The Democratic Party: The Great Pumpkin

…and it’s nearly Halloween!

Good Lord Charlie Brown… am I ever ready for this election to get done and over with, and I’m praying for a landslide victory for Trump, just to prevent any possibility of any further Democrat dirty, foul tricks and misdeeds. But we all can expect to see the usual massive criminal behavior in the days shortly afterwards. Continue reading

Katie Porter and the Squad Blast Big Pharma Over ‘Exorbitant’ Drug Prices

So, I have been sitting on this for some weeks, but just now got around to reading it today – and this just blew my mind. For starters – ALL of the key players in this story are Democrats – including three members of what has become known as, “The Squad” – you know – the EVIL ones… but back in late September – some Truth came to light… ~ Ed.

House Democrats — including three Squad members — tore into pharmaceutical industry chief executives during a Wednesday (Sept. 30) congressional hearing on Big Pharma profiteering, with Rep. Katie Porter verbally eviscerating one CEO for more than tripling the price of a critical cancer drug. (OH, THIS GETS BETTER… Continue to full story…)

Was Bill Barr Paid by The Establishment to Protect… all of the following?

…Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan, and a Passel of Obama Regime DOJ, FBI, and CIA officials from Russiagate indictments?

For at least a year enough facts needed to bring indictments against those who orchestrated the Russiagate attempted overthrow of President Trump have been in the public record.

Where are the indictments? What is the point of a never-ending Barr/Durham investigation of what we already know?

Are Barr and Durham, who are members of the Establishment, letting the clock run out, banking on the election polls being correct that the Biden/Kamala ticket is the sure winner and once the election is over the Establishment is safe? Continue reading

Will Changes to American Life Become Permanent?

The coronavirus, widespread quarantines, an unprecedented self-induced recession, and unchecked rioting, looting, and protesting — all in a presidential election year — are radically disrupting American habits and behavior.

Rents, home prices, and office occupancy rates in major cities, especially on the two coasts, are dropping fast. Techies and young professionals have discovered that they can work from home without paying sky-high housing costs in order to be close to the office.

Those more fortunate wonder why they should get bogged down with commutes and urban traffic — or navigate city sidewalks amid homelessness, crime, racial tensions, and urban unrest — when they can make as much money while staying distant in quieter landscapes. Continue reading

10 Ways the Communist Manifesto has Infiltrated the USA

If you can’t handle one little arbitrary political abduction at the hands of secret government police, socialism may not be for you.

Socialists protesting in Portland are learning that “The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends.” – Ludwig von Mises

See, you might not realize it, but the USA is already heavily influenced by the socialist/ communist philosophy of Karl Marx.

Socialism is more of an umbrella term, meaning centralized control of the means of production– like factories and farming– in the hands of the state.

Communism is more extreme, with complete abolishment of private property, and a dictatorial government that allegedly attempts to distribute wealth “to each according to his need,” and extract labor “from each according to his ability.”

The two are related enough to use them interchangeably for our purposes. Continue reading

Ewart: When The Media Lies, The Constitution Dies

“When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered.” ~ Christopher Dodd, contemporary Democrat politician, lobbyist and lawyer

Well before the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution, colonial newspapers of the new world were known for not offending the British-controlled colonies. They basically reported the news and events in Europe and the Colonies, very respective of British authority. But England became too oppressive and that oppression led to the American Revolution.

Newspapers of the day carried the rallying cry for freedom. Continue reading

Hunter’s Partner Speaks!

The Hunter Biden story…

Hunter Biden a year ago, drunk, left 3 Macbooks at a PC repair shop. Data recovered, but never showed up to retrieve and pay. After 90 days it became property of pc repair guy. Hunter was told before, but was able to retrieve his data off the cloud service he uses. So he didn’t bother to pay the $85 bucks. Continue reading

Doctors & Nurses Take Heed: Nuremberg Medical Criminal Trials Should Not Be Repeated

The vaccine that no one has requested for a virus that no one has isolated or proven to exist that allegedly causes COVID-19 is on the horizon. When this vaccine is available, readers have already heard about the new mRNA technology as well as other types of technology that will be introduced into those individuals who line up to receive it. Continue reading

Joe Biden and the Betrayal of America

The Democratic Party is in extremis, and so, it has no difficulty in destroying the country, as it issues forth its own final death rattles, unbound by a lack of any moral code or conscience.

As I watched the manner Joe was handed the nomination, I had to wonder, if he had ever really wanted it at all. He had his nice retirement and fat government pension, supplemented by the other sundry millions that slipped into his bank account over 48 years in politics. He had his $16 million dollar estate to lounge and cavort about with the grandkids and the neighbors’ children, and even though his slipping mind drifted in and out of reality, it was probably a bit of relief from having to recall all his sins.

But then, Ol’ Barry Obama called him up and said “You’re it, Joe … you’ve gotta run. Bernie and Liz and the rest of those incompetents won’t be able to keep the lid on all our scandals. You’re in this as deep as we are, and the Good Guys are getting close to the truth. You’ve got to do this for all our sakes.” Continue reading

Recognize What’s Really At Stake: “The Virus” Vaccine Foreshadows America’s Future

Last month, Bill Gates said that anyone who questioned the real agenda behind “the Virus”/ COVID-19 vaccine is a “crazy conspiracy theorist.” Well, there’s a damned good sight of information that must be questioned given what it is and where it leads, and when it’s happening in real time and readily evidenced in statements, videos and hard documents, it’s no longer within the realm of “conspiracy”. It’s fact. Continue reading

Longstreet: Human Life Begins at Conception

NOTE: Due to age of the following article, embedded links may no longer function. ~ Ed.

We Americans have to re-evaluate the way we look upon abortion. With an average of 1.3 million babies a year, in America alone, being denied their God given right to life as a result of abortion, surely it has scarred the very soul of this great country.

Kathleen Parker has written an article entitled “Pope Pelosi at the Gate, Life with the Speaker”. In her insightful article she writes the following: Continue reading

And Fauci The Grinch Took The Last Can Of “Who Hash

Dr. Fauci wants to prevent you and your family from gathering together at Thanksgiving. Gavin Newsom is eager to shut it down in California. The virus scam has encouraged a lot of political predators to show their tyrannical fangs all around the world. Take Australia, for example. A woman in a park was recently arrested there by ‘authorities’ because she didn’t properly observe social distancing. Continue reading

“If we burn, You burn with us!!!!”

…and 2020 is merely the beginning!

Mockinjay is Coming…

“If we burn, you burn with us” — those were the fighting words that rallied support behind the symbol of the rebellion: The Mockingjay.

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), when pushed to her limit, became the symbol of hope and change that Panem’s Districts were so dearly in need of. ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1’ was 123 minutes of being on the edge of your seat, almost holding your breath to see what would unfold next. Even though I had read the books, I found that the cinematography, acting, and screenwriting were compelling enough for me lose myself in the narrative. Continue reading

A real nice place to start…

The weekend has been very difficult for me. Why? Spend some time here at the Federal Observer, then peruse Le Metropolis Café and then Dr. Kelley’s Victory Over Cancer and you will see just what I have been posting. Hell – there is even some hard stuff at Morgana Precious Metals

It is all beating me to death. Not the work to prepare and post – but the deep – very Dark subject matter.

I needed something mellow – and – well – something pleasant to look at as well. Enjoy it my friends – you need a breather as well.

There may not be much more time… ~ Ed.

When a Society Abandons Truth

Whether it appears on Facebook, Twitter or a dozen other similar venues, a high percentage of online discussions — whatever the topic—eventually devolve to the point of invective, pejorative, and name-calling. The apex of this is often considered to be something called “Godwin’s Law.” defines Godwin’s Law as “the proposition that the longer an internet argument goes on, the higher the probability becomes that something or someone will be compared to Adolf Hitler.” And once someone plays the Hitler card, his or her position is often denounced as lunacy. Continue reading

Beaman: If Biden ‘Wins’

If Joe Biden wins the election on November 3, there will be a gradual imposition of a communist dictatorship. It will likely take at least five months but by July 4, 2021, Labor Day at the latest, The United States Constitution will be defunct.

Labor Day may be the more likely, due to the additional two months necessary and symbolic, in and of itself but July 4 could offer a more tempting target.

By Memorial Day, Biden will have, somehow, been toppled and Kamala Harris will be de facto president. Between the two of them, they will have begun the seizure of all firearms, possibly under the management of Beto O’Rourke. Black Lives Matter and Antifa will have been declared the national police force, replacing all locals. As they roam, everyone will be confronted, including erstwhile allies who actually thought they’d be exempt from the Inquisitions. Continue reading

Why Don’t Democrats Care That Joe Biden Is Hopelessly Corrupt

“I have consistently made it very clear that I will vote a straight Democratic [Republican] ticket, just like I do every election. From the local Constable to the President, I will be voting for every Democrat [Republican] on the ballot. I don’t care to which policies they subscribe or how corrupt they might be. My party, right or wrong, my party.” ~ Annie Dumb Mericun

Joe and Hunter Biden should be in jail, but they are not. The corruption and influence peddling evidence is overwhelming and yet they are allowed to walk free. The damning information is scuttled by social media and the mainstream news and hidden from view. The questions about the corruption are never asked and the answers are never forthcoming.

From all appearances the Department of Justice is absent, the FBI won’t investigate and the news media is complicit in the cover up of Biden family corruption. Continue reading

1055 ~ Dumbing Down Standardized Tests: The Art Of Dodging Objective Reality

Published in ‘Village of the Damned’ on the first generation Federal Observer, December 4, 2001

“We will never devise the perfect test, a test that accurately assesses students irrespective of parental education and income, the quality of the local schools, and the kind of community a student lives in, but we can do better,” opined Richards C. Atkinson, president of the University of California system. Atkinson insisted, calling again on Nov. 16 for the elimination of the “SAT I” as an admissions requirement at the University of California’s eight undergraduate campuses.

In fact, while “perfection” is indeed an impossible standard, a test which does this extremely well does exist, and it’s called … the SAT. Continue reading