Category Archives: Mr. Smith Takes on Washington

Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications – including Metropolis.Cafe

Smith: Something Wicked…

There Are Bad Men Out There

Our enemies certainly do still exist in great numbers, and it should greatly trouble any reasonable American that we have a bumbling fool who loves the Communists of his party and who has never seen an enemy of America who he couldn’t soon snuggle up to and crawl in bed with, in the same vein as the Traitor named John Kerry, who has been betraying America, since April 22nd 1971.

We should all expect to see a number of hits from various enemies, now that another cowardly appeaser holds the office. Or worse yet, we will soon be engaged in Benghazi style misadventures, since, as Ric Grenell recently noted, Susan Rice appears to be leading a shadow government behind the scenes, with Biden’s mind basically gone and Kamala basically clueless.

Whatever the case behind the Colonial event, the nation has neglected its most important sections of infrastructure for much too long. Let’s hope it all doesn’t implode upon us all like a fragile house of cards anytime soon. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: To Live Without Freedom and Liberty Is a Sort of Death

The nation is in deep, deep trouble, and whether we actually lose the day, because so many of our countrymen are currently enthralled with Marx and Mao, remains to be seen. In a straight civil war, I’d venture they wouldn’t defeat America’s conservative, Christian and independent patriots, but there’s the rub. Nothing is beyond these anti-American Commies, up to and including inviting foreigners to their side to ensure a Communist victory and the end of our republic.

I actually do believe we will eventually see a civil war. And regardless of how it shakes out in the end, who wins and loses, we will see an ongoing push through battles between groups and tribes on both sides of the political aisle, in every city and every community, for many long decades, quite possibly the rest of this century — more than likely until one side wins decisively. Continue reading

Smith: Racism Burns Bright In The Democratic Party

The more I listen to these Democrats, I cannot see how this nation ever gets back on track, without first going through the cleansing fire of a massive civil upheaval, or even civil war. Every position these Marxists and Maoists have taken of late certainly do not allow for any compromise with Christians and conservatives, and they surely intend it to be as such, in that they hold a current majority, no matter its slim nature; they seem to think it is enough, and it has prompted them to move in an ever increasingly dangerous direction for America. Continue reading

Smith: End of the Road

Back when the United States Mexico Canada Agreement was being advocated by President Trump, I was screaming at the top of my lungs that it was a terrible deal. Among other things, it diminished our U.S. sovereignty, it ratified treaties, like the Law of the Sea that had been rejected by several U.S. administrations, it facilitated illegal immigration and many more detrimental mandates and measures, simply because Pres. Trump did not place the best people on it or give it the proper oversight, as it was being negotiated. It was negotiated by a team that was largely comprised of Obama administration holdovers in the State Department. Continue reading

Smith: Leave This World With A Clear Conscience

“You and I Have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.” ~ President Ronald Reagan

Americans cannot yet say that they have done “all that could be done”. In a moral, sane and logical country there isn’t any way the Democratic Party lunatics and a multitude of communists should now have control of the United State’s reins of power. However, today we see these red, radical Democrats moving to implement a system through an emerging cooperation between corporations and this rising socialist government, that controls and cancels Conservatives, Christians, “deplorables” and “Trump supporters” en masse, while also seeking to implement a sort of “social credit” system, that intends to make America more closely resemble totalitarian Communist China; and before we fail our children any further, now more than ever, those who love this country must resist and fight harder than ever, to prevent the sun from setting on freedom and liberty.

A soft sort of fascism has always been present within our government and institutions, since the days of President Woodrow Wilson, but now, emboldened by the lack of any counters against the communist backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden and the socialists and communists of the Democratic Party are merging government and corporations in a massive cooperative effort that is also implementing a hardcore style of fascism aimed at destroying any and all who fail to fall completely in line with their dystopian view of America and the “solutions” they believe to be necessary, flawed as they are. Continue reading

Smith: Hoist The Traitors On The Hanging Tree

Any reasonable American can properly understand the need to be cautious whenever deciding what information should be declassified and released, in any special set of circumstances, in order to avoid compromising or harming U.S. national security. But what we have seen in the many months, since this Obama/Clinton treason came to light, is an active resistance from within the intelligence community and every single agency, that is aimed at impeding the investigations by John Durham of the DOJ and DNI John Ratcliffe.

Too many across the board in each of the Alphabet Agencies have a vested interest in keeping the truth suppressed, for fear of being outed as traitors themselves. Continue reading

Draw the sword and Prepare… Towards a new day…

The following was submitted by the writer early this day in response to a recent posting of his on the Federal Observer. Although it was meant as a personal note the me, his message is truly to ALL of us and needs to be read with an understanding of from where we have come, and what our choices may soon be in the future. It is up to each of us – NOW – to draw the sword and prepare…~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor

I have to make myself think past it and what I hope to be the endgame for the side we stand on – a victory for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even if it may once again have to be bought and paid for with more bloodshed in the near future. If is a huge word, in the sense of if only this all is eventually resolved peacefully; my own hope on that front has grown slim to none.

I hate to hear You are having such a difficult time of it, but You wouldn’t be a normal man, I don’t believe, if You could look at this and be totally unaffected. It troubles me greatly myself, and I’m sure that many of our fellow patriots are struggling with what they see arriving, but we’ll face it together, knowing what we know, and prepared to put an end to it quickly, with or without the sanction of the U.S. government. Continue reading

Smith: America Lives or Dies on the Moral Character of Her People

Don’t Let America Fade Into the Sunset!

America abandoned a pretty good system rather quickly with the onset of our first Civil,War, that led to a gradual dismantling of our federal system, under the idea of “liberal democracy”. But, the abandonment went to light-speed after 1913. and the rise of economic fascism, something that will be written about for years to come, assuming America doesn’t descend into those “thousand years of darkness” Reagan once spoke of regarding if America should ever lose Her way.

America is far and away from the Founders’ original vision for the country, and I fear that we may never return, not without a hard fought war and thousands more left dead and dying. So, the only question one need ask must be “What price are you willing to pay to live free?” Or, do we allow ourselves to be subjugated and so let the tyrants live? What life is it under any totalitarian or authoritarian government? It is no life worth living, least ways not as a broken subject; it is a life that any liberty-loving individual lives as a rebel, and “outlaw”. Continue reading

Smith: Where Are Those Sons of Liberty

“I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is unable to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him. Surely a striking situation! Yet it is so common that one must grieve the more and wonder the less at the spectacle of a million men in serving wretchedness, their necks under the yoke, not constrained by a greater multitude than they …” ~ Etienne de la Boetie, 1552, The Politics of Obedience

As we look all around the country, we see thousands of real patriots on state capitol lawns and at city halls. But why isn’t that number in the millions? It boggles my mind that so many who shout to the heavens their patriotic feelings for America, wrap themselves in the flag, and sew their little militia patches on the shoulders of their jackets for the most part do absolutely nothing to actually advance the cause of liberty in America or stop these tyrants, who are currently abusing power to a degree that can never be tolerated or allowed in our country again.

It almost seems as if many have already been cowed by these tyrants, or they simply lack a hardcore will to be free, waxing gently on their couch in their complacency, talking a good game and then refusing to exert any real effort towards ensuring these elected officials, who have overreached their powers and authority, are brought to an accounting and liberty is restored. With 327 million citizens in America, one would think that surely more would have stood and engaged in civil disobedience making these orders essentially unenforceable, null and void.

What we are witnessing in this country today is absolutely unnatural. Our countrymen better get up off their knees and quit being subservient followers and cowering “Yes men” and women to our petty tyrants and start discovering their own ability to freely think for themselves once more, or we are done as a nation. Forever more will our society be looking to Big Brother for answers to everything from how to run their business to what to wear and how to cook their steak or what temperature to set their air conditioner. And I wouldn’t be surprised to hear some of them ask if it’s ok to use Charmin to wipe their ass. ~ J.O.S.
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Smith: Fight for the Soul of America

I have mulled the problem of this communist movement in our country over and over again, and I only know for sure, that for me, there’s no compromise to be had, regarding the demands that are first and foremost in their agenda, as they use Antifa, BLM, the Queer Community and the Global Warming Alarmists as their shock-troops, their modern day Brown Shirts. They are using the immoral dregs of society to destroy the very infrastructure necessary to ever make America better through truly proactive and benevolent pursuits that come through the mutual cooperation of all Americans rather than intimidation and violence.

These communists who love to sound so altruistic are the same monsters who murder old men, attack lone elderly women in wheel chairs or simply trying to bring home a tiny sack of groceries. These are the same monsters who chant “Stop the Hate” and “Love Trumps Hate”, while in the next breath they curse and scream at their fellow Americans — they kick, spit on, beat and set fire to their fellow Americans. Continue reading

Smith: Don’t Allow America to Be Exploited By Fear

“The only thing to fear – is fear itself!” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933

I watched President Trump’s message to the American people with some concern and something akin to a bit of nagging doubt that he really meant much of what he stated. He was so robotic in his words that you could easily tell they were the words of someone else. He has once again shifted away from his own initial gut instinct, which was right from the start, to now mouth something compiled by some Flunky advisors, for purposes I cannot fully see, other than they hope throwing money at the problem will make Wall Street and the Sheep believe something of real substance is being done; for the moment, nothing could be further from the truth, as near as I can see, unless one wants to point to the travel bans. Continue reading

Gird up Thy Loins, and Prepare for Battle!

I say go, and Go Fully Armed. Essentially GO BIG or Stay Home.

The TYRANT Northam is the bad agent here, along with the Democratic Majority. If they are really so vile and evil as to go to such an egregious length of action, as to further exacerbate a bad situation, that’s on them.

They are violating our rights. What would these canaries in the mine have us do. Forever submit? When is the right or wrong time to make a stand for a righteous cause?

For me, one stands as soon as tyranny starts.

The Leftist Democratic Party communists want a war? Let them fire the first shots And Then LET’S GIVE IT TO THEM.

I’m sick to death from witnessing these anti-American pieces of walking shit tearing my country asunder and spoiling everything good and decent this nation was built upon. I am sick of seeing them offer “compromise” that is so filled with self-serving evil for their side that it is no compromise whatsoever.

These people no longer operate within the Constitution or even on anything remotely associated with our Founding Principles.

Before I see them take this country down into a system of serfdom whereby the people are subjugated under an authoritarian socialist regime, that grants privilege to the select few rather than protecting and defending the people’s God-Given Rights, I will pick up a rifle and do my utmost to force them to leave this nation or stay here permanently in their graves … their choice.

But one of Us needs relief, and at this point, I don’t particularly give a good damn which leaves this earth first. If they keep on this illiberal, anti-freedom, anti-American tract in Virginia and other leftist regions of the country, we’d be far better off deciding in the right here and now, whether or not this country is going to devolve into a Third World Banana republic and a totalitarian regime or rise again into a Truly Free Republic that respects and defends the people’s rights; and should they keep successfully suppressing those rights and utilize government forces to do so, i.e. federal law enforcement and the National Guard, as they have threatened, I intend to leave the dead carcasses of the Red, Radical Democratic Party Communist Rat Bastards stacked ten feet high and ten feet deep all about me in all directions for as far as the eye can see, in order that our children and their children’s children may live free.

This is MY War that I fight, ’til the forces of Liberty emerge victorious or ’til I thrash to and fro in my last dying gasps, taken down by a damn Commie bullet – so help me God.

~ Justin O Smith

Smith: When no one else will…

Freedom and liberty no longer matter to Democrats or Republicans, both of whom are showing themselves all so willing, all the more willing, to sell America piece by piece to the highest bidder, and individual liberty and national sovereignty be damned, as they collect their 30 pieces of silver at the expense of the American people.

You get the government You vote for, and our society is so damned CORRUPT that all we have today is RAMPANT CORRUPTION Throughout States and Federal Government DESPITE ANY “GOOD INTENTIONS” of the Trump Administration — some of which one must certainly doubt given recent developments and the continued massive spending bills, among other items.

The U.S. House of Representatives led by the Democrat Majority passed the national sovereignty killing United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement created by the same Obama negotiation team that attempted to pawn off the terrible Trans-Pacific Partnership on America, and just today, the U.S. Senate Republican Majority passed it. Continue reading

Smith: The Final Arbiter of Freedom ~ Live Free or Die

“Live free or die. Death is not the greatest of evils.” ~ Gen. John Stark, July 31, 1809

Live Free or Die. Some of us mean those words when we say them.

Americans may mouth the words, but when push comes to shove, too many either really don’t care or they are cowards deep down, who will allow the status quo to carry on, no matter how sorry a state of affairs has grown around it; or, their own ignorance is so deep that the God Given nature of our individual rights is beyond their grasp and understanding, and those words in the mouths of the timid, the weak and unsure become mere noises like the squeaking of a mouse eking out an advertising catch-phrase. Their words are empty and void of any sense of duty and obligation to themselves, their families and their country and what one must do to actually maintain a free society. Continue reading

Smith: Sit on my Facebook!

An OPEN LETTER To All My Facebook Friends and Facebook,

I won’t be with You for the next thirty days, since the infamous Facebook Fascist Censors have seen fit to ban me, due to a perceived “violation” of their infamous and fraudulent “community standards” that deny all common sense and call fact based educated decisions and opinions “hate speech”, whenever those opinions illuminate the known and certain existential threat of Islam to any free people and their country.

Facebook banned me over a post I made concerning Islamic immigration, an issue I have been involved with for decades now. I made the following statement on a video entitled Islamic caliphate of Londonistan ☪️ ☪️ ☪️ Shia’s Muslim celebration of Ashura in UK creates Panic, as I noted that if we didn’t want the same troubles that Islam has brought to the UK and most of Europe, America must halt all Islamic immigration, close all mosques, and deport all non-citizen Muslims and all Muslims with any ties to terrorists or terrorist groups: Continue reading

Smith: The Struggle for America’s Survival

The Steady Erasure of America’s Culture

Contrary to what anyone might think, including the hardcore Democratic Party communists and their Antifa buddies, there is absolutely nothing socially redeeming, insightful or advanced and “forward thinking” in the “progressive” ideas that advocate “kill whitey” and set forth the fallacy that all conservative Christian whites must also be “white supremacists”, who must be punished for slavery and the crimes of their ancestors. Although their identity politics agenda has always been a grift, a con, and cover for their anti-white agitation, in times when they couldn’t simply be in the open with their hatred for “whitey” as they are now, whether the hate comes from self-loathing Leftist whites or from people of color, the hardcore Democrat socialists and communists and Antifa fascists currently inject hatred of whites into every conversation and keep a quiet low-grade riot, a hum of hate, boiling just under the surface waiting to explode and destroy America’s domestic tranquility. Continue reading

Smith: The Ideology of Murder ~ An Insane Chain of Events

The Political Issue of the Hatred of America by Leftists and Alt-Right

Americans are witnessing an advent of a time, when murders based on ideology will become ever increasingly more prevalent, and, although it is a righteous matter to kill one’s enemies, in the defense of freedom and liberty, our American ideology based on Judeo-Christian and Western principles, the Bill of Rights and our God Given Rights and our Republic, in the face of violence intending to suppress those treasures, absolutely nothing can justify killing another human being simply because of their race. And as I hear the Democrats rail against “white nationalism”, I am left wondering where all their moral outrage was hiding when a black nationalist shot and murdered six Dallas police officers in 2016. Murder is a terrible and reprehensible act, and racially motivated murder is simply pure evil.

The only real justification to ever killing another human is in the defense of one’s family, a weaker community member under a violent attack, and one’s self, and some would say one’s property, although the situation would dictate my action in such a case; I can leave it to law enforcement to retrieve my property, but I can never see a loved one come back from death, unless God intervened on my behalf. Continue reading

Smith: A Coward’s Financial Agreement

Trump-Pelosi Budget and Fiscal Sabotage ~ America Has Embraced Reckless Spending

A coward’s financial agreement is the phrase that best describes the budget deal recently agreed upon by President Trump and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that just passed the House with a vote of 284 to 149 at 2:14 CST on July 25th, since it avoids any real battle over government spending by suspending the debt ceiling until July 2021. It raises spending caps and lifts the debt ceiling in the name of avoiding a fiscal crisis, but in reality and ignoring any lessons from 2008, this explodes U.S. debt in a way never seen in U.S. history, and it exhibits President Trump’s willingness to meekly surrender to another massive expansion of the federal budget, that creates a short term political “win” for the DC Establishment of both parties and a long term loss for the American people. Continue reading

Smith: Freedom and Liberty At Risk

“Even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

That “goddamned piece of paper” – again

Independence Day is a now a day that has no real meaning for far too many Americans today, as nearly half the nation works tirelessly to destroy our republic and the principles it was founded upon, and the rest of us can barely believe that some who want to lead the nation, Democrat communists and Republican globalists [RINOs], hold a vision, that would reduce us all to serfs serving the government rather than the government serving the will of the people; and a good portion of both sides simply want a barbecue and a good time. Continue reading

Smith: The Sad Truth ~ Cashing In On Conservative Angst

Political Hucksters Harm the Conservative Movement

All of Conservative America would not be surprised to hear that money given to the Democratic Party, a largely immoral and criminal party, and its political action committees (PACs) is misspent and goes into the pockets of the organizers more so than it gets to any candidate, but they expect much more from the Republican Party which claims to represent the “Moral Majority”. The sad truth is that conservatives are being defrauded and scammed by PAC operators and fundraisers on or near every election cycle and during every major unfolding political crisis… Continue reading