Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Border Crossings Reported Up as Migrants Head Toward U.S.

A Customs and Border Protection vehicle patrols along a new section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in El Paso, Texas, August 27, 2020. (Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuter)

Border crossings from Mexico into the U.S. have begun to climb in recent weeks as thousands of migrant families have made their way to the area, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Continue reading

Caravan Forming to Test American Border Resolve

Migrants speak of reaching ‘paradise‘, but their test of Biden may be premature

Yet another migrant caravan is forming in Honduras, the latest driven by hope that an incoming Joe Biden presidency will open gates closed by the outgoing Trump administration.

According to fresh media reports, this caravan hopes to leave San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on January 15, which in the unlikely event it can get past Guatemala and Mexican pandemic-related border closures, seems timed to reach the U.S. southern border by Biden’s January 20 inauguration. Reuters reports that the caravan is being organized on social media, including one Facebook group that boasts more than 5,500 members who exchange tips and advice on how to reach “paradise” in their journeys north. Continue reading

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty

Part One: Betrayal of the Golden Venture

One of the key arguments used by proponents of open borders is that America has always welcomed the downtrodden of the world to join us. Americans are a compassionate people with a strong sense of right and wrong. We believe it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s how we celebrate our own birthright of freedom.

However, while Americans are happy to extend a helping hand they also don’t want to be taken for suckers. We are a nation – a proud one – with our own culture combined with a rule of law that has made us the envy of the world. It’s the very reason many want to come here. Our arms are open to share what we have – but we must also reserve the right to insist that we share on our terms. Continue reading

Shut it all DOWN!

More than half a million American construction workers were forced out of work because of shutdowns caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

American construction workers are getting back to work, but hundreds of thousands remain unemployed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And yet, business lobbies continue to urge the federal government to provide visas so employers can fill job openings with more foreign workers.

Should construction firms recruit and hire unemployed American workers for new construction jobs, or should the federal government allow them to import foreign workers? ~ Numbers USA

An Immigration Tug-of-War

An executive order and a Supreme Court ruling highlight Congress’s inaction.

There have been points in this nation’s history where Congress took the lead on the immigration issue. The longstanding 19th- and early 20th-century boom in welcoming foreigners slowed with World War I and all but ceased with the Immigration Act of 1924, which set national-origin quotas for immigration. Four decades later, that act was reversed by the Hart-Celler Act, and in 1986 Congress liberalized immigration still further with the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. All of these were broad, sweeping pieces of legislation that radically reformed then-existing laws affecting those who wished to enter America. Continue reading

Refugees Are Being Resettled Despite the Coronavirus Outbreak

More than 3,000 resettled since pandemic task force was created

Silhouettes of refugees people searching new homes or life due to persecution. Vector illustration

Following the alarming spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 that appeared in China in December 2019, the world is taking extreme measures to try and contain this contagious virus that is mainly transmitted from person to person. Necessary steps undertaken by many countries, including the United States, entail travel restrictions, quarantines, closing of borders, etc. Continue reading

U.S. to Open Office to Strip Illegally Obtained Citizenship

New unit will sue to strip U.S. citizenship from ‘terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders, and other swindlers,’ the Justice Department said.

Let it begin with HER…

The Justice Department on Wednesday announced a new unit to handle the denaturalization of individuals who obtained citizenship illegally and other criminals.

The new section dedicated to “investigating and litigating revocation of naturalization” of individuals who illegally secured naturalization or committed other serious crimes will be under the Civil Division’s Office of Immigration Litigation.

“This move underscores the Department’s commitment to bring justice to terrorists, war criminals, sex offenders, and other fraudsters who illegally obtained naturalization,” DOJ said in a statement announcing the new unit. Continue reading

Why is that?

I was in a discussion with a liberal friend (I know, a bit of an oxymoron) of mine about illegal immigration and she proclaimed there should be open borders!

I said, “Why’s that?” She said, “People should be free to come and go to this country as they please.”

Really I said, “Well tell me… why do so many Mexicans want to come to the United States?” Continue reading

Migrant Caravan Members Clash With Mexican Troops as They Try to Make Their Way North

NEW Democrat Voters are rushing to the Border. Free food, housing, education and welfare. WHOOPS – let’s not forget driver’s licenses and positions of political office in Caleeforneeya and all across the land! ~ Ed.

Source: Edgar Hernández/@emilytgreen/Twitter

Video taken in southern Mexico shows members of a migrant caravan clashing with Mexican national guardsmen after entering the country.

According to local media, over 800 of the migrants were arrested on Thursday in the town of Frontera Hidalgo after crossing from Guatemala. The Associated Press reports the migrants were trying to negotiate ($$$ – Dinero ~ Ed.) Mexican authorities to let them get “permits for free transit through Mexico to the United States.” Continue reading

Refugee Resettlement ~ It’s Not America’s Obligation

Well, I sure would like to take a break, but our leaders just keep heaping the bad news on us. I address the Refugee Resettlement problem in this piece and the manner in which it affects the entire nation. I could have devoted my full attention to just Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee alone, but opted to exhibit the situation more comprehensively, so people would get a clear understanding of what is being done to them. ~ J.O.S.

Americans absolutely have the right to determine who, if anyone, enters the country, and it doesn’t violate any law or the Constitution to reject anyone claiming refugee status. So-called refugees do not have any automatic right to be granted entry, despite many leftist assertions to the contrary, and many of us are sick and tired of hearing our leaders’ cliched platitudes that suggest they have a “Big Heart”, much like Governor Bill Lee (R-TN), while they allow people into the country, who come to America to avoid fighting for their own countries; and, usually, of late, these refugees hold ideas and views so anti-American and so antithetical to the Constitution, that they eventually become a great disruptive factor to any community, as they work to undermine the nation. Continue reading

U.S. Immigration Begins Flying Mexican Deportees Deeper Into Mexico

U.S. immigration authorities have begun flying Mexican deportees hundreds of miles deep into Mexico to discourage their quick illegal return.

hasta lo bye-bye…

Late last week the first planeload of illegals being deported back into Mexico were flown to the city of Guadalajara, a central Mexican city located 700 miles from the Texas border, the Associated Press reported. Continue reading

Yale shocker: 29.5 million illegal immigrants, 3X higher than Census number

…and do you actually believe that the numbers have gone down?

In this Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016, photo, a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents stop a group of suspected illegal immigrants passing through a ranch near Edinburg, Texas. Eric Gay/AP

The illegal immigrant population is as high as 29.5 million, far more than the 11 million accepted by experts and the government, according to an explosive new report from three Yale University experts. Continue reading

New York State Blocks ICE and Border Patrol Access to DMV Database

Gov. (Fredo) Cuomo’s gift to ISIS, the drug cartels, and human traffickers.

On December 17, 2019 Democrat & Chronicle, a publication affiliated with USA Today, published this extremely worrisome report: ICE, Border Patrol had access to NY’s DMV database. With a new license law, now they don’t.

Here is how that report begins… Continue reading

New bill would give AMNESTY to farm workers AND their family members

Just WHO is draining the Swamp?

The House of Representatives may soon hold a vote on H.R. 4916, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. This legislation would amnesty illegal agricultural workers and greatly expand the number of H-2A visas issued each year.

Under the legislation, millions of illegal farm workers and their families would receive an amnesty. Plus, the bill would greatly expand the agricultural guest worker program to include dairy, meat packing, food processing, and canning, putting more American workers at risk. Continue reading

5800 Fake Families Found at Border

Children Brought Across Border to Feed Sex Trafficking Networks

Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on July 30, 2019.

CBP Processing Unaccompanied Children on the South Texas Border..
Photo provided by Hector Silva.

In questioning by Committee Chairman Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Mark Morgan, who was also the top official at Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, revealed that a new pilot program began using DNA tests at the border to determine if the children coming across the border were, in fact, related to the adult accompanying them. Continue reading

Invasión ~ the Evening Edition: October 18, 2019

…The insanity will not end

They don’t call him ‘Dick‘ for nothing Durbin strikes again!
Once again, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) asked for unanimous consent from the Senate this week to pass the Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act, S. 386 in the Senate and H.R. 1044 in the House, that would lift per-country caps for employment-based green cards, but Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) objected. Sen. Durbin used his objection to introduce new legislation, the RELIEF Act, which would substantially increase the number of green cards issued each year, including clear the existing backlog of employment-based green cards over five years… (Continue to full article)

ICE Identifies Hundreds Of Migrants Allegedly Lying About Their Family Status
The United States government identified hundreds of migrants falsely claiming familial status and numerous other migrant adults attempting to pose as minors. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the El Paso area have identified 238 fraudulent families, 50 adults falsely claiming to be minors, and have seized hundreds of documents attempting to support these migrants claimss… (Continue to full article)

Judge POS Roberts

Supreme Court Could Expand State-Level Immigration Enforcement
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Oct. 16 in a case that could dramatically change the landscape of immigration enforcement. The issue before the justices is whether a state can use the information on the federal I-9 employment verification form to prosecute someone for violating state law.

The underlying case involves three unauthorized immigrants who were convicted of identity theft in Kansas after gaining employment by using someone else’s Social Security number on the I-9, which businesses must complete for all employees to ensure they’re authorized to work. They were caught, tried, and convicted under a Kansas state identity-theft law. But then you will have that traitorous basTURD John Roberts blocking it… (Continue to full article)

Mexico Military Police Halt 2,000-Strong Migrant Caravan on Its Way to US
Mexico’s military police on Saturday halted and turned back a caravan of up to 2,000 migrants from Africa, the Caribbean, and Central America, hours after they embarked toward the United States. The group was apprehended on a road through Huehuetan by nearly 500 Mexican National Guard police later that afternoon… (Continue to full article)

The Taxpayer Cost of Health Insurance for Immigrants

Health insurance for immigrants could prove a big fault line in 2020. Last week the president announced a plan to keep out many legal immigrants (excepting refugees, etc.) who can’t show that they will be able to cover their medical costs, whether through insurance or out of their own pockets — the idea being that immigrants should support themselves, not rely on our safety net or impose uncompensated-care costs on hospitals. By contrast, many Democrats wwant to give illegal immigrants full access to taxpayer-funded health care. The Center for Immigration Studies has an interesting pair of reports on this topic. Continue reading

There’s no asylum for anyone!

LGBTQ, disabled asylum seekers cross border with Julián Castro… but not for long

Julián Castro prepares to place flowers at crosses on the Rio Grande honoring migrants who died. Then he escorted 12 asylum seekers across the border bridge to the U.S.(Molly Hennessy-Fiske / Los Angeles Times )

MATAMOROS, Mexico — Presidential candidate Julián Castro on Monday escorted a group of asylum seekers across the border bridge to his native Texas from Mexico, where they had been sent under the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Walking across the bridge with Castro were eight gay and lesbian asylum seekers from Cuba, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as a deaf Salvadoran woman and her three relatives. All had earlier tried to cross here with a lawyer after being returned to Mexico to await court hearings, and all had been sent back by U.S. Customs officers. Some had already waited four months. Continue reading