Category Archives: Village of the Damned

Something is terribly wrong with the Education ‘Village‘ of America – the complete breakdown of America’s government controlled education system through indoctrination and Socialism. Our children have become truly ‘damned‘ and will have little chance to truly succeed in this nation – UNLESS – the system can be overturned. Sorry Hillary, but the Village thing hasn’t worked so well – for the children of America.

This category was so-named because of then First Lady, Hillary Clinton’s comment, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In addition to my feelings that our children are truly ‘damned‘ as long as this system is allowed to continue.

The ‘Village‘ is the place that I would not wish to be in today. I was privileged to participate in one of the last non-socialist school systems. Hell – I don’t know – maybe it had already begun, but I had great teachers. At 74 years of age – I can still picture and name over 90% of those whose care I was placed into. What we present here includes a range of commentary by a wide range of authors, which may well not fit into other designated categories. So here we provide, well – you know – “a little of this and a little of that!“

As the esteemed Dr. Rosemary Stein, M.D. has stated; The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools. Remember, the father of their modern education ‘Elite’ beliefs is John Dewey. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Here is the quote of the day. “This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.”You are going to have to take ownership over the education of your children ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

The time is past due for we the people to take back the responsibility of who raises and who teaches OUR children… With the the words of our contributors both through new posts and archives of the past, we will do our best to bring you the dastardly news so that you may arm your selves to prepare for the ongoing battles and the ugliness of what THEY want to do to destroy this nation through THEIR ‘re-education’ system. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Kettle Moraine Publications

Yes, END the Department of Education

The hard-left, union-owned, Carter-era incarnation has engineered a disastrous dumbing down of our nation’s children.

Amongst the many bogeymen that Democrats are trotting out to scare voters away from the Republican Party this election cycle, their favorite continues to be The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 and the supposed “extremist” policy suggestions it outlines for the next Republican president.

One specific idea that has caused irrational critique is to eliminate the Department of Education. As this proposal happens to align with Donald Trump’s desire to minimize the involvement of the federal government in public education and return the power to the states, this has only added fuel to the Democrats’ insistence that Project 2025 is directly tied to the former president. Continue reading

Education as We Knew It Is Gone!

Reversing course may no longer be an option, and the solution might require drastic changes to the entire system.

The American public education system is abysmal, and more Americans are aware of that painful fact than ever before.

The increase in dissatisfaction was highlighted in a recent survey by the Pew Research Center. The survey indicated that “about half of U.S. adults (51%) say that the country’s public k-12 education system is generally going in the wrong direction.”

A very small group of those surveyed believe it’s going in the right direction, while the rest are unsure. Continue reading

Rockwell: What If Public Schools Were Abolished?

In American culture, public schools are praised in public and criticized in private, which is roughly the opposite of how we tend to treat large-scale enterprises like Walmart. In public, everyone says that Walmart is awful, filled with shoddy foreign products and exploiting workers. But in private, we buy the well-priced, quality goods, and long lines of people hope to be hired. Continue reading

Scientific American Declares War on Homeschooling, Calls for Fed. Regulations

Donya Grant, center, works on a homeschool lesson with her son Kemper, 14, as her daughter Rowyn, 11, works at right, at their home in Monroe, Wash./AP Photo

Scientific American magazine urged the federal government to regulate homeschooling and suggested that parents of homeschooled children should “undergo a background check.” Continue reading

Benson: We’ve Been Lied to About Education in America

If you believed all the snake oil salesmen that promoted the greatness of public education in America you’d think that before the advent of public schools Americans were the most ignorant and uneducated people anywhere. That’s the mindset the proponents of public education intend us to believe because it gives them “moral” justification from promoting a plethora of false impressions about the real nature of public education.

Back when he was still alive author and speaker Sam Blumenfeld wrote several books about the true nature and reason for public education. Needless to say what Sam found in his research over the years was not what you were taught about the need (or lack thereof) for public schools. I got to hear Sam speak twice while he was alive and you could tell from his remarks that he had done the homework. Continue reading

We CAN’T Let This Happen to Another Generation

The warning signs have been around for a long time.

Most people ignored them or simply believed the problem was localized or blown out of proportion. Even now, to admit to such widespread failure is overwhelming; the implications are simply too enormous to conceive.

Back in 2014 when I read this teacher’s letter to the editor, I was taken aback. At the time, my focus was primarily on Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools and the problems there. Had she written about certain high schools in Minneapolis or St. Paul, I would not have been surprised. But this was a high school teacher from the suburbs – a suburb I lived in at the time. Continue reading

The History Of The Machine The University Of Alabama’s ‘Secret’ Society That Allegedly Controls Life On Campus

For over a century, the underground organization known as The Machine has been covertly influencing everything from student government to Greek life at the University of Alabama.

Fraternity Row at the University of Alabama in 1943.

The Machine at the University of Alabama is the school’s not-so-secret underground organization at the center of several shocking allegations. The society is reportedly made up of representatives from 28 of the university’s top sororities and fraternities.

Since its inception in the early 20th century, The Machine has been rumored to control nearly all of the university’s affairs, from student government to Greek life. Some allege that its power has even extended beyond campus on occasion, impacting the outcomes of local elections. Continue reading

Christian Teacher’s Stand Really Paid Off

A school district in Southern California is having to compensate a teacher who was fired for not going along with its so-called “transgender” policies, and one attorney says it’s a win for teachers of faith everywhere.

Jessica Tapia taught physical education at Jurupa Valley High School in Riverside County, which is part of the Jurupa Unified School District, until she was let go last year for “hypothetically, in statements to district personnel” refusing to call students by their preferred pronouns and refusing to allow them to use the restroom or locker room of their choice.

She also refused to keep that sort of information secret from parents, according to the federal suit.

The school district did not admit to doing anything wrong but has agreed to pay Tapia $285,000, plus an additional $75,000 for her attorneys’ fees. As part of the settlement, Tapia also agreed not to seek future employment with the district, and both sides agreed to not disparage each other or file future lawsuits. Continue reading

Federal Court: Parents in Maryland School District Cannot Opt K-5 Children Out of LGBTQ Curriculum

The time has come for Parents to assume the FULL responsibility of and for YOUR children. Take them OUT of the Public School System NOW. Look into a Home Schooling program – or start your own – for the benefit of YOUR Children. We invite you to visit, Metropolis.Caféand spend some time there. There is no cost to visit the site nor are there any charges for what we are committed to. My life has been committed to this since I was in the 5th grade – some 66 years ago.

If you are in need of some guidance at Metropolis – you may email me from that site. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

A federal court on Wednesday upheld a Maryland school district policy that does not allow parents to opt their young K-5 children out of curriculum about gender identity and sexuality. Continue reading

Teachers Are So Fed Up With the Broken Education System That…

…over half wouldn’t tell a young person to do what they do!

Not unlike the famed tree of Shel Silverstein’s divisive children’s book, teachers don’t have much left to give. Operating in a infamously demanding and poorly paid sector, many educators have reached a breaking point over the last couple of years as they navigate an increasingly broadening workload. Continue reading

“Education” In Oregon Schools

Oregon students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color


Oregon high school students won’t have to prove basic mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate from high school until at least 2029, the state Board of Education decided unanimously on Thursday, extending the pause on the controversial graduation requirement that began in 2020.

The vote went against the desires of dozens of Oregonians who submitted public comments insisting the standards should be reinstated, including former Republican gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan. Backlash against the lowered standard had already delayed the vote, originally slated to take place in September (of 2023). Continue reading

Benson: Are The Pornographic Textbook Chickens Finally Coming Home To Roost In Kanawha County?

The headline for the article on the West Virgina News that I took this material from read: “Kanawha County schools faces budget shortfall and jobs loss due to enrollment decline.” It seems as if it has taken quite awhile, decades in fact, since the Textbook Protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the mid-1970s over what can only be called pornographic textbooks, for this to happen. But even delayed justice is better than no justice at all.

The article stated, in part: “Over the past decade the school system has lost around 5,000 students, leading to a funding loss for 72 positions.” Continue reading

Five More Red States Plan to Show 9 Year-Olds Anti-Abortion in Sex-Ed Class

Millions of children, some as young as nine years old, could be forced to watch a pro-life video of a baby in the womb as part of sex education in school.

Several states are considering laws that will force schools to show videos of a week-by-week development of a fetus in the womb – however doctors say the milestones are inaccurate

The three-minute clip shows the week-by-week development of a fetus — and has been created by anti-abortion campaigners.

Legislators are considering bills in four Republican-led states which would compel schools to show the ‘Baby Olivia’ short movie to students. Continue reading

Straight Out of History Book: NYC Teachers Caught Using Communist Website to Teach 3rd Graders

The rabid antisemitism on college campuses that has bubbled to the surface since October might have been outdone by two radical third-grade teachers in Brooklyn and a twisted version of “Wheels on the Bus” pulled from a communist website.

The New York Post somehow learned two elementary school teachers are teaching an anti-Israel song, “Wheels on the Tank,” to children at Public School 705, an arts and science school located in Prospect Heights. Continue reading

This 1st Amendment Win Is a 1st Step ‘In the Right Direction

Two, one-two-three-four!
Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout
Faggits, Maggits, Homos, Dykes, Genders, Benders
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m

Thanks to a federal judge, two California teachers who oppose their district’s deceptive policy against parents are returning to work.

During school-wide training a couple of years ago, Rincon Middle School teachers Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West, a devout Catholic and Christian, respectively, were shocked to learn they would be required to keep their students’ gender identities a secret from the kids’ own parents, unless such a student gave them permission otherwise. Continue reading

Kansas School Approves ‘Satan Club’ Over Objections of Students, Parents

A petition to stop the club has collected nearly 8,000 signatures.

Olathe Northwest High School in Olathe, Kansas (Google Maps/screenshot)

“High School Satan Club” will now be included among the extracurricular offerings at Olathe Northwest High School in Kansas after the school district gave the greenlight for its creation.

The club’s approval comes amid growing opposition from other students and parents with concerns about kids being encouraged to worship Satan.

A petition to stop the club had garnered more than 7,800 signatures at the time of publishing. Continue reading

It’s Not Their Mindset That’s Holding Children Back At School

Children’s ‘growth mindset’, characters and attitudes to learning have little impact on how well they do at school, according to a new study.

Instead, researchers point to external factors such as school funding, pre-school placements and opportunities outside school as much more important in bringing about meaningful change. Continue reading

Seattle High Schooler FAILS Quiz Where He Marked Only Women Can Get Pregnant and That All Men Have Penises

A Seattle high school with a recent history of activism is facing outrage from a parent after her 10th grader was marked wrong for saying only men have penises and only women get pregnant.

The parent and her student, who remained anonymous out of fear of backlash, said the answers were given on a true-false test in an Ethic Studies World History class at Chief Sealth International High School.

The student put that it is ‘true’ that only men have penises and only women can get pregnant on his ‘Understanding Gender vs. Sex’ quiz.

His mother claims the student failed the portion of the quiz as a result of his answers, which led her to speak out.

‘I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,’ she said. Continue reading

Millions of US Students Missing School as Attendance Declines

The frequency of student absences in the United States has risen significantly compared to pre-pandemic levels, with high-poverty schools facing particularly alarming rates.

In a new study using 2021–22 school year data from the U.S. Department of Education and published by Attendance Works on Friday, it was revealed that nearly 30% of students — approximately 14.7 million — faced chronic absence, significantly affecting the learning experience for those who did attend school. Continue reading

The Truth About Scholastic

A Christian activist and author says a popular company that’s been supplying kids with reading material for decades is also responsible for the pornographic books in their school libraries.

Kirk Cameron has lately been traveling to public libraries across the country to counter drag queen story hours by reading kids his Christian books. In that journey, he says, he has realized there is more work to be done.

According to the former TV star, Scholastic, the company that has been providing books to kids since the ’40s and holding book fairs since the early ’80s, is responsible for many of the controversial and pornographic books that can now be found in many U.S. school libraries.

It has adopted a recurring pattern of sexualized content in recent years and last month pledged to “redouble” its efforts to “combat the laws restricting children’s access” to pornographic books.

“You really can’t get away from them if your kids are going to school,” he laments. “This stuff is pervasive. They’re not just a thousand-pound gorilla in the space of children’s books; they are children’s books.” Continue reading