The Good, the Bad and the UGLY of the Public School System

Connecticut School Shows Cartoon of Man With Erection Standing Over ‘Sad’ Girl — to SECOND GRADERS
I can’t believe it but I have to admit it. When I first saw this report I was mildly shocked. As we well know, given the level of depravity and steadily-declining immoral conduct on regular display by the Democrat Party and its various supported groups and causes, being shocked by the left is steadily becoming more and more unlikely. We’ve all said it, a proverbial million times: “Nothing these people do shocks me, anymore.”… (Continue to full article)

Socialists And Humanists Control Public Schools
My most recent article on the Unitarians and socialists controlling public schools drew so much negative response in certain quarters that I felt like I struck a raw nerve. That convinced me that I had done something right. When the leftists respond with vehemence to something you wrote or said you can tell you hit a nerve.

The public school system is one of those sacred cows you are never supposed to touch… (Continue to full article)

They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children
Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality.

A recent article published in the journal Child Development explored the physical health consequences of smartphone use for children. It stated that, as more children begin using smartphones at earlier ages, “it is of importance that neurological diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep and behavioral problems are considered”. The effects of non-ionizing radiation, from cell phones and WiFi, have been well documented… (Continue to full article)

Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents, Part 1
I have for the last twenty years have been calling for the schools to be put back into the control of the states and the parents. We have seen the federal government take over control of the schools ever since Jimmy Carter established a full federal office for a Department of Education. Up until 1979, the Department of Education was hidden in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The only problem with that is there is no constitutional provision for the federal government to be in control of education… (Continue to full article)

School Curriculum In California Wants Prayers To False Deities Of Human Sacrifice And Cannibalism
I wish I didn’t have to harp on this as often as I do, but I’ll continue to do so because my hope is that it leads to change on some small scale.

It’s essentially become my motto: if you have children in public school…pull them out before it’s too late… (Continue to full article)

Speaking of Idiots: The Wisdom of Mark Twain
Passionate patriots of the day like parent Xi Van Fleet, Fairfax County Virginia school teacher Lilit Vanetsyan, and so many others will someday go down in history as the heroines who came along when they were most needed to rescue all school children from the choke-hold of political indoctrination in the classroom… (Continue to full article)

Elementary School Receives Backlash After Parents Learned What Teacher Did With Students
The liberals in positions of authority in the education system have proposed senseless, racist, Marxist, and really, just pure propaganda in the name of “diversity”.

For some reason, they feel that their radical ideology should be forced upon children in order to foster “inclusion”. So at what point do these radical ideas cross the line and violate the same rules they claim to uphold?… (Continue to full article)

…and the Beat goes on…

One thought on “The Good, the Bad and the UGLY of the Public School System

  1. veteran

    we all should be raising hell over this. but ultimately it is up to the parents to review what our kids are being taught and if the parents have a brain, teach the kids the truth. i certainly do !
    the government and school boards think they have control over our minds. well guess what, nope they dont. the people ultimately have control, but only if they act upon it.

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