Mandatory Governmental Death Sentence… by Injection!

Astonishing Spike in Post-Vaccine Deaths Gets No Media Coverage as Over 2,000 Reported THIS WEEK Alone
It’s unclear if the data is just catching up or if there are just a whole lot more deaths occurring, but one thing is certain. These “vaccines” can be deadly and a lot more people are dying from them than all others in history combined…. (Continue to full article)

Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients Include “SM-102” – “not for human or veterinary use”
According to the manufacturer, Cayman Chemical Company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this chemical causes “Acute Toxicity “Fatal in contact with skin.”

In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102 “Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.”… (Continue to full article)

The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health
Pieces and parts of the virus are actually worse than the whole virus, that is precisely what we have with the COVID vaccines. In last week’s interview with Seneff, she explained how the manufacturing process leaves fragmented genetically modified RNA in the vaccine. They are not filtered out and assumed to be harmless, but this is not the case. This is being completely missed as one reason why this vaccine is so dangerous… (Continue to full article)

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Playboy Interview, 1964: Ayn Rand

Originally published by Kettle Moraine Publications on July 7, 2009.

PLAYBOY: Miss Rand, your novels and essays, especially your controversial best seller, Atlas Shrugged, present a carefully engineered, internally consistent world view. They are, in effect, the expression of an all-encompassing philosophical system. What do you seek to accomplish with this new philosophy?

RAND: I seek to provide men — or those who care to think — with an integrated, consistent and rational view of life.

PLAYBOY: What are the basic premises of Objectivism? Where does it begin?

RAND: It begins with the axiom that existence exists, which means that an objective reality exists independent of any perceiver or of the perceiver’s emotions, feelings, wishes, hopes or fears. Objectivism holds that reason is man’s only means of perceiving reality and his only guide to action. By reason, I mean the faculty which identifies and integrates the material provided by man’s senses.
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School Curriculum In California Wants Prayers To False Deities Of Human Sacrifice And Cannibalism

… Calls For “Counter-Genocide” Against White Christians!

I wish I didn’t have to harp on this as often as I do, but I’ll continue to do so because my hope is that it leads to change on some small scale.

It’s essentially become my motto: if you have children in public school…pull them out before it’s too late.
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Leftmedia Circles the CRT Wagons

The Washington Post and New York Times offer deceptive and deflecting attempts to shore up CRT’s bankrupt ideology.

Bee Ess

The nation’s two leading Leftmedia papers of record, The Washington Post and The New York Times, have finally, after months of relative silence, decided that the recent beating Critical Race Theory has been receiving from concerned parents and conservative media like ours warranted a defense. In that vein, the Post and Times published articles that are intended to both deceive and downplay the imminent threat posed by CRT. Continue reading

Why Not Cancel Them?

Politics, religion these are things you don’t discuss
If friendship’s a priority, discretion is a must,
There’s a new priority that’s lighting up our screens,
Destroy this racist nation, the ends justify the means,
The communistic vision means utopia is near,
But first you cancel half of what you see and what you hear,
For those of us refuseniks who will not bend with this trend,
Why not turn the tables on them, Why Not Cancel Them?
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The Threat of National Heritage Areas and How to Stop Them

What follows includes both Parts 1 & 2 of this noted author’s ongoing fight against the Establishment. ~ Ed.

Part 1: Why Are National Heritage Areas a Threat?

Proposals for new National Heritage Areas (NHA) are raising their ugly, land-grabbing heads again in Congress and they must be stopped. Here’s why.

National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Americans love our history. We love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So, when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem. Continue reading

‘YES’ on School Choice – But It Requires Parental Involvement

There is a connection between bad schools and lack of parental involvement.

Question my sanity, but I’m considering running in this election to recall California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Here’s a big reason why.

No one doubts that bad K-12 public school teachers exist. There is a phenomenon known as the “turkey trot,” in which bad teachers wind up in the worst schools. Why?

There is a connection between bad schools and lack of parental involvement. When you have strong parental involvement, parents pressure their schools to remove such teachers. Because of strong, protective teachers unions, these teachers are rarely fired, merely shuffled from school to school, until they land in one where few parents complain. (Continue to full story…)

“Scarface” Startles Anew on the Criterion Channel

It’s time to watch Howard Hawks’s gangster masterpiece again.

The prime beneficiaries of Prohibition were gangsters, and the prime beneficiaries of gangsters were the Hollywood filmmakers who, in the late nineteen-twenties and early thirties, turned them into some of the most enticingly lurid characters ever seen in movies. The real-life gangster Al Capone was refashioned in the 1932 drama “Scarface,” directed by Howard Hawks and starring Paul Muni – a celebrated stage actor with little film experience – as a gangster so appallingly, flashily fascinating that the movie was accused of making the criminal life look too appealing. Hawks’s “Scarface” was “The Wolf of Wall Street” of its day, and, like Martin Scorsese’s extravagant, exuberant 2013 drama about financial grifters, the film’s allure and enticements are a crucial part of its substance. (“Scarface,” long available to stream on a variety of platforms, is newly available to stream on the Criterion Channel, in a clear and vivid transfer.) Continue reading

A Fight for the History Books

Ever since parents began sounding the alarm about critical race theory, the woke Left has denied that schools were teaching CRT.

“We oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project,” the National Education Association (NEA) said in a resolution late last week. At its 2021 annual meeting, America’s largest teachers’ union — and largest union of any kind — passed a slew of pro-CRT resolutions. They also approved “an already-created, in-depth study that critiques white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy … capitalism … and other forms of power and oppression.” The resolutions amounted to a declaration of war on parent organizations that have sprouted up as sentinels against encroaching wokeness. The victor will determine the path of education for America’s children and — by extension — our country’s future. Finally, the battle lines are drawn clearly.

Ever since parents began sounding the alarm about critical race theory, the woke Left has denied that schools were teaching CRT. “Critical race theory is not taught before law school,” said MSNBC guest host Alicia Menendez. Continue reading

Stop Surrendering Education to the Radical Left

Public education in America has all-too-often become a tool of those who wish to produce anti-citizens: those who wish to tear down the systems in the name of some higher or lower purpose. No society can survive this in the long term.

This Independence Day, a poll from Issues & Insights revealed that only 36% of adults aged 18-24 said they were “proud to be American,” compared with 86% of those over the age of 65. This shouldn’t be surprising. America’s children have been raised in a system dedicated to the proposition that America itself is evil, a repository of discrimination and bigotry, a country founded in sin and steeped in cruelty. Continue reading

… and the Sun Sets On Liberty

“The nation is divided, half patriots and half traitors, and no man can tell which from which.” ~ Mark Twain

It’s purely an astounding thing to watch, and quite unbelievable for the most part, to see Joe Biden in the White House, when half the time, depending on what time of day it is, he can’t even string two coherent sentences together. The entire absurdity of this man supposedly having actually “won” the 2020 Election becomes ever more stark with each passing day, and it leaves those of us in opposition to his illegitimate regime wondering just who is running the federal government from behind the scenes, while understanding that everything enacted to date exhibits they are intent on abrogating the entire Constitution, suppressing our Inalienable God-given Rights and imposing a hardcore authoritarian communist or heavy-handed fascist form of government. Continue reading

One Way… or another!

I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again.

Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. ‘Just a minute’, answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90’s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940’s movie. Continue reading

Excuse Us While We Dismantle Your Country

The Democrats are preparing the prize for the Elites to complete the dismantling. The Bilderberg Group, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Council on Foreign Relations

The genesis of our destruction began decades ago with our morals and culture being chipped away with the aid of a compliant Marxist media and a business culture that goes along to get along because it is good for business. We have now accepted what we never thought we would just 10 or 15 years ago. Imagine, a judge, not the people, deciding that gender no longer is a factor in marriage! We need to remember that even brilliant people make absurd pronouncements. Big business, collectively, has little concern in the way of morality. Their interest is profit. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you would hope that large corporations would have a set of standards that don’t waver with every change of wind direction. Continue reading

Just How Long Are Free Americans Going To Take It?

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” ~ Patrick Henry, Founding Father and American attorney, planter and politician

“The only way to deal with an un-free world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” ~ Albert Camus, French philosopher, author, and journalist

We just celebrated Independence Day on July 4th, 2021. Perhaps in the early days of the Republic we had much to celebrate. But in the year of our Lord 2021, the freedom for which we now celebrate is a myth …. a mirage. We are celebrating “what” Day? Independence you say! Independence from what? Certainly it can’t be independence from government tyranny. We see no signs of that. Continue reading