Lawler: By Whose Hand?

I don’t know the absolute truth about these allegations and neither do you. Yet I see the Democrats practically elevating Dr. Ford to sainthood in their remarks during the questioning. Just because she has accused this man of a crime without ANY substantiated evidence. All the witnesses she sites refute her story. Yet she swears that she is 100% sure a teenage Kavanaugh groped her at a party nearly 40 years ago. Mr. Kavanaugh absolutely denies this ever happened. One of these two is absolutely LYING. Kavanaugh has been investigated and vetted for incidents like this 7 times over the course of his career. Not a single wiff of impropriety has been found. Dr. Ford has NEVER been investigated. Her story is full of holes. Yet the Dems fall all over themselves to pledge their sympathy and allegiance to her claim.

People say, “Why would she say these things? What’s in it for her?” Are you joking? She is the darling of the Left, a hero enshrined in their hall of fame, a soldier taking a hit for the team. The Dems don’t care if her allegations are true or not; they just want to delay the full vote until after the elections. They don’t care that they are ruining the life’s work of an honorable man without a blemish on his record. They don’t care about his rights, due process, the presumption of innocence. They don’t care about his family, his sacrifice for the country or the uncleanable stain they are smearing him with. This is a new level of evil.

If Dr. Ford is lying, she is attempting murder on Mr. Kavanaugh’s character. Will she be sued for libel if she fails to prove her claims? I doubt it. Diane Feinstein sat on this accusation for several weekd in which she could have had the FBI investigate. She sprung it at the last moment as a Hail Mary move to derail the confirmation. If this is a hit, orchestrated by the Democratic Party, they should be held liable. At the very least, it sets a new repulsive precedent in filthy political practices that will become the new standard.

What the Democrats are doing is harming every woman with a legitimate claim of harassment or abuse. They have willfully harnessed the entire ‘#MeToo’ movement to drag their selfish agenda like donkeys. This is the ultimate abuse of abused women.

We are in a time where everyone has an opinion rooted in their political allegiance. They see every thing through the Blue or Red lens of their viewpoint. I am not immune to this. However, what is being done to this honorable man is beyond despicable. If you think you are 100% sure of guilt, without any due process, just because her story helps your party, you are just another stooge in the machine. That goes for both sides.

When I think that politics can’t be any dirtier, we drop to a new low. If you are a conservative, you had better wake up and get active about voting because these desperate snakes will do ANYTHING to get back in power. They have no honor. If they do, this nation will look more like the Klingon Empire than the United States of America.

Chris Lawler, American
September 30, 2018

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