The Deep State’s Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes

“You have such a fervent, passionate, evangelical faith in this country… why in the name of God don’t you have any faith in the system of government you’re so hell-bent to protect? You want to defend the United States of America, then defend it with the tools it supplies you with – its Constitution. You ask for a mandate, General, from a ballot box. You don’t steal it after midnight, when the country has its back turned.” ~ Seven Days in May (1964)

No doubt about it: the coup d’etat was successful.

That January 6 attempt by so-called insurrectionists to overturn the election results was not the real coup, however. Those who answered President Trump’s call to march on the Capitol were merely the fall guys, manipulated into creating the perfect crisis for the Deep State – a.k.a. the Police State a.k.a. the Military Industrial Complex a.k.a. the Techno-Corporate State a.k.a. the Surveillance State – to swoop in and take control.

It took no time at all for the switch to be thrown and the nation’s capital to be placed under a military lockdown, online speech forums restricted, and individuals with subversive or controversial viewpoints ferreted out, investigated, shamed and/or shunned.

This new order didn’t emerge into being this week, or this month, or even this year, however… Continue reading

For Conservatives, Our Republican “Allies” Are Far More Dangerous Than Our Leftist Enemies

Benedict Arnold, Library of Congress

We have spent a lot of time going back and forth about what our enemies in the Democrat Party are attempting to do. Make no bones about it gang, they are in no way any sort of loyal opposition. They are the enemy of all things American. They continue not only to support the downright evil policy of murdering and dismembering unborn babies in the womb, disproportionately those of minorities (genocide anyone?) but they also support the admission of mentally/emotionally disturbed males into female locker rooms to sexually prey on under age children. Continue reading

Where Are Conservatives to Go?

The clear message behind the stunning crackdown on conservatives is: Conform or else.

In the wake of the Capitol riot and the immediate and frequently over-the-top condemnation of President Donald Trump and his supporters, social media giants Twitter and Facebook began purging conservatives. The first to go was the president himself, but now the dominoes are falling. Big Tech platforms colluded to eliminate a competitor, Parler. Anyone suspected of being right-of-center is on the chopping block. Continue reading

Former CIA Chief Signals Deep State Coming for Conservatives

The Purge Is On!

A new ‘MIAC report’ targeting Trump supporters is taking shape.

Maria Alejandra Cardona for The Washington Post via Getty Images

In 2009, the establishment panicked after a secret list was leaked showing the Missouri State Highway Patrol was under orders to suspect conservative motorists of domestic terrorism. Continue reading

Smith: Leave This World With A Clear Conscience

“You and I Have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.” ~ President Ronald Reagan

Americans cannot yet say that they have done “all that could be done”. In a moral, sane and logical country there isn’t any way the Democratic Party lunatics and a multitude of communists should now have control of the United State’s reins of power. However, today we see these red, radical Democrats moving to implement a system through an emerging cooperation between corporations and this rising socialist government, that controls and cancels Conservatives, Christians, “deplorables” and “Trump supporters” en masse, while also seeking to implement a sort of “social credit” system, that intends to make America more closely resemble totalitarian Communist China; and before we fail our children any further, now more than ever, those who love this country must resist and fight harder than ever, to prevent the sun from setting on freedom and liberty.

A soft sort of fascism has always been present within our government and institutions, since the days of President Woodrow Wilson, but now, emboldened by the lack of any counters against the communist backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden and the socialists and communists of the Democratic Party are merging government and corporations in a massive cooperative effort that is also implementing a hardcore style of fascism aimed at destroying any and all who fail to fall completely in line with their dystopian view of America and the “solutions” they believe to be necessary, flawed as they are. Continue reading

The time has come to Stand and Deliver

It is curious to find that so many of our countrymen choose to accept tyranny, because, for the moment, it seems to be the more simple and comfortable path. Fighting for their freedom and individual liberty might disrupt the apple cart too much and get to messy, especially if it does come down to a hot battle, with lead flying in all directions, where one is likely to see numerous disruptions in goods and services and utilities. Continue reading

The Republican Party Has Failed America

… Here is How It Needs To Change NOW

The task before us is to continue to be the one nation in history where any person, regardless of their standing at birth, can make anything of themselves.

If the Nation is to survive… she MUST be a part of it! (Photo Matt Johnson / Flickr)

It’s been a tough week for our country. Violence has no place in our American political system, and we’re all in agreement that the events that played out on Capitol Hill this week were unacceptable.

There are many in the media who are eager to blame Republicans for the events that transpired. And there are many in our party who are eager to blame President Trump both for the violence in Washington and for the results of the senate elections in Georgia.

But you know what? If that’s all we get out of this, our future will be no different than our past.

There are a lot of Americans whose frustration has been building for many years. Republicans have had opportunities to fix our healthcare system, reform immigration, and get our fiscal house in order, among many other things. Republicans have had chances to deliver for the American people. But we haven’t followed through. Continue reading

A Battle Worth Fighting

If not us, who? If not now, when? Conservatives must step up to the challenge.

It was dusk as I led our squad into the little village several kilometers north of the Marine base at Phu Bai, South Vietnam. This was a new area for us to patrol. As I entered the village, I came upon a villager squatting by the hedges surrounding some huts. He had been looking the other way when I came up to him and he was startled when he saw me. I tried to assure him I meant no harm.

Yet, in less than two minutes, he and two Viet Cong regulars were dead and my heart was both in my throat and beating wildly in my chest. It was not my first combat experience, but it was the first up this close. I saw the two armed Viet Cong, then noticed the “farmer.” I started backing away as he tried to pull a grenade out from under his shirt. My training kicked in. When it was over, three enemy were dead and I was alive. I spent days wondering, “What if?” I saw the danger this time. What about the next time? Continue reading

When Freedom Comes Under Threat of Violence

“Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe’er contented, never know.” – William Cowper, Table Talk

April 23, 2012 ~ Emblazoned across the lucre-basted exterior of the Internal Revenue Service building in Washington DC, reads one of the most intellectually polluted quotes any free mind is ever likely to encounter:

“Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”

Its effortlessly officious author, associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., could scarcely have been more wrong in his (albeit paraphrased) assertion. Unless, that is, the mustachioed Rooseveltian meant to define “civilized society” as an arrangement that favours and promotes rule by brute force and violence, rather than one of free and voluntary association.

If, indeed, that was Justice Holmes’ idea of “civilized,” we shudder to think what he regards as uncivilized. But shudder we will… Continue reading

The Man…

The man sat quietly at the desk in thought. Outside the rain droned steadily against the windows.

His features had been chiseled noticeably deeper over the past five years and the weight of it all pushed down on his shoulders. He was tired but would never admit or show it.

As he glanced around the room his thoughts were moving back and forth like Newton’s Cradle.

First, to the history he was surrounded by, then to what the future would look like, then to the present, and back and forth. He placed his hands on the old wooden desk and pushed himself into the large leather chair. Continue reading

Censorship of Conservatives Easier Than Blocking Smut…

The quick and thorough crushing of political discourse shows how protecting children could be done.

As the boiling pot of politics in the U.S. roils, Americans have been shown one more massive example of selective application of standards in the area of Big Tech and free speech. Parler, a social media app, was completely canceled based on its content and audience. Amazon, the multinational tech company known for online shopping and the “world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform,” announced on January 10 that Parler’s access to the AWS Internet server would be discontinued. Billed as “unbiased social media,” where users are able to “speak freely and express yourself openly without fear of being deplatformed for your views,” Parler was booted from the Internet entirely because Amazon, Apple, and Google colluded to kill a competitor. Continue reading

Power to the People in the Pandemic

With tyranny rising even among the citizenry, what’s a Liberty-loving man to do?

Recently, a group of friends and I visited a local grocery store to stock up on emergency supplies. While walking around the rather large and open warehouse, a store employee approached us, lecturing us about wearing our masks properly. Her eyes filled with this gleeful sense of authority. It was almost as if she looked forward to the encounter.

Unwilling to budge until we complied, I put on a mask, only for it to break. Already prepared, the employee pulled out a new mask for me to wear. I put that on only for it to also break. The now irritated drill sergeant then pulled out her PA radio and called another employee to request a face shield. She would have been any store manager’s dream, but people like this are a nightmare in the midst of this pandemic. Continue reading

Dissolution of the United States

As a result of the inability of the American People to freely and fairly vote, We The People of the United States hereby formally withdraw our consent and revoke our given authority for the operation of all governments in the United States. The United States of America is hereby dissolved. We The People of the United States of America hereby recognize, declare and acknowledge the dissolution of the United States of America as a result of illegal operation and violation of fundamental operating principles. We The People of the United States of America consequently formally and publicly recognize, declare and acknowledge the United States of America to be legally dissolved, null, and void. Continue reading

The Buy Off Of The American People Is Complete

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by one-party rule, or a dictatorship ….. [or an Absolute Democrat Monarchy!”] (multiple author version)

On January 20th, 2021 President-elect Joe Biden will give his Inaugural Address to the nation under the backdrop of 25,000 troops protecting the city against ….. what? His speech will be full of platitudes, clichés, bromides, promises, propaganda, lies and a hollow call for unity. It will be punctuated by the need to spend trillions of American taxpayer dollars on pays offs to constituents, Climate Change, the Green New Deal and provide amnesty for illegal aliens. Instead of unity, the speech will widen the division between the rich and poor, white, black, Latinos and Asians, man and woman, gay and straight, religious and non-religious, gun owner and non-gun owner. Continue reading

Dwyer: Politically-Correct Racism

Speaker Pelosi’s allegation made during her last week’s interview on CBS “60 Minutes” (it was aired last Sunday) that the protesters who entered the Capitol in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, “have chosen their whiteness over democracy” was a blatantly racist statement. Among its other evil implications, it insinuated that something was profoundly wrong with being white while not trying to denounce it. It communicated, however implicitly, a need for discrimination against white people.

For those who can’t see the blatant racism in Pelosi’s allegation, imagine a high government official stating: “They [the protesters] chose their blackness over democracy” during the BLM violent riots in 2020, and all the hell that broke lose after such a statement. Continue reading

Clowns & Jokers

…and WE are stuck in the middle!

As I look back over the so-called “insurrection” and all the censorship and moves being made towards more infringements upon our Bill of Rights, it is all so apparent that America is witnessing the end of their freedom and liberty being implemented at lightening quick speed, by a Democratic Party power machine so afraid of ever losing power again, that it is now prepared to set mechanisms in place, that essentially guarantee their lock on power, unless Conservative Americans reach down deep in their gut and do what so many fear to do. Continue reading