limit debate, that’s not science…it’s brainwashing, and I ain’t falling for it.
So do what you will, just don’t try to stick that needle in me; you’re liable to get something stuck in you…and it will be traveling at 900 ft per second and it won’t be coming out of the end of a hypodermic needle.
December 21, 2021
~ The Author ~
Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Send all comments to: [email protected].
If you liked Neal’s latest column, maybe you’ll like his latest booklet: The Civil War: (The Truth You Have Not Been Told). Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American
The address [email protected] is not working or has been hacked
Thanks Tim. Neal has had that address for so long that I never realized that he had changed it. Try this one: [email protected]
amen brother. i’m with you all the way.