The Antithesis of the Beacon of Liberty: America’s New Realm of Tyranny

As a not-so-new dissident, if I’m ever arrested, I think I’ll ask them to designate me as “Prisoner 282” after the fashion of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn … HahaHaHaHa … but any of us who resist these new age Communists must maintain the greatest pressure possible upon them. As counter-intuitive as it may seem and as ugly as it looks, the soldiers, barricades and razor wire inside Washington, D.C. works to the advantage of those of us who love this country, since the Commies inside this newly formed armed camp will eventually burn through their emotional and political capital and begin to make bigger mistakes. They fear Conservative America, and the longer they hide behind soldiers and barriers, the easier it becomes for Us to become ungovernable, so long as any government seeks to abrogate our Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-Given Rights.

Throw sand in the gears and undermine Biden and the Commie Overlords’ rules, driving up their costs and making them expend extra resources to compel compliance with their illegal, illegitimate and Unconstitutional rules.

One simple act of defiance might be for one to post flyers reading “It’s OK To Be White”, in order to create a bit of chaos in their ranks. Just a few dollars investment and an hour of time will result in a week of Commie rat bastards gnashing their teeth and pulling out their hair, while police waste an untold amount of resources on it. And just imagine the added furor and psychological impact on these anti-American Commies, if one adds, “And neither does Black Lives Matter” to a yard sign that reads “Hate Has No Home Here”, mocking their own flawed sense of “morality” and their control over public attitudes. It is activism with a very high Return On Investment.

We must engage in a DAILY REBELLION against these Anti-American Rat Bastards. Remind them that they are not in control, as we deny them our virtues and the products of our labor, by refusing to cooperate with any of their tyrannical diktats, even after they have expended resources to compel us to go against our righteous will and our conscience.

Every American Patriot must let them know that we are in a constant state of insurrection, IN EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE [if You get my drift], so long as they seek to end the Founding and the Republic, in favor of their Marxist authoritarian regime. Make them fear us, while they huddle behind their barriers, quaking over every little noise and in the knowledge that just maybe they are now right, and their own guards can no longer be trusted. Turn their greedy, tyrannical grasp on power into their own prison of fear and make them pay a high price for what they have done, as we fight to restore this America we love so well to everything She’s ever been and more, more Glorious and Exceptional than ever. ~ J.O.S.

Elections do have consequences. And allowing the Democratic Party Communists to steal and election and get away clean, without any severe punishment has consequences, just as all America is fixin’ to find out.

Dictator Joe Biden and his Communist Overlords, aided by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad and Susan Rice and others, are moving America down the dark corridors of fascism into a new realm of tyranny, never before seen in our country. There are not any segments of society or government where these Communists of the Democratic Party are working for the betterment of Americans or advancing the cause of true Liberty; and, in fact, they are doing the exact opposite, taking America into a terrible point in history at an accelerated rate, under an empowered and unhinged Far Left that must be stopped and destroyed.

Everything Democrats support and advocate are based in fallacies and purposeful outright lies, and everything they currently are attempting to implement is the antithesis of every good and decent thing that made America the beacon of liberty for the world.

A short four months ago, this same dictator wannabe told ABC that only a dictator relies on executive orders, telling host George Stephanopolous: “I have this strange notion. We are a democracy. Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes [use an] executive order … [for] Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”

Having full control of the reins of power, Dictator Joe has signed over thirty Executive Orders in his first week, and one of with several aimed at his new directive to make climate change the new security focus of America, along with white supremacists, domestic terrorists and insurrectionists. He also unilaterally reinstated the Paris Accord and ended the Keystone Pipeline, in a way that has already cost thousand of jobs for U.S. citizens and ensures the United State’s sovereignty and economy are weakened and China is strengthened in the process. At a time of great economic strain, these will only bring further destruction of our economy and hurt all Americans; but this is what Joe and his Commie cohorts need, if they are to drive Americans into the waiting arms of a Communist regime.

And naturally, what would a Communist inspired Democratic Party administration be without an EO on “Racial Equity”, such as the one Biden just signed, since America is a country rife with prejudice and racist views on Her people of color, according to Biden.

Not one single person, regardless of what any government does, can be made equal to others by taking from the majority to give to the minority. Look across the span of the races and one will find blacks, whites, asians, hispanics and indians who are dumb as a rock, simply because they do not have the capacity to learn, due to low I.Qs, and likewise, one will find brilliance that spans the races, such as exhibited by the likes of Shelby Steele and Paul Harvey, and genders too; just look at Oriana Fallaci.

Equity and equality are not the same thing. In the minds and plans of Biden, the Squad and the Communist Overlords, equity isn’t equal access for all people and all races to opportunity and protection before the law. They intend to redistribute the benefits of social programs and economic goods in accordance with subjective assessments — read “their feelings” — regarding immutable privileges and disadvantages associated with entire demographics.

This push for “equity” is just one more malignant evil machination designed to redistribute the wealth of the nation, ala Marx-style, with the same miserable failed results as witnessed throughout history, that leave those it purports to help still standing in their ignorance and squalor while the nation has been further fleeced and conned and further impoverished.

White Americans are being presumed and alleged to be racist on the whole, when nothing could be further from the truth, as seen in today’s society, after so many white people, especially 1950s Republicans, have fought long and hard for the rights of black people and all people to be secured by law. However, the radicalized Communist segments of America’s black population and the Democratic Party are wielding this accusation in order to wield greater power against white conservatives and Republicans, in order to further consolidate their power and stigmatize all whites who stand outside the Democratic Party banner.

Dictator Joe’s deceptively cries out for all Americans to join his administration in “unity”, but it’s only an imposed unity, whereby those who agree with him are already on board and those opposed to him are demanded to climb aboard. It’s a unity that attempts to force his immoral views on all America, through an authoritarian regime moving to micromanage every aspect of our lives, as Biden tells America in disingenuous fashion:

“We can right wrongs. We can put people to work in good jobs. [even as he destroys thousands of jobs] We can teach our children in safe schools … we can reward work, rebuild the middle class … We can deliver racial justice . We can make America, once again, the leading force for good in the world.”

Just who in the hell would ever look to this immoral horse’s ass to define right and wrong, or decide how to create any job or “rebuild the middle class”, when he has been a part of the problem for his entire adult life, advocating flawed and failed policies at every turn in the road?

All America should also be made aware of the fact that the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 was introduced by a large group of Democrat legislators on January 19th, which is basically the same bill introduced in 2017, aimed at “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacists” and advocated by Representative Jerry Nadler and Senator Dick Durbin, as they scream their heads off about the “terrifying attack on the Capitol”, the false flag necessary to ensure this bill’s passage. Along with the presstitutes of the Leftist Mainstream Media, these poltroons and quislings to America fail to make any mention of the Black Lives Matter professional provocateurs and agitators in the forefront of many photos taken on January 6th at the Capitol, and many in the public are already wise to their game.

Even Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic Party leader, former Representative and Presidential Candidate, has voiced concerns over this administrations moves in this area, since Biden is fully supporting this legislation, as she suggests this is a move to undermine civil liberties for a targeted population. Tulsi recently noted in extremely pointed remarks:

“When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements … he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians … [as she posed the following questions too] … what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians? What is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?”

Ms Gabbard further observed:

[This legislation could create] “a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution and a targeting of almost half of the country. … You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attend a Trump rally.”

Some of the usual anti-American resident tormentors of and enemies of Liberty are also supporting this ignoble bill, namely: The Arab American Institute, Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, Muslim Advocates, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights [what a joke], NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Unidos and others.

But how quickly the Democrats dismiss all the violence they have perpetrated and condoned, from 2014 to the present, whether in Ferguson, Baltimore or DC itself, during the 2017 Inauguration, They refuse to acknowledge that BLM rioters burned a church near the White House last year and threatened to enter the White House, and they have a convenient amnesia concerning the fact, that for over a hundred days and throughout this past summer — “the Summer of Love” — American cities were destroyed by their fascist Brown Shirts of BLM and Antifa, with hundreds of policemen injured and over $2 billion in damages inflicted, that left thousands of businesses destroyed and many Americans in the grave.

In ‘River of Forgetfulness‘, Victor Hanson writes:

“We are to forget all that because destroying the downtowns of major cities (mere ‘brick and mortar’) was then accepted tit-for-tat social justice. It was certainly not sedition, insurrection, and treason to torch a federal courthouse or incinerate police precincts with all their occupants inside. Slinging around an illegal ‘assault weapon,’ if you were Seattle rapper Raz Simone, was almost cool and neat, even if four people were shot, and two killed in his ‘autonomous zone’.”

Part and parcel of this Leftist takeover of America, members of the U.S. military are currently being forced to take a new loyalty oath, swearing that they do not belong to any “extremist groups”, after Representative Steve Cohen, Commie rat bastard that he is, suggested some white supremacists might be in the ranks of the National Guard at the 2021 Inauguration. The definition of “extremist” will soon expand to cover anyone who is not explicitly “woke” and aligned and fully supporting the Marxist/ Maoist Cancel Culture. Any resistance to this move to the Far Left will be regarded as sedition, insurrection and treason.

And now, even though the initial propaganda show [the false flag] is over, America sees some 25,000 plus U.S. soldiers still holding the streets around the Capitol as a supposed new “threat assessment” from the Department of Homeland Security suggests a possible threat from “right-wing extremists” exists through April. Perhaps this is good public relations imagery to ensure that the First Amendment is criminalized and their domestic terrorism bill passes, after the January 6th U.S. Capitol “Reichstag Riot” left D.C. under de fact martial law and military occupation. And, as this leads to more draconian crackdowns against Conservative America and those who love and defend freedom and liberty, this societal death spiral will continue accelerating at lightspeed.

The Biden-Harris administration and its Communist Overlords have no autocorrect, no safety mechanisms in place, as we see them reopen the insane paths of a Leftist agenda that welcomes transsexuals into the military and biological boys back into girls sports and girls locker rooms. It’s the same sort of insanity exhibited in past years from the Paris Commune to the Bolshevik Revolution and throughout the horrors of 20th Century Communism, that has proven time and again, the Communists and/ or Biden’s Democratic Party and the Squad, left unchecked, will drive at full speed straight off the cliff of civilized norms of behavior into totalitarian systems of Gulags, forced starvations and killing fields.

It’s an unbelievable thing for any American to watch one’s country go down in flames, due to a diabolical Democratic Party betrayal and a Color Revolution implemented with foreign globalists’ help and Soros financing, in a mammoth historic tragedy. Even with the knowledge that it’s happened in other countries around the world, no one ever imagined that it could happen in America, and, in fact, most Americans who actually voted for Biden do not have any idea that it has happened here.

The people behind the seizure of power in America, the Establishment Deep State agents and their Communist Overlords are engaged in a never-ending seizure of ever more power and the infliction of even greater punishment, as they engage in a war against all people, who oppose them, especially Conservative and Christian Americans, without imaginable end. This is not quite the outcome expected by Wall Street and many bureaucrats, or any senior professor still holding some modicum of common sense, but it is demanded by the identity politics and the crazed Leftists who wield the intersectional passions that put Biden and the Commie Squad and the Communist oligarchy in power.

Reveling in their new, raw power, with their tyrannical intentions revealed and exposed, they have moved to relegate Conservative America onto the servile sidelines of society, as second class citizens, as the members of The-Powers-That-Be draw a clear, sharp line between themselves and Americans who stand for the Founding, American traditions and principles and freedom and liberty. They’ve made it especially clear that there really isn’t going to be any place for Conservative America in the institutions of government, and as such, Conservative America is freed of any moral obligations toward them. By treating us as the enemy, they have proven what we already knew; they have always been the Enemy From Within, and we — the Conservative, Christian Americans — are obliged to abandon them and seek our own way, in the defense of Freedom and Liberty, in every manner available to us, whenever and wherever we are threatened and put upon and suppressed in any immoral manner.

January 28, 2021

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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