Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Border Patrol agents arrest 264 immigrants near Arizona border

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, agents patrolling west of the Lukeville Port of Entry found two large groups of immigrants, totaling 264 adults and children, in a 24-hour span. (Photo: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

AJO, Ariz. (KSAZ) – Border Patrol agents have arrested 264 immigrants near the Arizona border. Continue reading

22 Million: Double the Number of Illegals

A critical bit of “conventional wisdom,” long treasured by the Leftmedia, the Democrat Party, and the RINO wing of the GOP, has been debunked. Three college professors, Yale’s Edward Kaplan, colleague Jonathan Feinstein and MIT’s Mohammad Fazel-Zarandi, conducted a study and discovered what most Americans unpersuaded by progressive propaganda have suspected all along: The number of illegal aliens residing in America is likely double the long-stated estimate of 11 million. Continue reading

Border Crossings Rise Just As 39 Million SSN’s Are Swiped (…and MORE!)

Maria and Jose purchased their Social Security numbers in Chicago. They know the numbers are “fake,” but say they were not stolen from someone else

The Trump administration’s tough stance on illegal immigration has been met with mucho resistance from within the halls of Congress, but it certainly isn’t all bad news. Continue reading

Miller: Don’t be fooled by peddlers of Immigration Reform Scams

Over 12, 20, 30,  40 million cheerfully served under McCaineddy’s Golden Arches!

April 2, 2013: Ted Kennedy is long gone, but his ghost remains with us. With today’s post, we will return to the roots of contributor, S. J. Miller’s twelve part series dealing with the title subject. Her experience and involvement in the passage of “Proposition 200” in Arizona, made her uniquely qualified as no other, to present the facts on this timely issue. This republication of S. J. Miller’s lengthy series on the subject – is not the end of the story. It is being written as you read this lengthy treatise, and we are sorry to say that Ms. Miller is not around for a successful conclusion – one which excludes Amnesty in any form…
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Happening Now: GOP Traitors Sneaking Through Radical Border Plan to Let Anyone Into the Country!

~ Foreword ~
The RINO’s are hell bent to destroy any and all preventative projects that are intended to DEFEND and PROTECT America from foreign invaders – ILLEGALS.

With the full assistance of the DIMS the RINO’s are doing what they intended to do all along – ELIMINATE all obstacles to the CHEAP labor pool and to use American taxes to entice the ILLEGALS to sign up for every tax funded benefit they can dream up (The DREAMERS are RINO’s in disguise). Corporate employers love the ILLEGALS and do all they can to ensure they aren’t held back by things like WALLS, FENCES, identification, LAWS, or anything that might hinder their invasions. Every single entity – corporate, corporate officers, or individual – that employs ANY ILLEGALS, should be hit with ten years in prison for EACH offense and fines of $50,000.00 for each ILLEGAL found in their employ. We have to hit their pocketbooks to get their attention and hit it HARD! ~ Jacki Juntti  ([email protected]) Continue reading

Smith: Illegal Immigration Destroys American Lives

YOUR daughter could be next…

Kate Steinle

America must put an end to the murders of Americans committed by illegal aliens each year, because even one such murder is one too many, in light of the fact that any particular criminal illegal alien should never have been in the country in the first place, just as in the case of Cristhian Rivera, who was charged with the first degree murder of Mollie Tibbetts, a college sophomore, on August 21st, after a month long search finally led to her body. The murder of this poor little girl, frightened beyond all imagination and tortured and left dead, like so much garbage, in a cornfield twelve miles southeast of Brooklyn, Iowa, is one more murder in a long string of such murders by illegal aliens, due to our government’s failure to secure our borders and properly defend America’s citizens.

Consider the case of Grant Ronnebeck. He was murdered on January 22, 2015; over a pack of cigarettes, by Apolinar Altamirano who was out on bond from a previous conviction, while ICE determined if he should be deported. Thousands of cases just like this can be reviewed, from over the past decade. Continue reading

It could be YOUR child next!!!

August 21, 2018 ~ “Not a peep from the left about the illegal who murdered Mollie Tibbetts. If it was an American with a gun, we’d be hearing about it for months, but since it’s an illegal, they don’t care.

“I’m so upset and outraged. The liberals can try and spin this but it is a fact. Mollie and Kate Steinle would be alive if it were not for illegal immigration.” Continue reading

Coretta Scott King In 1991: Hold Employers Accountable For Hiring Illegal Aliens

martin_coretta_king_library_of_congressAugust 28, 2013 ~ Pro-amnesty activists trying to co-opt the civil rights messages of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to push immigration reform through Congress seem to be directly contradicting the wishes of the late Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King. Mrs. King carried on her husband’s civil rights activism after he was assassinated.

In a 1991 letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Coretta Scott King and other black community leaders argued that illegal immigration would have a devastating impact on the black community. At the time, Hatch was working his U.S. Senate position to undo some enforcement measures laid out in Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty agreement, attempting to weaken interior enforcement and sanctions against employers who hired illegal aliens. Continue reading

The Fraudulent ‘Parent‘ Problem on the Border

President Trump signed an executive order this week allowing adults who illegally enter the United States with children, claiming to be family units, to be detained together in federal facilities.

The question of a valid parental-child relationship is at the center of how the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services handle detainment. Because of fraudulent documentation, profits to smugglers, and false asylum claims, there is essentially no way to prove or verify adults traveling with children are indeed their parents. Continue reading

Cantor: Backdoor Amnesty Becoming Reality

Republished from our archives, from the pen of of a brilliant writer, the late Aaron Cantor – and in his closing words, “I don’t know about anyone else but I can hardly recognize my own country anymore, this certainly isn’t the country I grew up in.” ~ JB

August 26, 2010 ~ According to the Houston Chronicle, the Department of Homeland Security is in the process of trying to dismiss thousands of deportation cases against “suspected illegal immigrants.”

The Chronicle goes on to say that this effort by the Obama Administration began this effort a little over a month ago in Houston, where the Department of Homeland Security now has five attorneys working full-time on this backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens. This program is expected to be rolled out nationwide very soon (you know the old congressional lame duck quackery). Continue reading

The Truth about Separating Kids

U.S. Border Patrol agents with illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border near McAllen, Texas, May 9, 2018. (Loren Elliott/Reuters)

Some economic migrants are using children as chits, but the problem is fixable — if Congress acts.

The latest furor over Trump immigration policy involves the separation of children from parents at the border.

As usual, the outrage obscures more than it illuminates, so it’s worth walking through what’s happening here. Continue reading

Slagle Speaks

In 1972 while assigned to Presidio Station on the Rio Grande, an Ojinaga based drug cartel utilized death by stoning as a means to kill captured Federalies as well as gang members who did not follow cartel rules. We recovered numerous cadavers from the Rio Grande, with death Por Golpe, death by rocking. A notorious drug smuggler, Chuey Campos who lost a load of 1,200 pounds of marijuana to our agents and escaped across the line was stoned to death in la zona principal, tied to a stake and every bone in his body broken. Continue reading

Immigration Brief: Sanctuary Cities

There are about 300 state and local governments with laws, rules, or policies that impede federal efforts to enforce immigration laws. But what exactly does that mean to the average American citizen? Since 2014, about 10,000 criminal aliens who were released because of sanctuary policies were arrested – again – for new crimes. That’s 10,000 preventable crimes. Sanctuary policies make us all less safe.

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Immigrants are not illegal. Illegals are not Immigrants.

The media, for some reason, tries to use these two labels to mean the same thing. In order to immigrate into this country, you have to be approved by this country. This approval comes with papers, with documentation. The undocumented are here without the approval of the government and are therefore illegal, they are not immigrants. There is no intent on the government to deport immigrants since everyone aside from native American Indians got here by immigrant relatives or by immigrating here themselves legally. We need to stop referring to undocumented illegals as immigrants because they are not. Continue reading

Guia Del Migrante Mexicano

In early 2005, I came across a posting which remains accurate and on target to this date. It would appear according to the website, that the Invaders and the Consulates in America, took a tremendous amount of heat for the posting you are about to review – and had it removed – but it miraculously popped up again. You will want to follow the ‘Continue Reading’ link (in Spanish) to view the entire comic book ~ Publisher

The following is the Mexican Government’s “disclaimer” – with their tongue in their cheeks, so to speak.

This consular protection guide is not promoting the crossing [of the border] of Mexicans without legal documentation required by the government of the United States; its objective is to make known the risks implied and to inform about the rights of migrants regardless of their legal residence. (Sigue leyendo)

This is how You Solve the Illegal Immigration Problem


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent speech on immigration really missed the point. I understand Trump’s frustration over the US government’s inability to control the US borders and keep out those who would come to this country illegally. Trump was right that the media ignore legitimate questions we have on our immigration policy and he is right that special interests have a great interest in maintaining the status quo.

However when it comes to really solving the immigration problem he gets it all wrong. And instead of making us more free and prosperous, his solutions will accelerate our downward slide toward authoritarianism. Continue reading

Operation Wetback

trumpTuesday night, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump doubled down on his plan to deport the nearly 11 million immigrants illegally in the U.S. As an example that it could be done, Trump brought up a program instituted by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on June 9, 1954.

Trump said Eisenhower “moved immigrants just beyond the border; they came back. Moved them again beyond the border; they came back. Didn’t like it. Moved them way south; they never came back. Dwight Eisenhower. You don’t get nicer, you don’t get friendlier.”

The program Trump referenced was named “Operation Wetback.” The racial epithet was widely used at the time. Continue reading

Dwyer: Turning The West Into A Third-World Hellhole

pic3If you would like to see what the migrating masses are going do to America, Hungary’s recent experience with a wave of Third-World “migrants” (or “refugees”, like the cosmopolitan British press is calling them) will give you a glimpse into our country’s future.

Under agitatorial title “Shocking moment desperate father throws himself, his wife and baby onto rail tracks in Hungary after realising their ‘train to Austria’ is actually taking them to a refugee camp”, Daily Mail posted a series of photos, taken in Budapest earlier this week, that showed some of the things that “migrants” from Syria are capable of doing to the countries they were “migrating” to. (Source: The Daily Mail) Continue reading