And You Thought They Only Vandalized Confederate Monuments and Graves (so you didn’t say anything)

What has transpired over the past year since Al Benson Jr. wrote the following piece, is appalling – as it should be – to ALL Americans. We have taken the liberty to open with a modified rendering of the writings by the great Martin Niemöller. We find it more fitting today than when the following was written. ~ Ed.

First the came for the Media in order to control the minds of the people, and I did not speak out — because I was not a newspaperman or writer

Then they came for the cemeteries up North, and I did not speak out — because I was not from the North.

Then they came for the Confederate Memorials and cemeteries, and I did not speak out —
because I was not from the South.

Then they came for the Memorials and Statues and papers of our founding, and I did not speak out — because I cared not for the nations’ past.

Then they came for America and there was no one left to speak for her.

You can tell that the history destroyers had a busy couple weeks during the end of May, and it didn’t all happen in Dixie.

I read three separate articles June 1st about vandalism in cemeteries–all in the North. In Dixie we have grown used to this sort of thing. There are ugly people down here that, in some twisted way, seem to think they are doing humanity a service if they vandalize and destroy anything they remotely perceive as being “Confederate.” They remind me of those that Jesus spoke of in Scripture when he talked about those that would kill Christians and think they were doing God a service. Such is their “contribution” to humanity–it’s all they really know how to do. Should they somehow end up holding an intelligent position on anything they really can’t debate it with any genuine opposition, so they destroy what they hate because they can’t legitimately defend what they love–which in many cases, is indefensible.

As it turns out, the North also has some of these history destroyers. The three articles I read dealt with vandalism in cemeteries in Massachusetts, New York, and Michigan–not exactly the heart of Dixie! In Hartwick, New York they damaged lights and more the 50 headstones, many of them more than a century old.

In Uxbridge, Massachusetts police are looking for vandals that damaged headstones in a town cemetery. Many were toppled and others broken into pieces. The police think they may have a photo of the two involved, probably young males, both with darker hair.

And in Michigan, in Flat Rock, south of Detroit, there were headstones broken in a cemetery that was the original burial site of a Revolutionary War soldier and his family, but other family descendants who fought in other wars are also buried there. I did see a photo of this one and some of those broken headstones are old ones and they don’t look like they were easy to break. Someone went to a lot of effort to create this destruction.

So you have to wonder, what sort of hatred motivates people to this sort of wanton destruction? Do they hate history, any history at all, and those remembrances of it? In the South that’s usually the way it is. The history destroyers hate our history, faith, and culture, all of which they would dearly love to change and obliterate so they can replace it with their version of “history” which is really a perversion of what actually happened. The Marxist class struggle agenda has been played like a fiddle here in the South, thanks to much of what has passed for “history” in institutions of public “learning.” Blacks have been taught to hate everything white (except white Marxists), via the “Civil Rights” Movement and their own leadership has betrayed them by selling out to the white Marxists for whatever they could get. Rather then helping their people to get a leg up economically and learn skills that would help them prosper in the world, they have concentrated their efforts on denigrating and destroying anything white or, Heaven forbid, Confederate. Lots easier to destroy than it is to build and it gets better headlines from the “news” media too.

I’m sure lots of white folks in the North whose historical knowledge is zilch have looked at what has happened down here with the attempted destruction of our culture and said “Well, serves those redneck racists right.” Only problem is that they are starting to get some of the same treatment up there and they’re not real happy about that. All these cemetery vandalism accounts I’ve mentioned took place during the latter half of the month of May this year. You almost begin to wonder if they put something in the water up there along with the fluoride. What happened during the last half of May that turned these history destroyers loose? I think you are going to start to see more of this in the North, just like you are going to see more of it here in the South as the year moves on. The cultural Marxist ethnic cleansing agenda is far, far from over, and anyone that took his Confederate flag down last year because he thought it was all over when the cold weather came should maybe consider putting it back up again. Maybe some of the patriotic folks in the North should start trying to find some pre-War Between the States flags and start flying them to commemorate their history. It is a given that if our history and heritage in the South is to be under attack, then they day will come, soon or late, when the same thing will happen up North. It’s already beginning if you take the trouble to look.

The day may even come when Northern patriots, with their heritage under siege, would like to get some assistance from the folks in the South in defending their pre-War history. We in the South would have appreciated some understanding and assistance from Northern folks last year, but we’ve learned to do mostly without. And here again, I’m not talking about the good Northern folks who do have some appreciation for the South and what it stood for (not slavery, you had that in the North, too. You just got rid of it a little earlier than we did).

Before all this history and culture destruction is done all areas of the country will be under cultural Marxist siege, the intent of which is to totally destroy our history, faith, and heritage as both Northerners and Confederates. They want it all gone and the day is coming when they will savage Revolutionary War monuments and flags every bit as much as they are not doing to Confederate flags and monuments. All of us are, or will be, under attack from the cultural Marxists because the destruction of our culture is a main part of their agenda, be it done from New York, Washington, or Atlanta. We are in a culture war and we had better wake up to that fact! The history destroyers are out to cut all our historic and cultural throats and we had better wake up and start learning how to deflect the knife.

June 2, 2016

REFERENCE: Martin Niemöller

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.

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