Math teacher publicly slams his $57,000-a-year private New York City high school for ‘indoctrinating’ students with ‘antiracism ideology that makes white kids ashamed’

Paul Rossi, Teacher

A private Manhattan high school that charges $57,000 annual tuition has been blasted by one of its own teachers for indoctrinating students with ‘anti-racism’ ideology that ‘induces shame’ in white students for being ‘oppressors’.

Paul Rossi, a math teacher at the school, says that he went public with his complaints against his employer, Grace Church High School in the East Village of New York City, even though he is aware it might cost him his job. Rossi published his blog on former New York Times Opinion writer Bari Weiss’s Substack newsletter.

But a spokesperson for the school, whose famous graduates include X-Files actor David Duchovny and New York Times columnist David Brooks, told that Rossi will not be fired or disciplined in any way for going public with his criticisms. Continue reading

Marxist Propaganda In Public Schools Posing As Education

I have written about Critical Race Theory before, and I probably will again. It is such a pernicious world view that it deserves all the negative publicity possible. At this point, several state legislatures around the country have bills in their legislatures to ban the teaching of this theory in their public schools and, while I have no use for the public school system, I do applaud these efforts. At least some in these state legislatures recognize what a horrendous insult to real education this leftist drivel really is.

However, for some reason, that does not hold true in the state of Washington. According to Washington Mandates Critical Race Theory (WARNING – potential security Risk) this leftist plague will be visited on all public school students in that state. According to this article: “The race-obsessed framework isn’t relegated to schools in Seattle, where you’d expect a victim-centered ideology like critical race theory to flourish. Thanks to the state’s Democrat-controlled legislature, a trio of bills just signed into law mandates critical race theory training for all public school teachers. Another even requires training for medical students, teaching them it’s as essential to be social justice activists as it is to treat patients. While critical race theory mandates go into effect in the 2022-2023 school year, many districts are already jumping on board.” Two mentioned are the Issaquah School District and the one in Bellingham. Continue reading

Critical Race Theory and The Local Public School

In March of 2021 writer Christopher F. Rufo did an article for Hillsdale Colleges’ publication Imprimis in which he dealt with Critical Race Theory and its origins. I can’t deal with it all here. It is long and informative and you may be able to find it on the internet – if it hasn’t been censored off by now. For my purposes here I will give you a brief quote. Mr. Rufo noted that: “Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based MarxismContinue reading

The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like A Cancer Is Visible All Around Us

You probably don’t need me to tell you that society is coming apart at the seams all around us. If you live in a major city, you can just walk outside and watch it happen right in front of you. Prior to 2020, social decay was steadily eating away at our society, but once the pandemic hit many of our societal problems greatly accelerated. Even while the Federal Reserve was making sure that wealthy Wall Street investors were being taken care of well, poverty and homelessness were absolutely exploding in major cities all over the nation. Meanwhile, an increasing number of Americans have been turning to drugs to cope with their problems, and this has particularly been true in our urban areas. Continue reading

The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

While more revelations about the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship have begun trickling out following the Gates’s divorce announcement, the strong evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades prior to 2011 continues to be covered up by the media – not necessarily to protect Bill but to protect Microsoft!

BUT this story – although lengthy in read – goes far beyond anything that you have EVER read! (Continue to full article)

CAUGHT in the act…

As Trust In The Government Erodes, Many Americans Are Discovering That It Is TOO LATE To Fully Implement Their Backup Plans
Never put anything in an email that you do not want the entire world to see. Unfortunately, Dr. Tony Fauci is learning that lesson the hard way. Throughout the course of this pandemic, the mainstream media has been heralding Fauci as a voice of reason that we should trust without hesitation. He came to be regarded as the ultimate authority on all questions related to COVID, and social media companies banned countless users that dared to suggest that he might be wrong about certain things. Well, now everything is going to change. Thanks to thousands of Fauci emails that have been obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request, we have discovered that Fauci was lying to all of us over and over again… (Continue to full article)

You’re Next: Fonda Cements Legacy as Hanoi Jane

MEMORIAL DAY 2021: In Memory of my Lost Brothers and Sisters.

Jane Fonda resumes her performance as an historical revisionist on a subject that keeps coming back to haunt her: the Vietnam War.

Fonda’s latest foray into her past as a useful propaganda tool for the communists has reared its ugly narrative all over again on the occasion of the thespian accepting a “Lifetime Achievement” award at the Traverse City Film Festival this summer. Michael Moore, the king of propaganda, added to the publicity swirl by heaping accolades on the actress as he bestowed the award.

Jane basked in the glow of her safe audience at the festival — taking advantage of the occasion to screen the sanitized version of her life in the recently released HBO documentary, Jane Fonda in Five Acts. Continue reading

Ross: Is America A Lost Cause?

“Every country has the government it deserves.” ~ Joseph de Maistre

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” ~ George Orwell

In the beginning of the film Gladiator, after the defeat of Germania, there is a scene when Marcus Aurelius calls Maximus into his tent and tells him of his plans for Rome after he dies. During that conversation Caesar tells Maximus, “There was once a dream that was Rome.” Caesar was telling Maximus that Rome was more than just a spot on a map, it was an idea; and, while they had strayed from that idea it was Caesars hope that by placing Maximus in charge he could steer Rome back towards its founding idea as a republic. That idea, that concept, has been on my mind a lot lately as I watch the country I love circle the toilet. Continue reading

1062 ~ Must We Harm Our Children To Help Incompetent Teachers Feel Good?

Published in ‘Village of the Damned’ on the first generation Federal Observer, December 12, 2001

Teachers are people who have college degrees. You shouldn’t have to check to see whether they can pass a fourth-grade English test. Nor should you wonder whether they have a monkey’s grasp of the number system. But…

Walter Williams

Sometimes a good-humored column is beyond me. This is one of those times. Sorry. In the Washington Times for October 29, I found the following questions posed by Walter Williams, the conservative columnist.

First: “Which of the following is equal to a quarter of a million? (a) 40,000 (b) 250,000 (c) 2,500,000 (d) 1/4,000,000 or (d) 4/1,000,000?”

Second: “Martin Luther King Jr. (insert the correct choice) for the poor of all races. (a) spoke out passionately (b) spoke out passionate (c) did spoke out passionately (e) has spoke out passionately or (e) had spoken out passionate.”

And where did Williams find these puzzlers? In the School Reform News for September first. They are questions to be asked of prospective teachers. Continue reading

America Unearthed: The New World Order

“Deep beneath the Denver Airport, conspiracy theorists say a revolutionary group that calls itself the New World Order is operating a secret base from which they’ll obliterate our central government…”all of which could explain the art-work painted all throughout that airport!

Smith: Something Wicked…

There Are Bad Men Out There

Our enemies certainly do still exist in great numbers, and it should greatly trouble any reasonable American that we have a bumbling fool who loves the Communists of his party and who has never seen an enemy of America who he couldn’t soon snuggle up to and crawl in bed with, in the same vein as the Traitor named John Kerry, who has been betraying America, since April 22nd 1971.

We should all expect to see a number of hits from various enemies, now that another cowardly appeaser holds the office. Or worse yet, we will soon be engaged in Benghazi style misadventures, since, as Ric Grenell recently noted, Susan Rice appears to be leading a shadow government behind the scenes, with Biden’s mind basically gone and Kamala basically clueless.

Whatever the case behind the Colonial event, the nation has neglected its most important sections of infrastructure for much too long. Let’s hope it all doesn’t implode upon us all like a fragile house of cards anytime soon. ~ J.O.S.
Continue reading

Granny’s Two-Scents

I wrote this back in the mid 1990’s but I could have written it this morning. Let me know what your thoughts are. ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny)

“It is my belief that the LEAST government is the best. I do not agree with the existence of political parties as they are all corrupt and, in turn, they corrupt. “

Just who is this GrassRoots Granny named Jackie, I really am a grandma and I really am grassroots. I have belonged to both the Democrat and Republican parties. Seeing that there really is no difference between them, I am now truly an Independent.

It is my belief that the LEAST government is the best. I do not agree with the existence of political parties as they are all corrupt and, in turn, they corrupt. Continue reading