Juntti: The 14th Amendment FRAUD being sold to America

I have been experiencing horrendous belly gas and Acid Reflux since before I applied for the STUPID AWARD of the Decade last Monday over this 14th Amendment FAUX debate taking place amongst our Occupation Force puppets in Congress and the Nappy insecurity agency.

I have heard and read great blusterings about having to **AMEND THE 14th AMENDMENT** – More PURE HOGWASH – More PELOSI. This falls right in line with the LIES about needing to REFORM the Immigration Laws. TAKE NOTE OF THOSE PROMOTING THIS FRAUD!!!

There is no need to Amend the 14th Amendment or to Reform the Immigration laws. All that needs to be done is – – – – – are you ready for this? – – – ENFORCE THE EXISTING LAWS as they now stand. Stop muddying up the water with all this false appearance of NEED – there is NO NEED whatsoever and we all know it so stop letting the TRAITORS and DECEIVERS feed you that swill. More important – stop swallowing it.

Let me place a little story in front of you to make my point.

You have worked hard and been diligent in providing for YOUR family over the years. You have been able to build and accumulate a very nice property with a beautiful home, nicely furnished, with plenty of food, clothing, and all the other items that make life very pleasant. This happened because of YOUR hard work and preparations to provide for YOUR family.

One day a stranger enters your property, enters your home without permission and shortly after entering gives BIRTH to a child – inside YOUR HOME. Now, you didn’t necessarily SEE this happen but the mother and baby are there in YOUR home and are now claiming – DEMANDING – that YOU are now their parent and that they are now, by reason of the baby being born in YOUR Home, a legal part of your family. They are now eligible for all the same benefits as one of your blood family members. YOU are to accept them as a family member – caring for them and providing all they demand of you including the legal RIGHT to wear your family NAME. They even have *support groups* who are lobbying for the courts to FORCE YOU to accept them

That is how I see this FAUX debate taking place on the 14th Amendment. The entire argument is based upon a FALSE PREMISE. The person who illegally entered your home (America), dropped her *anchor* on your floor, is now laying claim to being a member of YOUR family (subject to the jurisdiction of).

If a female member of your family was pregnant and about the time the baby was due to be born walked into the house of a neighbor and gave birth to the baby in the neighbors house, would that baby be SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION of the neighbor? I think it all falls under the heading of BJ Clinton’s, “It depends upon your definition of what *IS* is”.

It doesn’t take long to do a net search for “14th Amendment” to read ALL the TRUE information surrounding the 14th Amendment but the only part that is of any validity to me is this one line:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

See, that person who illegally walked into YOUR home was NOT SUBJECT TO YOUR JURISDICTION. That person was an illegal trespasser and should be prosecuted for that crime – not welcomed in as a long lost relative, the prodigal son. That person was SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTRY they came from. Granted, the Mexican President has stated that any Mexican regardless of where they are is still a MEXICAN until the Mexican government is called upon to PAY FOR THE EXPENSES those Mexicans accrue in another nation. Then the story changes considerably. Those claiming compensation for those expenses suddenly become RACISTS.

Perhaps my little story will open a few eyes (even though my left eye is still enduring the attempt to claim the STUPID AWARD of the Decade, I can still SEE that all the huffing and puffing about some FALSE NEED to amend the 14th Amendment is just more PELOSI – intended to divert the REAL NEED to ENFORCE THE LAW..

August 19, 2010

~ The Author ~
Jackie Juntti (Granny) is a daily reader and frequent contributor to Kettle Moraine Publications. She can be reached for comment at idzrus@earthlink.net.

~ Comment ~
Being the suspicious soul that I am and familiar with the major players in the U.S. immigration issue, red flags go up and warning bells go off when I hear traitors like Juan Kyl, Lindsay Graham-nesty, Juan Cornyn and others urge that birthright citizenship be abolished.

Yes, “jackpot babies” cost the states a fortune, but when did these traitors begin to care about that?

To paraphrase, “Beware of Greeks wanting to ‘change” the 14th Amendment.”

Word on the street is that the open-borders GOP-ers want a massive “guest-worker plan” that’s likely to be an amnesty, and they know it won’t fly with the American voter.

So they want to appear to be “giving” us something that we’ve wanted for a long time and weren’t likely to get–abolishment of “birthright citizenship” for illegal aliens’ children.

But this is one gift horse that we definitely want to punch in the mouth. Here’s why:

Abolishment of Birthright Citizenship won’t be passed as a standalone item, but instead will be a “package” that includes guest workers/amnesty and all sorts of other giveaways to the illegal alien criminal lawbreakers and those who profit from them.

Forget it. The legislation should not only be standalone, but Americans need to refuse budging on any accompanying “compromises/reforms.”

Remember that the pro-illegals will take the legislation to court, and challenge all the way to the top, just as they’re now doing with Arizona’s SB1070. We don’t even consider any accompanying “reforms” until the “Ban Jackpot Babies” legislation has been upheld by SCOTUS.

Otherwise, we’ll be burned again like in 1986–we were promised a strong border, crackdown on employers, enforcement of immigration laws, and mandatory workplace verification. The illegals got their amnesty immediately, and we’re left holding the bag 24 years later.

Once Burned, Twice Shy.

When the treason lobby tries to include amnesty/guest workers, etc, we put up the “talk to the hand, because the ears won’t listen.” We won’t even talk about anything more until SCOTUS has ruled and upheld our banning of jackpot babies. So the illegals need to get to work on filing their endless legal challenges, because nothing more will happen.

When we hear the whining and sniveling about “working in good faith” and “establishing of bi-partisan trust,” we tell them we’re already there–we distrust anyone on both sides of the aisle because we haven’t forgotten 1986, and many of the 1986 liars are still promoting this–like Juan McCain.

They can take it or leave it. ~ S.J. Miller, August 20, 2010

~ About the Author ~
S. J. Miller was a veteran of the IT industry who sought another career rather than “follow the jobs” abroad, and a lifelong resident of border states, California, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada. In 2004, Miller was an outspoken advocate on behalf of Arizona Prop 200, The Protect Arizona Now Act on the ballot, which restricted public benefits to illegal immigrants and protected against voting fraud. Sandra was the author of the highly point-blank series, Don’t be fooled by peddlers of Immigration Reform Scams which was published exclusively by the Federal Observer.

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