CHICAGO: Is School Choice Racist?

That’s what the Chicago Teachers Union asserts, even though minorities support it.

The Chicago Teachers Union recently posited that school choice has racist roots, therefore implying it shouldn’t be a valid means of getting a good education for your child.

The 1964 Supreme Court case Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County is sometimes cited as an example of these so-called “racist roots.” In Prince Edward County, Virginia, school vouchers were given only to white students and used to close public schools completely and open white-only private schools. The Supreme Court overruled the county’s practices and reopened the public schools. This was indeed an example of racism, but not at all about school choice. Continue reading

As Baltimore School Bureaucrats Get Rich, Their Students Fail

Bad Policies Harm Bright Kids in Baltimore Schools/Brandon Wright

As students start to return to school for the new year, people should be paying attention to Baltimore City Public Schools. Baltimore has 20,500 students in the public high school system. It was recently discovered that 41% of all high school students earned a grade point average below 1.0. Yet, as the students in her system are failing, Dr. Sonja Santelises, the CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools, has a salary of $325,000, the highest ever for a Maryland superintendent. Even more troubling? Santelises was given a raise and a contract extension while having such paltry performances by the students in the school system. Continue reading

Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About Covid Injections Ignored by Government and Big Media

Anti-vaccine graffiti is seen on the wall of a shop amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Belfast, Northern Ireland January 1, 2021. REUTERS/Phil Noble

When two great minds come to similar conclusions about the current global push to vaccinate everyone with the COVID experimental vaccines, we should pay close attention. Both highly experienced scientists have a totally negative view of the vaccination effort. Worse than being ineffective, they point to negative health outcomes for the global population. These two truth-telling acclaimed medical researchers make Fauci look as inept, deceitful and dangerous as he is.

The point made in this article is not only has Fauci pushed the wrong potentially disastrous pandemic solution, he has blocked the right one.

Much of what the two virologists say is very technical in nature. This article simplifies their controversial messages without losing their essential meanings. The public needs to understand their warnings that refute all the propaganda pushing vaccines from government and public health agencies as well as big media. (Continue to

The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain

At the end of May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a notable, yet mostly ignored, large-scale study of COVID transmission in American schools. A few major news outlets covered its release by briefly reiterating the study’s summary: that masking then-unvaccinated teachers and improving ventilation with more fresh air were associated with a lower incidence of the virus in schools. Those are common-sense measures, and the fact that they seem to work is reassuring but not surprising. Other findings of equal importance in the study, however, were absent from the summary and not widely reported. Continue reading

Afghanistan: …another side of the story.

The author of ‘The Kite Runner‘ has a message for anyone worried about Afghanistan

Khaled Hosseini

Khaled Hosseini’s novels show readers around the world a side of Afghanistan that goes beyond war and terror.

His debut best-seller “The Kite Runner” was published in 2003, two years after the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent US operation in Afghanistan. Millions of people were captivated by the tale of Amir and Hassan, two young boys from opposite ends of society whose lives take very different trajectories after the Soviet invasion.

His subsequent novels, “A Thousand Spendid Suns” and “And the Mountains Echoed,” both also set at least partially in Afghanistan, achieved similar success.

The world’s attention is once again on Afghanistan after the Taliban’s stunning takeover. For Hosseini, watching the situation unfold over the last week has been utterly gut wrenching. Continue reading

Building America’s Tower of Babel

In C.S. Lewis’s novel about totalitarianism, That Hideous Strength, we find this line, “Qui verbum Dei contempserunt, eis auferetur etiam verbum hominis,” which translates, “They that have despised the word of God, from them shall the word of man also be taken away.”

This line occurs in a passage during which an elite who dreamed of making themselves masters of mankind find themselves under the “curse of Babel,” unable to speak anything other than gibberish.

George Orwell also addressed the dangers of mangling a language into meaninglessness, writing, “If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” He vividly demonstrated this idea in his dystopian novel 1984, writing that the government of Big Brother has declared that “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” “Ignorance is strength,” and that “two plus two equals five.” In Animal Farm, Orwell gives us another example of twisted meaning in “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.” Continue reading

Our Government is Oblivious to INVASION

Recently while driving from town to my house, I was running through some radio stations when I landed on the Glenn Beck show. His guest was Lara Logan, a journalist and commentator unfamiliar to me, and I was sickened and horrified by what I heard. I wish I were exaggerating, but what that woman had to say left me depressed for the rest of the day.

We are being invaded – and not just by illegal immigrants. Continue reading

Only When It’s Too Late

August in the Southwest is storm season. Heavy downpours, raucous thunder, flashing lightning, and tree toppling winds punctuate late nights and very early mornings.

Torrential rain usually follows the cacophony. It washes away the accumulated grit of the previous day, refreshing the desert. Now everything looks green and new. It all seems to sparkle at daybreak.

A thunderclap partially awakens me and our small herd of rescued dogs, uncomfortable with these emphatic interruptions of our peaceful environment. I awaken and begin reflecting on the maelstrom in the media cesspool – So much information to sift and collate and so much to disregard. Continue reading

Beaman: Choices for Pro-Choicers

We are passing an important landmark for abortions in this country since Harry Blackmun helped determine that fetuses had no rights. Sixty two million fetuses have had their tenure in this life terminated since he wrote Roe vs. Wade.

For everyone’s review here is a brief list with descriptions of the major techniques that are used.

First is the suction aspiration, or “vacuum curettage. A suction tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the uterus through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the body of the developing baby and tears the placenta from the wall of the uterus, sucking blood, amniotic fluid, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a collection bottle for disposal. Continue reading

My Coonhound Died In Afghanistan

American leadership has lost the “Can Do” attitude and the will to stand strong in the face of adversity and overwhelming odds. But the odds aren’t really even against Biden’s regime in this case, and still they beg to be defeated.

I’ve never witnessed anything like this in my life and it makes me sick to my stomach, disgusted and angrier than I can say. Hard to fathom what the next three years and four months will hold for us under this American hating, weak and feckless “government” we are forced to endure for now,

Let’s hope and pray that the last words our fellow Americans hear aren’t “Allahu Akbar” as they try to escape Afghanistan. Continue reading

From Shots to Clots: Considerable medical evidence of covid vaccine-induced blood clots

Americans who have taken COVID vaccine shots and those who have refused to capitulate to the coercion and propaganda are ill-informed about vaccine-induced blood clots.

Admittedly, people face a difficult decision on whether or not to take a COVID vaccine. So much information tells the ugly story of people who have suffered illness or death because they were not vaccinated. But Americans who have taken COVID vaccine shots and those who have refused to capitulate to the coercion and propaganda are ill-informed about blood clots, as well as about the limits of vaccines as shown by high numbers of breakthrough infections in the vaccinated.

If you only consider statistics about the number of people benefitting from vaccines versus lower numbers experiencing bad side effects, you might dismiss the negatives in favor of the positives. But there is significant uncertainty about longer-term negative vaccine impacts that may affect a lot of vaccinated people. (Continue to complete article…)

Reforming Education: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

Schools closed. Children abandoned. Parents told to pound sand.

Is a repeat defeat for students and parents in the works for this coming school year?

It seems so. What’s not in doubt is it will be another big win for teacher unions. The Los Angeles union demanded a rich array of gimmes before it would consider any return to classrooms, reports Lee Chanian for the Hoover Institution. These included defunding police, shutting down competing charter schools, a 1% wealth tax, and a 3% income surtax on successful people, to name but a few. Is this dedication? For sure. But not to students.

Given the reach and power of teacher unions, it’s no reach to think that in the spring of 2020 union bosses pushed governors to close schools. Then, in the fall of 2020, after governors shifted decision-making to school boards, teacher unions pressured local boards not to open with full in-person instruction. It worked once, so, same play again for school year 2021-2022?

How did our public schools sink to this? (Continue to FULL challenge…)

Judge Blocks Termination of ‘Remain in Mexico

Biden’s three choices: Detain illegal migrants, remove or expel them, or send them back across the border to wait

No Mas!

On August 13, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued an order enjoining the Biden administration’s termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), better known as “Remain in Mexico”. The court did not force any DHS officer to return any illegal migrant to Mexico (it admitted it lacked that power), but made clear that the administration had three choices: Detain illegal migrants, remove or expel them, or send them back across the border. Continue reading