Return from the Abyss

September 21, 2009 ~ I have been away for a few days, and upon my return late last night, I found that not much had changed and the world continued to turn – or spin out of control on its axis of evil. The following has transpired (and probably much more)…

The Obamameister has suggested that a bailout of the newspaper industry might be under consideration.

Is he out of his ever lovin’ mind? Newspapers don’t make money by selling thinly disguises bird-cage liners. They make money by selling advertising. It’s why I don’t buy them. I can look in the yellow-pages, if I want advertising. I want to read NEWS! But that won’t happen here in America – unless you go to some independent sources – and they are all on-line. That’s why the published word is dying – and it should be buried!

The only reason that Oboingo is considering bailing out the newspaper industry, is because most of them publish his words and deeds as they are instructed to do – and they do it ever so blindly. Which is to say that, they are his shills. “Yaw baby! Don’t question de Massah, or you might be labeled as ‘racist’!”

A small handful of wealthy internationalists and socialists own these rags, and they are a B-I-G part of what is wrong in this nation. I’ll not quote Swinton here today, as I have done so elsewhere, and everyone knows the story. If you don’t, then do a Google search for John Swinton – and you’ll better understand.

The EMERGENCY Hell-Care bill is still being bandied about – you know – the one that absolutely, positively HAD to be passed right then and there or the country would collapse.

That fight continues and THEY are hoping that we’ll go back to sleep. Ain’t gonna happen. The Federal Observer is ready to get back to work on this issue. I have enough family members to care for – I can’t afford to care for someone else’s. OH – that’s right – it wasn’t healthcare anyway – it was Government takeover and control of the Insurance industry. HR 3200 & HR 3400 in the House and over in the Senate, they now have the Baucus Bill – another scam we’ll have to watch. The U.S. CONgress has had 16 years since Billy Jeff took Hellaree-Care to the same august body to get REAL reform right. They didn’t do it then, they can’t do it now, nor will they ever be able to. Leave it to the government to screw up a wet-dream! Don’t believe me? In the words of Bette Davis’ character, Margo Channing in 1950’s All About Eve, “Stick around! It’s going to be a bumpy night!”

The 19’s
If I were a numerologist, I would be nodding my head along about now. April 19th of course has it’s own series of interconnected happenings, Lexington & Concord, (Mt. Carmel) Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombing – and I am sure a few other things.

Upon my return from the serenity of the fresh, green mountains of Arizona late last night, I heard of the passing of one of the last remaining independent publishers in America, Don Harkins of the Idaho Observer. This morning, I learned that author and commentator, Fred Marshall Jr. had also passed on the same day. Do a Google search on either or both of these names and see what you can find. Both passed away on September 19, 2009.

Last night, I posted the following on Don’s memorial webpage, and when I wrote my sentiments, Fred was in the back of my mind, as I knew that his time was nearing an end.

I am truly saddened by this loss.

When the Federal Observer first went on line on July 22, 2001, Don was among the first to congratulate me and wish us well. His note was brief, but memorable, as he said, “Good choice of a name.”

There are far too many of us becoming deathly ill, and I fear that our strongest messengers are being silenced.

Don can not be replaced, but his passing, sounds a trumpet (Gabriel’s, I suspect) that those of us who remain, must carry the torch in his name.

May it burn ever-so brightly, as we march toward victory.

From Wikipedia (dated August 9, 2009):

The Idaho Observer is a monthly hardcopy 24-page constitutionally oriented newspaper, originating in North Idaho, United States, but with a scope that covers all of America, delivered nationwide. The paper is a prominent example of advocacy journalism, focusing primarily on populist political issues, 9/11 Truth, and the preservation of American civil liberties. The Observer also covers holistic medicine, along with national and international current affairs.

The key words here of course are, “The paper is a prominent example of advocacy journalism, focusing primarily on populist political issues, 9/11 Truth, and the preservation of American civil liberties.”

The debt owed to Don Harkins and Fred Marshall Jr., along with other stalwart Patriots such as Jacki Juntti, Lynn Finney, Bernadine Smith, Claire Wolf, and Mike Vanderboegh and those who follow, like Ron Ewart and Neal Ross, can never be repaid, save for one method of payment – to forge ahead and win!

God gave us the rope. We hung ourselves. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get back to work, and that’s what I’ll be doing tonight and tomorrow – and as long as there is something worth fighting for.

As we reach the end of this road, I’ll see you at Sundown.

Without Apology I am,

Jeffrey Bennett

~ the Author ~
A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has broadcast for over 24 years years as host of various programs and has been considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as health and wellness, news, financial well-being, political satire (with a twist), education and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. In addition, he is the CEO of Kettle Moraine, Ltd.

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