The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19

“A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.” ~ Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle

For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world.

It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering the playing field faster than we can keep up.

Owing in large part to the U.S. government’s deep-seated and, in many cases, top-secret alliances with foreign nations and global corporations, it has become increasingly obvious that we have entered into a new world order—a global world order—made up of international government agencies and corporations.

This powerful international cabal, let’s call it the Global Deep State, is just as real as the corporatized, militarized, industrialized American Deep State, and it poses just as great a threat to our rights as individuals under the U.S. Constitution, if not greater. Continue reading

Mother Suckers… Illegal and Proud of it!

Making a demand of the Biden Administration Protest in Washington, DC

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. When a land transgresses, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and knowledge, its stability will long continue. A poor man who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food. Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive against them. Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely…

To Stop Mob Violence You Must Crush It!

“What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr’s cause has ever been stilled by an assassin’s bullet. No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.” ~ Robert Kennedy

“The student who invades an administration building, roughs up a dean, rifles the files and issues ‘non-negotiable demands’ may have some of his demands met by a permissive university administration. But the greater his ‘victory’ the more he will have undermined the security of his own rights.” ~ Richard M. Nixon

Every parent instinctively knows, or should know, that if a young child acts out, becomes violent, belligerent, or disrespectful, some form of discipline is in order. And the discipline has to be the kind that gets the message across. If no discipline is applied or if the discipline is not sufficient, the child will continue his or her behavior and that behavior will only get worse over time. Continue reading

Critical Race Theory: A Mortal Existential Danger to America

And now, to see Joe Biden push for equity and “racial justice” is enough to make anybody sick to their stomach. Everybody would do well to recall that Ol’ Joe was a part of the supposed “systemic racism” for over 40 years in Congress; he enforced it as Vice-President under Obama. Biden is the same racist idiot — now lecturing all America on race – who was friends with Senator Robert Byrd, an “Exalted Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan, and delivered the eulogy at Byrd’s funeral in 2010.

Biden has turned the White House over to the racists and the lunatics of this country, and we’re all in for one helluva ride over the next four years, if we can survive it. Continue reading

Shut Up and Dribble!

When a policeman yells, “Stop, or I’ll shoot!,” it’s usually wise to do as he says. Similarly, if a knife-wielding teenage girl is chasing down another girl with a large knife and the intended victim is calling for help, it’s predictable procedure for the officer to yell at the perpetrator to get down on the ground. This was the case for 16 year-old Ma’Khia Bryant. She refused to get down and was shot and killed. If the police officer had stood by and allowed her to stab her victim, the officer would be called racist for doing nothing. Continue reading

Mass Lootings Are an Immorality Problem and Not an Injustice Problem

NOTE: In this article, “liberal” and “liberalism” refer to what is known as modern American liberalism, as opposed to classical liberalism that advocates individual liberties, laissez-faire economic system, and limited powers of the government. ~ M.A.D

About every time a gunman kills a number (greater than three) of random victims in America, the anti-gun lobby repeats their fallacious rhetoric that the firearms’ “availability” is the root cause of the problem. Continue reading

They Have Phuocked With the Wrong Person!

By damned, I’ve had it up to my ears with this arbitrary, tyrannical bullshit that is being rammed down all America’s throat everyday.

When Kelli was telling me about her recent misadventure at the Sumner County DMV, I could feel my throat constrict as my blood-pressure went sky high and my head felt like it was going to explode. This is the kind of mess that should have the people in the streets rioting, and yet it’s as though this is in fact “the new normal”, because so many cowards to the core of their wizened little bodies and pickled brains have simply thrown up there hands and laid down in surrender.

Never in all my life did I ever expect to see so many Americans relinquish their liberty so easily, with barely a whimper. And it disgusts me like no other thing I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. If this is the new America, I will simply remove myself from the ranks of the governed and the governable, because I cannot stand the foul smell of things emanating from the halls of government today. Continue reading

Garrison: Don’t Sniff the Bear!

The Biden Regime declared a national emergency at Ukraine-Russia border. How does this make sense? The US border is not in Ukraine. Our southern border is wide open to anyone who wants to waltz in – armed and otherwise. It’s a disaster that requires a national emergency – not a country halfway round the globe. Let Ukraine take care of its own problems. We’re not the world’s policeman. OH – but I almost forgot. Billions of dollars are sent to foreign countries so politicians can engage in graft and money laundering. Biden doesn’t want to put a stop to that. After all, his own son, Hunter, benefited greatly. Continue reading

The Beat Goes On…

J&J asked Pfizer and Moderna to help study blood clot risks but they declined, report says
Johnson & Johnson privately asked Covid-19 vaccine rivals Pfizer and Moderna to join a study looking into the potential risk of blood clots but the companies declined, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.

Executives at Pfizer and Moderna said their vaccines appeared safe and they didn’t see the need to duplicate the efforts of regulators and companies already looking into the rare blood clot issue, according to the Journal report. Only AstraZeneca, whose vaccine has also raised concerns from regulators over blood clots, agreed to join the effort, the Journal said…. (Continue to full article)

The Inflation Clock: A Ticking Time Bomb
At the moment, our national debt exceeds $28 TRILLION — about 80% held as public debt and the rest as intragovernmental debt. That is $225,000 per taxpayer. Federal annual spending this year is almost $8 trillion, and more than half of that is deficit spending — piling on the national debt.

Bolstering the economy against the devastating impact of the ChiCom Virus pandemic raised our national debt by almost 30%. The great irony, of course, is that China created the virus, which may have been intentionally released, and the biggest beneficiary of the impact on the rest of the world was Red China… (Continue to full article)

A Year In, Here’s What We Know About Vitamin D For Preventing COVID
It’s unrealistic to think any one supplement can be a cure-all, but there are some compelling reasons to study vitamin D in the context of COVID-19.

Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health and, along with calcium, helps prevent people from developing osteoporosis. And there’s growing evidence it helps keep the immune system running properly… (Continue to full article)

10 Signs That Major End Times Events Are In Motion Here In 2021
There is so much confusion out there right now, and my hope is that this article will help to clear things up. Lots of people seem to think that we will soon see a “return to normal” and that good times are just around the corner, but that is not true at all. In fact, I believe that things will become progressively worse in the months ahead. I don’t know if we have ever seen a time when more major end times signs were in the process of being fulfilled, and I expect global events to soon accelerate even more… (Continue to full article)

Today’s youth are “walking dead” and living in a dystopian hell
Developing brains are being short circuited by a constant stream of digital distractions, as young brains are stimulated into perpetual dopamine rushes through the mindless gossip of social media, the algorithmic information streams and advertisements, countless new apps and entertainment channels, click bait visuals, video games, and other addictive excitements engineered by the tech world.

Tech culture is creating a generation of victim-minded narcissists who seek self-intoxication and self-gratificationbe a leader in the development and implementation of a world-class civics curriculum.”… (Continue to full article)

The Absolute Democrat Monarchy That’s Coming For You!

“Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true.” ~ Eric Hoffer, was an American moral and social philosopher. He was the author of ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983.

Of all the dumb tricks a society could do to itself, this one takes the cake. By their own vote, tens of millions of Americans unwittingly set a trap for them selves and then walked right into the trap they created. Continue reading

The Big Pelosi Parade

An assistant to Nancy Pelosi told her she had a fantastic dream last night. There was a humongous parade in Washington celebrating Pelosi. Millions lined the parade route, cheering when Nancy went past. Bands were playing; children were throwing confetti into the air; there were balloons everywhere. It was the biggest celebration Washington had ever seen.

Nancy was very impressed and said, “That’s really great! By the way, how did I look in your dream? Was my hair okay?”

Her assistant said, “I couldn’t tell, the casket was closed.”

Example of why the country is a total mess…

New bodycam footage taken at night reveals a white Chicago police officer chasing a 13-year old Latino male who allegedly had a gun. A Fox News guest familiar with the incident claims the teen was recruited by a local gang called the Latin Kings. The Fox News guest stated that Adam Toledo, 13, was allegedly instructed to shoot at random cars as they pass by. The bodycam shows the police officer chasing Toledo down an alley while telling him to stop repeatedly. The officer screams, “stop right f—— now.” Toledo then stops for a moment before he turns toward the officer, at which point the cop tells him to, “Show me your f—— hand.” As Toledo’s hands move upward, the officer shoots and kills Toledo.

Fox News also reports that footage from a surveillance camera provides a different perspective of the police chase, with Toledo appearing to reach behind the fence after he stops. The footage later shows a gun on the ground alongside the fence, feet from where Toledo was shot. Continue reading

America: No Longer A Nation

This country isn’t united on a damned thing any longer, and every like-minded Free Born American had better be staking off their claim now and preparing to defend it with their friends and family at their sides … all the while watching and waiting to see which side their neighbors fall on. The coming battle for the heart and soul of this nation will be fought one day, block by block and street by street and acre by acre…

America may enter this fire to emerge never the same, but a people intent on remaining free can most certainly see Her emerge renewed and cleansed of Her sickness, if only they come together to do what must be done. Continue reading

The Fourth Industrial Revolution = Planned Dystopia

Klaus Schwab has been someone in the background of global machinations for many decades. He is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) which he formed in 1971 (fifty years ago) as an International NGO (one of the way too many “civil society” partners of the United Nations). The majority of these NGOs are there to promote and embed Agenda 21/2030/The Green New Deal into every country, no matter how small, in the world. Schwab’s WEF was set up to push Public-Private Cooperation, in other words, fascism, across the globe. Continue reading