Mom living on the Mexico border says the migrant crisis has become so bad she’s scared to let her children play outside

A group of migrants, mainly from Venezuela, wade through the Rio Grande as they cross the US-Mexico border on Wednesday as overall migration swells

A Texas mother living near the Mexico border has revealed the migrant crisis has become so bad that she is too scared to let her children play outside.

Alison Anderson, who recently moved to the Texas border town of Del Rio with her family, told ‘Fox and Friends’ Friday that the situation has been getting worse over the last six months.

‘Three nights ago, there was a group at our next-door neighbor’s house circling the vehicles and tapping on their daughter’s bedroom window,’ Anderson said. Continue reading

UPDATED – Loudoun County: Ground Zero of Indoctrination Battle

Parents clash with the school board over its pushing of leftist indoctrination on their children.

A school board meeting in Virginia was abruptly ended just minutes into a public comment portion on Tuesday after board members faced heat over left-wing school policies like Critical Race Theory indoctrination and the “transgender” thought police. Loudoun County Public School (LCPS) Board Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan had warned the crowd of parents against interruptions and soon called for adjournment following cheering and applause for one speaker. That speaker just happened to be former Virginia state Senator Dick Black, who excoriated the board over the blatant push of leftist indoctrination in schools. Continue reading

Ross ~ The Odds Were NEVER In Our Favor

“Mother should I trust the government?” ~ Roger Waters; The Wall, 1979

I’m hoping that some of you have heard the saying, “The house never loses”? What that saying refers to is the statistical probability that when you visit a casino you are more likely to walk out with less money than you had when you walked in. It doesn’t matter what you play, cards, craps, roulette, or the slots, the odds are that they are going to relieve you of your money. They don’t call it gambling for nothing, and there’s a damned good reason they call the slots, one-armed bandits; it’s because they’re good at taking your money from you! Sure, people do win from time to time; but that isn’t the norm, and it happens just often enough to entice people to keep coming back; hoping that next time it will be them that hits it big. Continue reading

BOOM! Governor Takes Action and Officially Bans Ȼrt From Public Classrooms

Quite possibly one the greatest threats that our nation is facing right now is racism.

This used to not be the case until liberals and the mainstream media started pushing this crap once again before the elections just like they always do in order to pick up votes. One of the ways that racism is being spread though among the younger population is through the teaching of Ȼritical RaȻe The0ry. It may seem like it’s not, but the ideas that are a part of this ideology as well as the potential impact it will have on our children and the future of this country is catastrophically harmful. Continue reading

Biden’s Ecofascist Nominee

She was given immunity for testimony against an eco-terrorist, but only after helping him.

Joe Biden has not deviated from backing his nominee for leading the Bureau of Land Management, Tracy Stone-Manning, despite the fact that evidence was recently brought to light of her past support for eco-terrorism.

Fox News uncovered court documents that revealed a disturbing truth: “In 1993 … Tracy Stone-Manning was granted legal immunity for her testimony that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the U.S. Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate and friend.” Continue reading

The Good, the Bad and the UGLY of the Public School System

Connecticut School Shows Cartoon of Man With Erection Standing Over ‘Sad’ Girl — to SECOND GRADERS
I can’t believe it but I have to admit it. When I first saw this report I was mildly shocked. As we well know, given the level of depravity and steadily-declining immoral conduct on regular display by the Democrat Party and its various supported groups and causes, being shocked by the left is steadily becoming more and more unlikely. We’ve all said it, a proverbial million times: “Nothing these people do shocks me, anymore.”… (Continue to full article)

Socialists And Humanists Control Public Schools
My most recent article on the Unitarians and socialists controlling public schools drew so much negative response in certain quarters that I felt like I struck a raw nerve. That convinced me that I had done something right. When the leftists respond with vehemence to something you wrote or said you can tell you hit a nerve.

The public school system is one of those sacred cows you are never supposed to touch… (Continue to full article)

They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children
Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality.

A recent article published in the journal Child Development explored the physical health consequences of smartphone use for children. It stated that, as more children begin using smartphones at earlier ages, “it is of importance that neurological diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep and behavioral problems are considered”. The effects of non-ionizing radiation, from cell phones and WiFi, have been well documented… (Continue to full article)

Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents, Part 1
I have for the last twenty years have been calling for the schools to be put back into the control of the states and the parents. We have seen the federal government take over control of the schools ever since Jimmy Carter established a full federal office for a Department of Education. Up until 1979, the Department of Education was hidden in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The only problem with that is there is no constitutional provision for the federal government to be in control of education… (Continue to full article)

School Curriculum In California Wants Prayers To False Deities Of Human Sacrifice And Cannibalism
I wish I didn’t have to harp on this as often as I do, but I’ll continue to do so because my hope is that it leads to change on some small scale.

It’s essentially become my motto: if you have children in public school…pull them out before it’s too late… (Continue to full article)

Speaking of Idiots: The Wisdom of Mark Twain
Passionate patriots of the day like parent Xi Van Fleet, Fairfax County Virginia school teacher Lilit Vanetsyan, and so many others will someday go down in history as the heroines who came along when they were most needed to rescue all school children from the choke-hold of political indoctrination in the classroom… (Continue to full article)

Elementary School Receives Backlash After Parents Learned What Teacher Did With Students
The liberals in positions of authority in the education system have proposed senseless, racist, Marxist, and really, just pure propaganda in the name of “diversity”.

For some reason, they feel that their radical ideology should be forced upon children in order to foster “inclusion”. So at what point do these radical ideas cross the line and violate the same rules they claim to uphold?… (Continue to full article)

…and the Beat goes on…

Connecticut School Shows Cartoon of Man With Erection Standing Over ‘Sad’ Girl — to SECOND GRADERS

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

I can’t believe it but I have to admit it. When I first saw this report I was mildly shocked. As we well know, given the level of depravity and steadily-declining immoral conduct on regular display by the Democrat Party and its various supported groups and causes, being shocked by the left is steadily becoming more and more unlikely. We’ve all said it, a proverbial million times: “Nothing these people do shocks me, anymore.” Continue reading

Benson: Socialists And Humanists Control Public Schools

John Dewy

My most recent article on the Unitarians and socialists controlling public schools drew so much negative response in certain quarters that I felt like I struck a raw nerve. That convinced me that I had done something right. When the leftists respond with vehemence to something you wrote or said you can tell you hit a nerve.

The public school system is one of those sacred cows you are never supposed to touch. The leftists always respond in defense of public schools when patriotic Americans point out egregious things that system does. I can imagine, somewhere down the road, some erstwhile leftist in Congress will introduce a bill to make criticism of public education a “hate crime” committed by “domestic terrorists” and then all the commentators on CNN will spend every night for a week pointing out the holiness of public education versus the “evil” of those who dare to question what it is doing to, not for, our kids. Continue reading

Destroying America Through Propaganda and Lies

“Why offer herds their liberation? Their heritage each generation, the yoke with jingles, and the whip.” ~ Alexander Pushkin

Look at our country at this moment. The nation is enduring massive unemployment due to job losses caused by offshoring and the year long lockdown, and the Election Thief, Joe Biden, has opened the borders to drive wages of white people lower while simultaneously building the Democratic Party’s voter base. And it’s damn near impossible to find a hard defense of freedom from any representative in Congress, since the Democrats don’t care and the Republicans are wallowing in a bad case of “sorry, we can’t help you”. Neither party seems to represent the white American people who built the country and secured its civil liberty.

The American people can’t succumb to this demonization of everything it means to be a real American, in the traditional sense of America, and we mustn’t allow the Democratic Party Communists to succeed in pushing them into a self-loathing destruction of their sense of self. Any failure in this regard means our demise as a people. Continue reading

Some of us are in this together…

Early in June of this year, I received a link to an article from an old and very dear friend. Not only did I choose to publish the column – with her forward and introduction, but I chose to concentrate my daily program, The Edge of Darkness to that which she had submitted.

I sent her an email thanking her profusely for all that she has continued to do, and some days later received the following… Continue reading

After the Lost Cause

Why are politics so consumed with the past?

In the fall of 2017, the journalist and poet Clint Smith began to visit sites that held some poignant meaning in the history of American slavery: the human shipment point of Gorée Island, in Senegal; the Whitney Plantation, in Louisiana, where an 1811 slave rebellion is commemorated; Galveston Island, in Texas, the site of the original Juneteenth liberation; and Monticello. Smith’s travels, which he recounts in a new book, “How the Word Is Passed,” began just a few months after the white-nationalist uprising at Charlottesville: the conservative defense of the Confederate monuments was a live political issue, and the reckoning with the racial past seemed to him both under way and partial. “It seems that the more purposefully some places have attempted to tell the truth about their proximity to slavery and its aftermath, the more staunchly other places have refused,” Smith writes. Continue reading

The Normal, Reasonable and Prudent People Of America Will Eventually Win

Insanity never lasts forever. It rises and falls like the tide. Sometimes high tide is a long time in coming but eventually it does, like so many natural rhythms in nature. Sadly, in America, we are in the throws of the low tide of insanity. Up is down. Right is left. Logic, reason and common sense have taken a holiday.

WHAT IS NORMAL, REASONABLE AND PRUDENT IN LAW:Reasonable or Prudent man is a hypothetical person used as a legal standard especially to determine whether someone acted with negligence. This hypothetical person exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct that society requires of its members for the protection of their own and of others’ interests. The conduct of the reasonable man serves as a comparative standard for determining liability. For example, the decision whether an accused is guilty of a given offense might involve the application of an objective test in which the conduct of the accused is compared to that of a reasonable person under similar circumstances. Reasonable man is a term commonly used in tort and criminal law. This standard is used to judge the conduct of an ordinary person only. Usually persons with greater than average skills, or with special duties to society, are held to a higher standard of care. For example, a physician who aids a person in distress is held to a higher standard of care than is an ordinary person.” (Source: US Legal website – Continue reading

George Floyd’s Brother Uttered the Three Words that Boils the Blood of the Progressive Left

AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa

They’re not controversial. It’s common sense. It’s something that everyone can agree with, but it blunts the messaging the progressive Left wants to echo about police and the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s like when the Left gets upset when people say that ‘most cops are good.’ The Left wants to destroy policing, liking it to slave patrols. As former police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for his part in the killing of George Floyd last year that set off a summer of leftist violence, Floyd’s brother delivered some remarks that really don’t sit well with the lefty narrative machine. He said, “all lives matter.” He did add that now is not the time to get complacent. There’s still more to do, but those three words get the progressive Left infuriated like no other. Continue reading

How Zuckerberg Will Profit & You Will Keep Your Mouth Shut


You Think Zuckerberg’s Massive Investment In RNA Vaccine Development Has Anything To Do With Facebook Censorship Of Vaccine Information?

Recently, I posted on my personal Facebook page some video shot outside of a hospital in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The video showed protesters who were opposing the hospital’s decision to require all personnel to get vaccinated against COVID-19. A speaker in the video pointed out that the vaccines being marketed never completed the normal full scope of FDA testing and were being made available pursuant to emergency use authorizations (EAU’s). All of this is undeniably, factually true. Nonetheless, within hours Facebook shut down the video and advised me that I had violated “community standards” by spreading “disinformation” about vaccines. Continue reading

Benson: Unitarian/Socialist Influence On Public Schools

The recent June 21st issue of The New American magazine is a special report on education in America. The people that publish The New American realize that the major problem we have with education in this country is the public school system. An informative article by Alex Newman in this issue is entitled Government Schools vs. Christianity. Among other things Alex Newman noted: Despite the myth of religious ‘neutrality’ and ‘secular’ schooling perpetrated by the government school establishment and its apologists, all education is fundamentally religious in nature. That is just as true in government schools across the United States as it is in Islamic madrassas of Pakistan. The only question is what what religion and what worldview is being taught.” This is a cogent truth that most people, Christians included, never seem to grasp. Continue reading