“Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared.” ~ Walter P. Kurtz, Apocalypse Now
It is all I can do sometimes to not burst out into insane fits of laughter when I hear people say that what happened in Soviet era Russia, or Nazi Germany could never happen here; we are the land of the free and the home of the brave for God’s sake. Well, for God’s sake, open your eyes and look around you; how free are you when a simple virus is all that it takes for you to acquiesce to all manner of infringements upon your freedom.
Although I don’t trust the news media to tell me the truth anymore than I trust my ability to knock the Earth out of its orbit, they have been reporting on how it is now a crime to violate the 6 ft social distancing rules in place to prohibit the spread of this Coronavirus; and that people are actually turning others in because they are not complying with the 6 ft rule.
Just the other day my friend Bart Stewart made a very astute observation and posted it on Facebook, “If you wonder why the East German Stasi and the KGB/NKVD was so effective, observe Americans reporting their neighbors to the police for failing to observe social distancing guidelines. If this government ever flips, we’ll go Ceausescu era Romania so fast it’ll leave you breathless…“
It’s amazing what fear can do to people; especially when you introduce it into large groups of people; the herd mentality takes over and the reaction is akin to a stampede of buffalo that don’t know what they’re running from; only that they need to follow the herd.
What I’m witnessing across America since the announcement that cases of the Coronavirus had been discovered in the United States is akin to a herd of panicking buffalo; fueled by non-stop fear mongering by the media it has reached a fever pitch to where people are turning their neighbors in, freaking out if you get too close to them, and accepting the complete curtailment of their freedom to associate with their fellow human beings. Forget the fact that you can’t find toilet paper anywhere for a moment and think about what’s happening to your liberty in the wake of this fear. What awaits you when this Coronavirus crisis finally subsides?
Fear is the most powerful tool in the arsenal of tyrants, and it has proven effective in controlling and manipulating people time, after time, after time. Would you have accepted government recommending that all concerts and sporting events be shut down if there had not been a pandemic? Would you have stayed at home instead of going out to a restaurant or bar if there had been no Coronavirus? Would you have panicked and bought up every package of toilet paper within a 10 square mile radius of your home if you were not SCARED?
Fear people; that’s all it takes to get you to accept things you would not normally accept; and the sad thing about it is, things never return to the way they were prior to whatever crisis caused government to take such drastic measures to ‘keep you safe.
Just look at life after 9/11; how much of our liberty, how many of our rights have we seen trampled upon all in the name of protecting us from ‘another’ terrorist attack; not to mention the constant state of war against these so-called terrorists.
Prior to 9/11 would you have tolerated full body scans, having to remove your shoes prior to boarding a plane, not to mention the total surveillance of your lives by the NSA? Yet you accepted these things because government told you that they were necessary steps to keep you safe. Of course they would say that; you can’t expect them to say that we’re gonna start spying on you just because we don’t trust you, or because you might be one of those guys who actually believes in individual liberty and might pose a threat to our existence.
It doesn’t matter that the official narrative is/was a lie; the people believed it because they saw it on TV and heard their leaders tell them that America had been attacked. The fear took over; to be replaced with anger, thirst for revenge, and a willingness to submit to whatever measures it took to ensure something like that never happened again.
The sad thing is, people are loathed to accept that they’ve been hoodwinked – played for fools; and anyone attempting to present facts which contradict what they’ve accepted to be incontrovertible fact is labeled a conspiracy theorist, or worse, an threat to national security.
It doesn’t matter that engineers have proven that the way those towers came down defy the laws of physics as they apply to the reason we are told they collapsed; not to mention that Building 7 came down in the same manner-even though it was NOT hit by a plane. It doesn’t matter that a bird strike in the nose of a full sized commercial airliner punches a massive hole in the plane, yet we are to expect that those planes punched holes into steel columned buildings without the wings shearing off and falling to the ground below? It doesn’t matter that jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt steel; yet molten steel was still found in the sub-basement of the Twin Towers days after they collapsed. It doesn’t seem to matter that experienced pilots, with thousands of hours behind the controls of commercial airliners, have stated that the maneuvers made by those planes were next to impossible; especially by pilots who had barely qualified on Cessna’s; and that these same experienced pilots had been unable to reproduce them on simulators, no matter how often they tried.
None of those facts matter; and do you want to know why? The reason they don’t matter is the thing people fear the most is the truth; especially when the truth causes them to question their beliefs or admit that they were so gullible they fell for a lie. So they go on believing the lie, and attacking anyone who presents any evidence which proves it to be a lie.
It doesn’t matter, every crisis hides an agenda; you just have to be willing to put your fear and panic aside and look at who/what benefits when the people react out of fear, which allows government to take measures they couldn’t have gotten away with without the mass hysteria and fear generated by the crisis. There is an agenda behind this Coronavirus scare. There was an agenda behind 9/11. There is an agenda behind every mass shooting. The same tactics over and over again; producing the same results; government grows stronger and our liberty diminishes a bit more.
For crying out loud, our system of government came into being after those tactics were used to incite fear into the public over the supposed deficiencies in the Articles of Confederation. People were told the union would dissolve unless a strong centralized government could be put into place to hold it together; a lie sealed in blood by Abraham Lincoln when he invaded the seceded Southern States. Even if the Articles of Confederation were deficient, there was no need to take such drastic measures as their complete abolition; to be replaced with an entirely new system created without the consent of those who sent them to the Philadelphia Convention of 1787.
When the supporters of this new system tried to cram it down the throats of the people of Pennsylvania, the opponents of this new system wrote to the people, warning, “Whilst the gilded chains were forging in the secret conclave, the meaner instruments of despotism without, were busily employed in alarming the fears of the people with dangers which did not exist, and exciting their hopes of greater advantages from the expected plan than even the best government on earth could produce.” But again, fear permeated the public, and the opposition to the Constitution was targeted and slandered for their un-patriotic positions. Those who sought more power controlled the press; just like they do today, and they used it to their benefit; while stifling anyone who posed a threat to their agenda.
In 1775 the esteemed orator and patriot Patrick Henry told the crowd at St John’s Church, “Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
They say the truth shall set you free; but that won’t happen if you don’t seek out the truth, or listen to it once you find it. It takes a special kind of courage to stand alone in the crowd and proclaim the truth; especially when all those around you have fallen for a lifetime of lies and indoctrination. Yet Ghandi himself said, “It’s easy to stand in the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone.”
Do you have the courage that it takes to embrace the truth? Do you have the courage to stand alone in the crowd and say, “I know that my government was created through fraud and deception; that the most oppressive measures it has taken against my liberty have been based upon lies; that my government is evil, and that liberty will never exist in this country as long as this system of government exists.” Do you have that kind of courage, or are you a sheep, a part of the herd; people who are afraid to grow up and accept responsibility for all their wants and needs?
As long as people turn their eyes to government every time there is a crisis in this country, I think the answer to that question is obvious; and as long as that is true, liberty will continue to vanish until one day you wake up wondering what the hell happened to the land of the free.
I’m tired people; tired of my government trampling upon my rights and liberty; tired of you guys just bending over and taking whatever government shoves up your ass, and I’m tired of wondering what’s next; an economic crash and the collapse of the dollar; leading to a digital currency and the implantation of a chip in our arms so that we can buy and sell goods.
Believe me, if it happens…maybe it would be better to say, WHEN IT HAPPENS, I’m betting that 90% of you fools will line up for your chip; just like you’ll line up when the government announces that there is a vaccine for this Coronavirus; just like people lined up and supported all the infringements upon their rights in response to 9/11.
Y’all are a bunch of sheep; even those who choose not to get involved in politics. As the Canadian rock band RUSH sang in their song Freewill, “If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.”
Well the time is drawing near; has been for quite some time; whether you are to seek liberty; even if it comes at the cost of your life, or if you are going to live on your knees for the rest of your pathetic existences. I think you know which choice I’m going to make; and if I do die in the process, I hope you enjoy your servitude. No, I take that back, I hope you’re fucking miserable; forever asking yourself why you didn’t listen to people like me.
You need to get over your fear and start using the thinking side of your brain again. Fear can either paralyze you or it can cause you to grow; to become stronger. It all depends upon how you react to whatever causes you to be afraid. As FDR, (as much as I hate that prick) said, “The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.”
So get over your damned fear; stop being a bunch of pussies. Use your heads for the purpose they were intended; which, by the way, isn’t inspecting the inside of your colon.
March 28, 2020
~ The Author ~
Neal Ross, Student of history, politics, patriot and staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Send all comments to: [email protected].
If you liked Neal’s latest column, maybe you’ll like his latest booklet: The Civil War: (The Truth You Have Not Been Told). Life continues to expand for this prolific writer and guardian of TRUE American history.