Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

More Than Half a Million Illegal Aliens Expected to be Freed into U.S. This Year

Nearly 740,000 border-crossers and illegal aliens INVADERS are expected to be released into the interior of the United States this calendar year, new analysis projects.

Princeton Policy Advisors analyst Steve Kopits expects about 309,000 foreign minors and 226,000 adult border crossers to be released into the interior of the U.S. by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials by the end of the year. Additionally, about 202,000 adult illegal aliens are expected to enter the U.S. interior, undetected, according to Kopits’ forecast. Continue reading

Invasión: June 18, 2019

No Steenkin’ Dinero?

Trump Administration Is Demanding Payback From Sponsors of Immigrants on Welfare
The Trump administration has begun to remind immigrants that if they receive any welfare benefits while they are waiting to become citizens their sponsors will have to pay back the government.

Immigrants who apply for permanent residency and citizenship in the United States are required to find a sponsor who guarantees to support them financially while they await the resolution of their cases. The affidavit of support is a legally enforceable contract between the sponsor and the government. The financial obligation usually ends once the immigrant becomes naturalized or after the immigrant completes 10 years of full-time work… (Continue to full article)

Angel Dad Yet to See ‘Real Justice’ for Daughter Killed by Illegal Alien
In January 2016, the illegal alien was arrested by ICE. A month later, a judge gave him bail despite the authorities saying that he was a flight risk. Though he was supposed to turn himself in to federal immigration officials, the illegal alien fled his home and is now a fugitive in the U.S.

This September will be Chrishia’s five-year death anniversary…. (Continue to full article)

Trump: Mexico Doing More to Stop Migrant Crisis than Democrats
Trump ripped Democrats again on Monday for refusing to help solve the migrant crisis on the Southern border.

“Mexico doing more for the United States now than Congress — specifically the Democrats,” Trump said at the White House. “We have a tremendous problem at the border.”… (Continue to full article)

Feds ‘Actively Working’ on Crackdown on Welfare-Dependent Immigration
Federal immigration officials at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency are “actively working” to enforce President Donald Trump’s recent crackdown on welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.

In a memo last week, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli said that staff would “develop and implement guidance” on Trump’s presidential memorandum signed last month that mandates American taxpayers be reimbursed when a legal immigrant uses public welfare… (Continue to full article)

Cassidy Proposes to Prevent Americans from Subsidizing Health Care for Illegal Aliens
As California remains poised to adopt a bill that would give full Medicaid benefits to illegal immigrants, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and other Senate Republicans proposed legislation to block leftist states from forcing Americans to subsidize programs that expand benefits to illegal immigrants.

Federal law prevents illegal immigrants from receiving Medicaid; however, states such as California exploit a loophole by using state funds to extend Medicaid benefits to illegal aliens. Newsom’s plan could allow up to 90,000 illegal immigrants to receive Medicaid coverage. California plans to use an exploit to offset the new expansion using Medicaid — roughly $24 million of the $98 million in the first year will be offset in the first year… (Continue to full article)


Record Number of African Migrants Coming to U.S.-Mexico Border
Undaunted by a dangerous journey over thousands of miles, people fleeing economic hardship and human rights abuses in African countries are coming to the U.S.-Mexico border in unprecedented numbers, surprising Border Patrol agents more accustomed to Spanish-speaking migrants.

Officials in Texas and even Maine are scrambling to absorb the sharp increase in African migrants. They are coming to America after flying across the Atlantic Ocean to South America and then embarking on an often harrowing overland journey… (Continue to full article)

Democrats Weaponize Race And Immigration In Their Quest For A ‘Permanent Democratic Majority’
Leftists’ approach to seizing and holding onto power would almost be admirable in terms of its ingenuity, if it weren’t so devious. First, expand the voter base to include literally everyone, with or without a pulse. Whether you’re a 16-year-old just figuring out that eating Tide-Pods isn’t the cool thing it seemed like in your head, an illegal immigrant just learning how to properly pronounce the word “asylum,” a convicted rapist on parole, or a prisoner literally in prison serving your sentence, Democrats think you have what it takes to select America’s next slate of leaders… (Continue to full article)

Illegals Sue DHS For Overcrowding Detention Facilities

This has to be a joke!!!! These foreign invaders ILLEGALLY enter America and then COMPLAIN and SUE because they weren’t treated as visiting royalty??????

What kind of court even allows such a case to be filed???

The ILLEGALS are the CAUSE of the *OVERCROWDING*. All they have to do to alleviate that *problem* is to stay in their home and not invade our country. No need to SUE to relieve the *overcrowding* they have caused. DHS should file counter suit against them for creating the overcrowding. ~ Granny

According to new reports, a group of seven illegal aliens are suing the Department of Homeland Security due to conditions in Border Patrol detention facilities.

The migrants also claim to have not been given access to adequate legal representation, and allege that the conditions in the overcrowded facilities are “dangerous and inhumane.”

Now, the illegals are suing, claiming they want to be released on bond. Continue reading

Border crisis: Texas town overrun with crime & disease, and this mayor has had ENOUGH

“From my standpoint, I don’t even know why we have federal elected officials,” said Uvalde, Texas, Mayor Don McLaughlin in an exclusive interview with CR.

Uvalde, Texas, is a small town of 17,000 inhabitants, and they are now overrun by illegal immigrants and an international cartel smuggling operation. Uvalde is 40-60 miles from the border, but it might as well be right at the border. “We are in no man’s land. The state is not doing anything; the federal government is not doing anything,” said the mayor, who is begging the politicians to get involved. “We are getting nothing. I’ve lived here all my life and have never seen anything like this. The people in the communities are getting scared. What is coming that we don’t see? Who knows? People up north and in D.C. have no clue what is going on here. They don’t realize that these people are not being screened for diseases. We’re fed up.” Continue reading

90 Percent Of Asylum Seekers Skip Their Court Immigration Hearings

One would think that if you are fleeing oppression into the opening arms of a generous country, then you would at least show up for a court hearing demanded by that country to prove that you and your family actually need a safe-haven from violence. However, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security testified yesterday that data shows 90% of all recent asylum seekers ordered to prove their status did not show up for their court ordered immigration hearing. Continue reading

Illegal immigrants allowed to fly without any photo ID

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been allowing illegal immigrants to fly without providing any forms of identification, a new report says.

Since December 2018, TSA has permitted illegal immigrants released from custody to board domestic flights without having any of 15 forms of identification typically required for airline travel, the Washington Examiner reported exclusively on Thursday. Continue reading

The Washington Post Grossly Understates the Crime Rate of Illegal Immigrants

The Washington Post has published a blatant falsehood in support of the claim that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit serious imprisonable crimes than people born in the United States. Furthermore, the Post ignores data from the Census Bureau, Department of Justice, and Homeland Security that proves the polar opposite is true. These straightforward, comprehensive facts reveal that illegal immigrants are much more likely to commit such crimes. Continue reading

Visa Overstays Don’t Negate the Benefits of Border Barriers

Opponents of President Trump’s plan to build a wall along much of the Southwest border often argue that it won’t be effective because many illegal immigrants enter the U.S. by using visas. Visas allow people to temporarily visit or live in the U.S., but every year, hundreds of thousands of people don’t leave when their visas expire. No matter how strong or tall a wall may be, it cannot stop this activity.

Those who make that claim—including many media outlets and “fact checkers” – are misleading the public by omitting a key fact: Visa entrants are screened by the U.S. government to keep out foreigners who pose risks to the health, safety, or finances of Americans – while illegal border crossers are not. Continue reading

Bannon-Led Border Wall Group Unveils Mile-Long Segment On Private Property

A non-profit organization established to privately fund President Trump’s southern border wall has completed nearly a mile-long section on private land near El Paso, Texas.

We Build The Wall – a nonprofit founded by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage, boasts former White House Chief Strategist and former Breitbart executive Steve Bannon as its director, while former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is the effort’s general counsel.

According to Kolfage, the segment took just three days to complete. Continue reading

U.S. Immigration 1908

From the Saturday Globe with color cartoons on the immigration issue, Utica, NY, 18 April 1908.

The image above by W.A. Carson, is dated 1908 and titled “Columbia aroused at last! She proposes to scourge the anarchist brood from her shores.” A whip-wielding Lady Liberty chases an angry-looking group of immigrants back to Europe. They leave behind bombs and pistols as they flee, though they retain their stilettos and red flag.

2006: A Year of Amnesty and Anarchy!

Published on the first generation Federal Observer in March of 2006. Thirteen years later – not only has nothing changed – but it has worsened. How many of our elected officials who served in the U.S. Congress in 2006 are still occupying the same space today? ~ Ed.

‘I am outraged! All freedom loving American Citizens should be outraged! These anarchist demonstrations, in support of criminal activity, are just the beginning of things to come.’

On Monday, March 27, 2006, twelve idiot members of the Senate Judiciary Committee bent to the wishes of thousands of criminal activists and chose to reward, with AMNESTY, those who violated our immigration laws by illegally invading our country. Everything that this country stands for was swept aside by the actions of twelve traitors, members the Senate Judiciary Committee. This was done in spite of them knowing that at least ninety percent of informed American Citizens demanded that no AMNESTY be included in the Sensenbrenner (or any other) Enforcement only bill. Continue reading

U.S. Immigration 1904

From the Saturday Globe with color cartoons on the immigration issue, Utica, NY, 27 August 1904.

The uncredited cartoon (seen above) is dated 1904, with a caption reading “A Crying Need for General Repairs: American Labor Calls Uncle Sam’s Attention to the Inefficiency of his Immigration Restriction Wall.” It depicts an unsavory group of immigrants pouring over (and through) a border wall, including a stereotypical Italian with a stiletto between his teeth, and a bearded man (apparently Jewish) preparing to descend the ladder. Meanwhile, an American laborer pleads to Uncle Sam for protection against the horde.

DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

Some of the migrant families arrested at the southern border weren’t actually families.

In a pilot program, approximately 30% of rapid DNA tests of immigrant adults who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children who weren’t theirs revealed the adults were not related to the children, an official involved in the system’s temporary rollout who asked to be anonymous in order to speak freely told the Washington Examiner Friday. Continue reading

Ewart: Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion

Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor.” ~ Elton Gallegly

Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems.” ~ Timothy Murphy

But then you know all this, don’t you?
There is no question! By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be a deadly invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, taking American jobs, soaking up “free” welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America’s crime rate.
Continue reading

Untold Stories: The American Workers Replaced by the H-1B Visa Program

Eleven Americans explain how Big Tech’s cheap foreign labor cost them their livelihoods

(Photo: Astrid Riecken / Getty Images)

Immigration reporting tends to rely heavily on stories — stories about illegal immigrant families looking to be reunited, about TPS recipients facing potential deportation, or about legal immigrants working their way toward citizenship. One type of story that receives far less attention from the media, despite its prevalence, is from victims of foreign guest labor — American mothers, fathers, and breadwinners who lost their livelihoods to cheaper foreign replacements and outsourcing. Continue reading

Rent-a-Child Services Thriving At the Border

When a child becomes a get-out-of-detention-free card

Mindful of the leftist-led uproar over family separations at the border, immigration scammers are now taking advantage of American good will by “renting” children for cash to illegal aliens crossing the border to help them obtain quick release by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Depending on where you sit, it’s either human-trafficking or social-justice entrepreneurship in action. It was made possible when a leftist, Obama-appointed judge arrogated to herself the role of creating U.S. immigration policy and in the process incentivized the behavior. Continue reading

Office of Refugee and Resettlement Places 234,414 Migrant ‘Children’ in All 50 States

Statistics from the federal government show the fate of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant ‘children’ who have come across the border with Mexico illegally or to seek asylum.

The Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has relocated 234,414 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands from 2014 to the first five months of the fiscal year 2019 (October 2018 to February 2019) Continue reading

No Crisis At The Border”?

Mexican Cartels Using Grenade Launchers Close to Texas Border

No one should ever believe another Democrat. When they insist that there is “no crisis at the border” they are lying. They have ignored DHS Secretary Nielsen. They have dragged out liberal generals who’ve not once talked to the Border Patrol. Everybody’s got an opinion. Meanwhile just south of the Texas border, Mexican drug cartels are using grenade launchers to wreak havoc and kill their opposition..and it’s not the first time. Continue reading

Smith: Crisis at the Border

Our southern border is being breached and overrun at will, and there is a hard, factual crisis unfolding there, despite a temporary decline in illegal aliens captured at the border between 2006 and 2014 due to an economic downturn. Even some of the most hardcore anti-American Democrats and former Obama officials are hard-pressed to deny that this crisis actually exists, although it seems there isn’t any number of illegal aliens swarming across the border that is large enough to move them to act proactively to secure the border and ensure U.S. sovereignty, national security and the individual economic and physical safety and security of all Americans. Continue reading

April 3, 2019: …and the beat goes on!

Democratic Proposal: Hey, Let’s Eliminate Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration — and End Most Detentions
Democrats used to tell us that of course they were against illegal immigration; the relevant policy question, they said, was how to humanely and fairly treat the millions of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants who have been living inside the United States for years. They at least made a show out of getting tough on border security, in exchange for other ‘reforms’ — and they recoiled with indignation when Republicans accused them of supporting “open borders.” Which brings us to today’s rollout of an immigration plan… (Continue to full article)

Democrats are Freaking Out Over Citizenship on the Census Because They Want Non-Citizens Voting
Democrats do not want to know how many citizens there are in the United States. Although the Census Bureau has sought citizenship information regularly in the past, Democrats now fear that a full survey of U.S. citizens will hurt their political fortunes for years to come. Liberal state attorneys general and left-wing special interests have sued the Commerce Department to prevent the Census Bureau from reinstating a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. The case is now before the United States Supreme Court, which will hear arguments later this month… (Continue to full article)

How Bad Does Border Have To Be For Democrats To Admit It’s An Emergency?
Is there any number of illegal border crossings into the United States that would strike Democrats as an emergency? The border numbers are surging back to the bad old days. It appears that Customs and Border Patrol apprehended more than 100,000 people in March (the precise figure has not yet been released), a pace that could mean more than 1 million apprehensions this year… (Continue to full article)

Trump Threatened To Close The Border As Another Caravan Approached – And Mexico Is Taking A Hint
Mexico made changes to their humanitarian visa process. Instead of providing visas to illegal aliens at the border, they’re now providing them in the southern most part of the country. Caravans are no longer allowed to spend the night in cities and fewer Mexican citizens are providing food, water and transportations to caravan riders… (Continue to full article)

DHS Secretary Relocates Hundreds of Border Agents to Deal With Ongoing Illegal Immigration Crisis
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen ordered the redeployment and relocation of 750 of Border Patrol agents Monday. The move is part of the Trump administrtion’s ongoing efforts to address the endless illegal immigration crisis at the southern border with Mexico. “The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it…” (Continue to full article)

Woman Arrested After Holding 33 Illegal Aliens in Her Home
Concepcion Malinek helped the illegals to surreptitiously cross into the United States in 2018 and 2019. She then exploited them by telling them they now owed her money for the help. Now she faces forced labor charges, The Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The 49-year-old woman helped them find work and transported them to and from the work site, while charging exorbitant fees and restricting their activities… (Continue to full article)