A Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.” ~ Simone Weil, French philosopher

It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or if we’ve gone straight to an idiocracy.

For instance, an animal welfare bill introduced in the Florida state legislature would ban the sale of rabbits in March and April, prohibit cat owners from declawing their pets, make it illegal for dogs to stick their heads out of car windows, force owners to place dogs in a harness or in a pet seatbelt when traveling in a car, and require police to create a public list of convicted animal abusers.

A Massachusetts law prohibits drivers from letting their cars idle for more than five minutes on penalty of a $100 fine ($500 for repeat offenders), even in the winter. You can also be fined $20 or a month in jail for scaring pigeons. Continue reading

No Precedent’: Biden Moves To Bind U.S. To Future WHO Pandemic Policies


Over the weekend, reports surfaced that the Biden administration was preparing to enter the United States into a “legally binding” agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would grant the entity authority to mandate America’s health care policies in the event of a future pandemic.

Experts say the proposed plan would be an unprecedented violation of the Constitution, which grants the Senate the authority to approve international treaties. Continue reading

Greene: End the Insanity Immediately!

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. – Revelation, 20: 11-12

The United States of America is on the brink of extinction and the O’Biden regime has pushed the world to the brink of World War III which may go to full-scale global war or even a nuclear exchange before they are finished.

Any American who supports Ukraine today is either completely ignorant of history and reality, or totally insane. And there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that a growing segment of American society is totally insane! In fact, they aren’t just insane, they are suicidal!

In terms of war, the definition of “winning” is limited to who killed and destroyed more than their opponent. The ONLY time war is “necessary” is when freedom, liberty and justice is under direct assault on our own soil, and the only means of preserving freedom, liberty and justice in our country is to eliminate those attacking us, be they foreign, domestic, or both.

Today, the greatest threat to American freedom, liberty and justice is coming from within, namely, the anti-American O’Biden regime in control of all weaponized Federal Agencies, our Military, the news media, the internet, medicine, food and energy supplies, and all social media platforms. Continue reading

Benson: An Empire In Decline?

Is the United States an empire in decline? Awhile back, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana made the comment that “This nation was founded by geniuses but it’s being run by idiots.” Unfortunately, many of those idiots belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, and their main idiotic idea is to make the US just another cog in the wheel of One World Government–under the control of the United Nations.

The Treasury Secretary, another CFR member, claims she will punish China. Yeah, right! Biden says he will support Ukraine in their war with Russia “as long as it takes.” To do what? Bankrupt America? Continue reading

Rutherford: Dictators Bent on Building Military Empires: The Cost of the Nation’s Endless Wars

“Autocrats only understand one word: no, no, no. No you will not take my country, no you will not take my freedom, no you will not take my future… A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to ease the people’s love of liberty. Brutality will never grind down the will of the free.” ~ President Biden

Oh, the hypocrisy.

To hear President Biden talk about the Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, you might imagine that Putin is the only dictator bent on expanding his military empire through the use of occupation, aggression and oppression.

Yet the United States is no better, having spent much of the past half-century policing the globe, occupying other countries, and waging endless wars.

What most Americans fail to recognize is that these ongoing wars have little to do with keeping the country safe and everything to do with propping up a military industrial complex that has its sights set on world domination. Continue reading

‘Merkan Edukashun

I’m talking about America’s Education, Propaganda, Indoctrination, and Gaslighting System. It’s what’s become of the public school system in America.

I’m using the slang for America – ‘Merka – to accentuate how we trivialize the importance of what we “used to was,” as my Cajun girlfriend often said. We’ve lost our appreciation for our once great republic. I keep writing to embolden and admonish you to find it again before we lose it forever.

The day we lose it is not too far in our future. ~ Boz…
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Stansell: Might Our Storm Clouds Be Parting? A Child Shall Lead…

Last week, students at small Christian college in Kentucky gathered for their regular Wednesday chapel service. Ten days later, it has not ended. People from around the country and the world continue to join in. No matter your religion or lack thereof, THIS is an exceptional happening. More exceptional even, is that this spirit has spread to other colleges and universities. Continue reading

Hayworth: State universities must halt their new ‘pledge’

You could say it before you could spell it.

And even now – years later – you can recite the words with ease.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Yes, the Pledge has been amended… most notably in the 1950’s, when the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization, led a public campaign to add the words “under God.” On June 14, 1954 – Flag Day – President Eisenhower signed a bill into law adding that phrase to the Pledge.

Might someone mount a similar effort today? Continue reading

A Tale, Too Shitty

It’s no surprise when the idea for a commentary arrives; I call it serendipity.

The idea for this one comes from a dear friend, Jeff Bennett. He and I greatly appreciate literature and one writer in particular, Charles Dickens.

Jeff called me this afternoon about another commentary I wrote recently. He inserted a graphic toward the end of the piece that says…

“The most important thing in life is to stop saying I wish, and start saying I will.” ~ Charles Dickens – (Not me, a relative.)

We chuckled; Jeff did something he’s done only once before. He recommended a title for this commentary based on a novel with a similar-sounding name. So I exercised my literary license and came up with what you are about to read.

The original is from an 1859 novel about London and Paris between 1775 and 1793, The French Revolution. If you haven’t read it, more’s the pity.

Mr. Dickens was anything but succinct because this particular book, A Tale of Two Cities, is three volumes, but boy, what a story… Continue reading

Smith: East Palestine – America’s Chernobyl

…DON’T want to be!

The East Palestine train derailment is a real clusterfuck, one hundred percent and seven ways from Sunday, and the nation will see severe repercussions from this event for decades to come, unless I miss my bet.

It’s unfathomable that they didn’t immediately evacuate the entire town as soon as the containers were known to be leaking, given the hazardous nature of what was contained in several of the tanks. The manifest was readily known to railroad and government officials, which makes it unconscionable that they didn’t do more, that they were incapable of doing more due to their own miserable lack of talent and knowledge in their chosen professions, or for more designing reasons. ~ J.O.S.
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ROSS: Your Invisible Prison

The subject I wish to discuss today is extremely complex and convoluted, yet it is something that people need to try and wrap their heads around; before it is too late. Sitting here thinking about how to go about explaining it all is akin to trying to describe the intricacy of a spider web to a blind person; yet, in a way, a spider web and the subject matter I wish to discuss are both very similar; as they trap those things that land in them.

How many have watched any of the dystopian, futuristic, movies in which, at first glance, society appears to be a Utopia? In these films, the people seem happy, they all are well taken care of, the cities are clean and crime free; but lurking just under the surface there is something wrong; something seriously wrong!!! Continue reading

The Sweetheart Relationship: Valentines Day, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day… here is some insight and several tips for a great Valentine’s Day Today…

A relationship saturated with love, affection, intimacy, respect, and honor. The Sweetheart Relationship is a relationship by choice, not by luck or chemistry. It is a relationship that is malleable, or one that is fluid, where it grows, bends, and flows, one that acknowledges and understands its ever-growing, and ever-changing hosts, and one that glows and shines because it must, to give light during the darkest times, to give illumination during the hardest times, and to give warmth during the coldest days, ignited only by one’s deepest wants and desires, flaming hard into our souls, seeping us with hot love, holding hard those closest to us, to never let go . . . no matter how hard, how difficult, or how chaotic . . . to never let go . . . no matter how unfair, how sad, or how lonely . . . to never let go . . . no matter how far, how distant, or how afar. Continue reading

Capitulation All Along The Watchtower

The following was submitted to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author on June 2, 2022 – and we brought it back to the Front page once again on February 13, 2023 – has anything changed? It was submitted at a point of the author ready to give up the fight – a distinct feeling that many of us feel on a daily basis – but thankfully – Charles has NOT given up the fight, and we have chosen to publish the following – just to make a point – and set the records straight – and to Pray God – that we awaken many! ~ Editor

There is a point in every life where nothing is worth the effort it requires to give chase.

I’m there.

I’ve had enough.

I’ve been venting, ranting, and writing about topics I judged worth my effort for about fifteen years. My fervor is dead. I’m fighting too many battles on too many fronts.

I’m picking the battle that is most important to me ~ ME!
Continue reading

I want my Son back!

Texas moms rent huge billboards across the state showing pictures of their kids killed by accidentally taking pills laced with fentanyl – as drugs crisis continues to blight America
A group of Texas mothers who have lost their children to accidental fentanyl poisoning have taken to renting large billboards featuring images of their loved ones in the hope of starting conversation between other parents and their kids.

The families aim to raise awareness about the dangers associated with drugs and are urging parents to educate their children on the issue.

In response to the cause, billboard advertiser MediaChoice, got so many calls thanking them for bringing attention to fentanyl, they have now generously provided free space to display the signs… (Continue to full article)

YEAH – I want my son back – and Emily as well!

Shocking video shows how drug addicts in Portland are emptying whole pallets of water bought with food stamps just to recycle the plastic bottles for $2.40 to buy cheap fentanyl
Drug addicts in Oregon have come up with a scheme that sees them using their food stamps to buy cases of water which they then immediately empty out in order to obtain a 0.10 cents bottle deposit to then buy drugs with.

Video footage shot in a parking lot on Portland sees one group of people with shopping carts full of pallets of bottled water, only to have them empty the contents out on the ground.

The alleged addicts will then return to the supermarket from where they acquired the bottled water to obtain a recycling refund… (Continue to full article)

DEA warns that ADHD overprescription could be as bad as OPIOID CRISIS in stinging letter to pharmaceutical giants it accuses of ‘aggressive marketing’ – as users rise 10% in a year to 41 million
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has expressed concern that ‘aggressive marketing practices’ by telehealth companies may be contributing to excessive prescriptions for medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a letter from the agency.

While the letter does not mention specific companies, it is believed to refer to telehealth companies such as Cerebral Inc. and Done Global Inc., whose prescribing practices have reportedly been under investigation by the DEA after blitzing social media with online adverts on platforms including Instagram and Facebook.

This decision follows an increase in Adderall prescriptions of 10.4% in 2021 and 10.9% through October 2022, after a roughly 5% annual increase in the three years prior, according to data from research firm IQVIA… (Continue to full article)

Smith: He’s Crossed the Green Mountain…

Murder and Heartbreak in Tennessee

Mark “Markus” McCord, Jr. was only twenty-one…

He and my first granddaughter, Katlyn, had big plans for a future together.

Markus was murdered yesterday, at approximately 1:15 p.m. by four gang-bangers, ending his life, all his dreams and his life’s journey and all the potential he showed in his daily life, all the possibilities and the wonderful things we all knew he was capable of accomplishing. Continue reading

Whitehead ~ Distract, Divide and Conquer: The Painful Truth About the State of Our Union

Step away from the blinders that partisan politics uses to distract, divide and conquer, and you will find that we are drowning in a cesspool of problems that individually and collectively threaten our lives, liberties, prosperity and happiness.

These are not problems the politicians want to talk about, let alone address, yet we cannot afford to ignore them much longer… Continue reading

Smith: America’s Serious Trouble on the Southern Border

It doesn’t matter that many illegal aliens are good and decent people, when they are breaking the U.S. law and jumping in front of millions of others, who are attempting to come to America legally, because so many thousands more are committing well documented rapes, assaults, robberies and murders by the thousand each year, at a rate that has grown exponentially with the Biden regime’s immediate reversal of President Trump’s effective border policy.

To hear Joe Biden tout his actions on the border during the recent State of the Union address was sickening, dishonest and evil to the core, as he attempted to convince the American people that an extremely out-of-control and serious problem didn’t exist on the Southern border, a problem of his making that continues to be facilitated by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Continue reading

Who Da Fat Bitch Is?

I hear opera in the background – the orchestra builds to a tumultuous climax, and a diva belts out the final aria.

For those wondering what I am talking about – it means the opera’s almost over. Operas usually end with an Aria traditionally delivered by a contralto the size of Rhode Island, clad in a furry vest and Viking helmet – with horns…

Have we reached the end of America, The Opera?

Yes, folks, “The Fat Lady” is singing…. Continue reading

Hayworth: What’s up with the ‘Doc…’ and the Dems?

“Papa Doc”

History recalls the brutal reign of a father and son in the impoverished island nation of Haiti. Francois Duvalier (“Papa Doc”), a physician educated in the U.S., was initially elected president in 1957, but soon proved to be more despot than doctor. Aided by an undercover death squad, he eliminated opponents and consolidated power, naming himself “president for life” in 1964.

Upon Papa Doc’s death in 1971, son Jean-Claude Duvalier, nicknamed “Baby Doc,” became president and ruled until he was overthrown in 1986.

Current events have prompted some to apply those nicknames to America’s first family. Joe “Papa Doc” and Hunter “Baby Doc” Biden have not earned those monikers for medical training; they have acquired them for their suspected illegal mishandling of classified documents. Continue reading