Category Archives: Point BLANK

Do we have the time, or is this the beginning of the end of life in America as we have known it? This is where you will find a range of Editorial postings and comments by a select group of writers, many of who have had long term relations with Kettle Moraine Publications – and EACH of whom provide us with THEIR Perspectives as this Nation ignores the warnings as we live in the end of days – for most Americans’ are Too Blind to See – and we once again convert back to one of our OLD and DEFINITIVE categories – POINT BLANK!

August 24, 2023: Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will NOT end!

Taxpayer cash to be used to bankroll MORE Covid vaccines
Biden Administration will use $1.4BILLION to develop new virus drugs and shots

Officials said the funding – to be awarded in grants – will be used to develop ‘a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come’.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – the branch of government tasked with bankrolling health initiatives – announced the move Tuesday as part of its ‘Project NextGen.’

This initiative adds to the $30 billion the government has already spent on Covid vaccines and $4.6trillion in overall Covid relief… (Continue to full article)

Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Mask mandates reemerge amid upturn in COVID-19 cases
The recent upturn in COVID-19 cases in some regions has spurred a handful of entities around the country to reinstate mask mandates, reigniting the debate over what place masking requirements have in an era of living with the coronavirus.

Earlier this week, Hollywood movie studio Lionsgate asked its employees to wear masks on certain floors of its facilities in Santa Monica, Calif., in response to a few staff members testing positive for COVID-19.

Kaiser Permanente began to require staff, patients and visitors to wear masks at its facility in Santa Rosa, Calif., this week in response to a spike in cases. Upstate Medical University in New York announced a similar decision last week for two of its hospitals… (Continue to full article)


Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid – according to ONE report
Measures taken during the Covid pandemic such as social distancing and wearing face masks “unequivocally” reduced the spread of infections, a report has found.

Experts looked at the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – not drugs or vaccines – when applied in packages that combine a number of measures that complement one another.

The report, called Covid-19: examining the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions, reviewed the evidence gathered during the pandemic for six groups of NPIs and their effectiveness in reducing transmission.

These included masks and face coverings, social distancing and lockdowns, test, trace and isolate, travel restrictions and controls across international borders, environmental controls, and communications.

Frankly – I am sick of this SHIT… (Continue to full article)

Schools Already Closing Due to COVID — Just Weeks After Starting
The BS begins. Go to school or stay home with your children’s cold. Jesus, they aren’t going to die from the flu or cold. So ridiculous. America will have the most uneducated kids. No chance to ever catch up. Parents should consider homeschooling.

Just two weeks into the start of their school year, officials in Kentucky have called off school for the rest of the week “due to student and staff illness.”

The district of Lee County announced on Tuesday, August 22 that in-person classes, extra-curricular practices and games in the district had been canceled for the remainder of the week.

Public Health Director for the Kentucky River District, Scott Lockard, told news outlets local to the area that there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the district.

But COVID was not the singular driving factor in the district’s decision to temporarily close their doors… (Continue to full article)

Covid Vaccines Are “Disproportionately” Harmful and Up to 98% of Injuries Are Being Missed

Covid vaccines have a “disproportionate” injury rate, with injuries including “strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, amputations and neurological conditions”, a senior Conservative MP has said.

Speaking to the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), former Government Minister and APPG Co-Chair Esther McVey said: “A reporting system that misses as many as 98 out of 100 adverse reactions, inevitably misses safety signals.” Continue reading

August 18, 2023: Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will not end

The New COVID-19 Vaccines for Fall 2023: What You Need to Know

The global battle against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and as we approach the fall of 2023, there are new developments in the vaccine front. With the emergence of new strains and the need for updated vaccines, it’s crucial to stay informed. Here’s a comprehensive look at the new COVID-19 vaccines coming out in the fall of 2023.

More insanity comes our way… (Continue to full article)

As Maui Burns, Biden Demands Another $24 Billion… For Ukraine!

I am not a big fan of Federal Government disaster relief. Too much of the time the money never gets to those who need it most, and too often Washington’s armies of disaster “experts” are more interested in pushing people around than helping them.

Nevertheless, it’s hard to look at recent footage of the devastation in Maui and then hear President Biden tell Congress that he needs another $24 billion for Ukraine. How can this Administration continue to justify tens of billions of dollars for this losing war that is not in our interest while the rest of the United States disintegrates?

Biden’s new $24 billion request comes on top of well over $120 billion already spent to fight the US proxy war on Russia in Ukraine. Heritage Foundation budget expert Richard Stern has done the math and determined that Biden’s spending on the Ukraine war thus far will cost each and every American household $900. How many Americans would rather have those $900 dollars back in their pocket rather than in the pockets of Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, and Ukraine’s oligarchs? Continue reading

Loudon: Farewell…

For almost five years now I have been writing a weekly and then a Biweekly Preventing Cancer and Nutrition BULLETIN. Recently I had to admit my wife into the Rest home and find it almost too hard to continue writing my BULLETIN. I have enjoyed the wonderful three hundred and fifty friends and family throughout the world that I have had the privilege of knowing and receiving emails over these years. Thank you for your overwhelming response.

Since my wife is in the rest home, I have only one more book to finish. I do not have the time to do all of the wonderful things that I have done in the past and want to thank you for being a very active, wonderful, and participating part of my life.

The Suicide of the United States of America

In THIS last BULLETIN, I am sorry that I am leaving you a nation in turmoil. We have slowly sunk into the mud of a failing government, failing economy, and very weak military establishment, while corruption is weaving its way in and out of our government. China is just outside the gate, waiting for the gate to be open, so their mighty military can come marching in. Continue reading

Snyder: Is America Doomed?

Is time running out for America? Throughout human history, great civilizations have risen and fell, and many believe that the U.S. will be no exception. At this point, we have already drifted so far from our core values that our founders would not even be able to recognize the Republic that they once established if they were alive today. Of course most Americans realize that something has gone horribly wrong, but most of them also believe that sending the right people to Washington is the answer. But is that really the solution to what ails us? Continue reading

FBI Finds 200 Sex Trafficking Victims, Including 59 Missing Kids

This is a great victory even if it only saved a few of the thousands of trafficked people. Finding them and all those missing children is a blessing. I will say prayers for the victims and for the law officers that have to investigate this crime. Please Please start showing us the criminals faces. This is a federal/local law mission why not make sure these people are on a website we can access and all over the news? Why let them be anonymous? They shouldn’t have that right when they have taken other ( and lets face it women and children’s) rights from them and forced them into a horroible life. ~ PaisleySzuSzu

Beaucoup Dien Cai Dau… The insanity will not end!

Thousands of Americans potentially exposed to toxic Covid and pregnancy tests made at Chinese-run biolab in California
Tens of thousands of Americans may have used Covid and pregnancy tests made at a filthy, Chinese-run biolab that housed dangerous viruses like HIV and malaria.

The research facility was busted earlier this year in the sleepy California town of Reedley, where investigators found disease-riddled mice and hundreds of samples of pathogens, blood, and dubious chemicals piled up in storage boxes and fridges.

The lab was run by Universal Meditech Inc, a company with strong ties to China, which made unlicensed Covid and pregnancy tests sold across Texas and California as far back as October 2021.

Earlier this year the FDA recalled 56,300 Universal Meditech Covid tests that were sold across the two states tests earlier this year because they had never obtained approval to be sold in the first place.. (Continue to full article)

Pfizer: Updated Covid boosters could be authorized by end of month
The Food and Drug Administration could authorize Pfizer’s updated Covid boosters by the end of August, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said during an investor call Tuesday.

The drugmaker asked the FDA in June to authorize an updated version of its Covid booster that is designed to target the XBB.1.5 subvariant, a coronavirus strain that began circulating widely last winter. Moderna made a similar request that same month.

The requests came days after the FDA advised the drugmakers to update the shots to target XBB.1.5 ahead of a fall Covid booster campaign.

The drugmaker’s prediction comes as Covid hospitalizations are once again on the rise… (Continue to full article)

Unassuming warehouse in California turns out to be illegal Chinese-run virus laboratory that was genetically engineering mice and experimenting with HIV, herpes and malaria
A central California city is reeling after a nondescript warehouse turned out to be an illegal lab with deadly pathogens, including coronavirus, HIV, and malaria.

If it were not for an errant hose sticking out of the back of the warehouse last spring, city officials would not have known that a shady biotech company with links to China had set up shop there, filling it with industrial freezers, hundreds of vials of viruses, and about 1,000 dead and dying lab mice.

Government investigators also found Covid diagnostic and pregnancy tests at the underground testing facility that they believed were being developed there, in addition to at least 20 stored infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes… (Continue to full article)

Senator Rand Paul sends an ‘official criminal referral’ to the DOJ over Dr Fauci – saying a 2020 email proves the former White House doc’s COVID testimony was ‘absolutely a lie’
Paul has submitted an ‘official criminal referral’ to the Department of Justice in regards to the nation’s former top doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, over testimony he gave about the coronavirus and whether it came from a Chinese lab.

Senator Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, claims Dr Fauci, 82, committed perjury when he testified in front of a Senate committee in 2021. Perjury is a federal offense that carries up to five years in prison.

Paul has now written to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for an investigation into whether Fauci lied under oath over his knowledge of dangerous virus research that was taking place at the Wuhan lab, in China.

‘He describes the project but … everything he has been telling us from the very beginning has been a lie. We have documented it’s a lie and it’s a felony to lie to congress. I have referred him twice to the Attorney General of the United States for prosecution but, as you know, this attorney general is the most partisan AG we’ve ever had. And it’s good luck on getting him to do his job,’… (Continue to full article)

First photos of Chinese-run lab in California experimenting with dangerous viruses and engineering mice

These are the shocking photos taken by investigators during the bust of an illegal biolab in a sleepy California town.

Local and federal officials discovered a lab of horrors with suspicious links to China when they raided the unassuming warehouse in Reedley – home to just over 25,000 residents – in March.

Photos obtained by via court documents show dead mice stuffed in storage bins haphazardly shoved on shelves and freezers filled to the brim with bottles of blood and plasma of origins unknown… (Continue to full article)

Major Events In July 2023 ~ a review of the month

The Battles Wage on…

As more of the public starts to learn that Joe Biden is an illegal president, the Deep State starts to do more and more desperate things before the full implementation of the 2030 Great Reset Agenda.

The month of July started with a story from the United Kingdom where banks were refusing to give customers their own money. The crisis in Europe has gotten so bad that a shortage of cash is occurring. This situation has also reached Australia, where banks were refusing to honor cash withdrawals to customers.

The FedNow program officially launched in July. The U.S. transitioned from fiat to digital to offer instantly available funds and real-time payments to their customers. The next step is to fully implement a Central Bank Digital Currency. Continue reading

Mystery group buying land near Air Force base sues farmers

* Flannery Associates invested more than $800 million on agricultural land

* Flannery is suing farmers who sold them land, accusing them of conspiracy

* Congressman: Flannery buying land near Air Force base raises questions

While questions remain about a mystery company buying 52,000 acres of land near an Air Force base, a congressman says farmers in the area are being targeted in a lawsuit from the group. Continue reading

Benson: “Little Red Classrooms

A group called “Parents Defending Education” has released a report showing how Communist China has indoctrinated students in public schools in this country through a K-12 programming project called “Confucious Classrooms.” This is a program that teaches “Chinese language and culture” and if we understand Communist China, just a wee bit of Communist propaganda thrown in for good measure.

Confucious programming “creates a partnership between K-12 schools, universities or non-profits, and a Chinese government entity.” And if you still think there is no Communist propaganda in a setup like that, I’ve got a bridge for sale in the Arizona desert to sell you, made of 100% genuine imitation gold bricks!

Parents Defending Education has done research and found contracts showing that Confucious Classrooms and/or other Chinese government programming is operating in Minnesota public schools, in Tulsa public schools in Oklahoma, in Seattle public schools in Washington, in the Highland Park Independent School District in Texas, and there are others. The Chinese Communist Party has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases. Coincidence, no doubt! Continue reading

Benson: “Bad Day At Black Rock

The title for this article was taken from an old 1950s movie starring Spencer Tracy which maybe some of you have seen. Regarding what this article is about I felt it was appropriate. Awhile back I read an article on the net that mentioned that BlackRock was a “woke” company. I didn’t know much about BlackRock except that I had seen it advertised on Fox News quite a bit. Now I’m beginning to understand why.

It seems that BlackRock owns a chunk of Fox News – 45.7 million shares of Fox News stock. Continue reading

The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions

“Rather than collecting taxes from the wealthy, the government is paying the wealthy to borrow their money.” ~ New York Times, July 7, 2023

Titled “America Is Living on Borrowed Money,” the editorial observes that over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), annual federal budget deficits will average around $2 trillion per year. By 2029, just the interest on the debt is projected to exceed the national defense budget, which currently eats up over half of the federal discretionary budget. In 2029, net interest on the debt is projected to total $1.07 trillion, while defense spending is projected at $1.04 trillion. By 2033, says the CBO, interest payments will reach a sum equal to 3.6 percent of the nation’s economic output.

The debt ceiling compromise did little to alleviate that situation. Before the deal, the CBO projected the federal debt would reach roughly $46.7 trillion in 2033. After the deal, it projected the total at $45.2 trillion, only slightly less – and still equal to 115% of the nation’s annual economic output, the highest level on record.

Acknowledging that the legislation achieved little, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said after the vote that he intended to form a bipartisan commission “so we can find the waste and we can make the real decisions to really take care of this debt.” The NYT Editorial Board concluded:

Any substantive deal will eventually require a combination of increased revenue and reduced spending …. Both parties will have to compromise: Republicans must accept the necessity of collecting what the government is owed and of imposing taxes on the wealthy. Democrats must recognize that changes to Social Security and Medicare, the major drivers of expected federal spending growth, should be on the table. Anything less will prove fiscally unsustainable. (Continue to full column…)

The Seven Pillars of the Matrix

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.”

His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many responsibilities, rules and restrictions he is subjected to. Few if any of these were ever negotiated- they were imposed on him yet he still considers himself free. Continue reading

IRS whistleblower NAMES attorney who ‘refused to charge Hunter for tax evasion’ as he reveals he also donated to Joe Biden’s presidential run

Second informant claims felony charges were BLOCKED due to ‘political pressure’

The House Oversight probe is looking into whether Hunter Biden received preferential treatment in the investigation into his wrongdoings because of his father’s position

An IRS whistleblower claimed the U.S. attorney who ‘refused to bring charges’ against Hunter Biden for tax evasion donated to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

Special Agent Gary Shapley made the allegation about U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves on Wednesday during a congressional hearing.

‘The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son,’ Shapley told the panel.

‘After U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves, appointed by President Biden, refused to bring charges in March 2022, I watched U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss tell a room full of senior FBI and IRS senior leaders on October 7, 2022, that he was not the deciding person on whether charges were filed,’ he told the committee looking into allegations the DOJ politically interfered with the investigation. Continue reading

Leibowitz: Maricopa County court system gives hardened killer a break

The pre-sentencing report for Anthony Gushee, convicted drug dealer, gunman, cold-blooded killer, runs 14 pages in all. It reads like some crappy Hollywood crime show.

Gushee, 47, has spent life drugging, dealing, offending victimizing. The report from Maricopa County’s Adult Probation Departments cites juvenile arrests and “six known misdemeanor convictions, four of which are violent.”

It also details how Gushee was convicted twice in 2003 on felony drug charges — and that’s before we get to this scumbag’s 2019 violent crime spree in Mesa, which takes up most of the pre-sentence report. Continue reading

What Charles Ponzi’s Scheme and US Entitlement Programs Have in Common

The structure of Charles Ponzi’s scheme must have impressed the policy makers coming of age in the 1930s, because they would use the same structure for the nation’s new Social Security system.

When Charles Ponzi’s investment opportunity to sell international postage stamps was exposed to be a scam in 1920, its basic premise would forever be associated with the man’s name. A Ponzi Scheme promises investors massive returns on an investment that does not really exist. Instead, unknown to everyone but the person or people running it, old investors are paid with money that comes in from new investors. This set up usually goes undetected until the one day when the well of new investors dries up and the money stops flowing in. Continue reading

Benson: Don’t Condemn Whites For What You Did Yourselves!

If one were foolish enough to believe sanctimonious leftist loonies he would think the institution of slavery started in the American South in 1619 as a way for nasty white Southerners to oppress blacks and for no other reason. Thankfully, such leftist drivel is far from the truth, though not nearly enough people today realize that, thanks to the balderdash that is passed off as history in most public schools. Continue reading