I’ve totally checked out of the “political scene” without really “checking out”, in that I still care about what happens to this fine country of ours and its people but I no longer worry about the final direction it takes, as I will deal with that in my own good time and way. I’ve just had to stop worrying so much, mainly for my health.
Our American brethren had better stop this mad flirtation the country is having with socialism, the red-headed step-child of communism, if they know what’s good for them. It’s like a child – you give an inch, they take a mile, and no nation can implement “just a little bit of socialism” without it eventually metastasizing into a full-blown totalitarian communist state, as has been witnessed across the span of history. For those who deny this fact, I offer Canada, which just a very few short decades ago was one of the freest nations on earth but now is insanely socialistic/communistic and authoritarian as all hell.
We see it branching out and growing all throughout our own system at all levels of government, threatening every last vestige of American freedom and liberty and our founding virtues and principles, especially as it pertains to Christianity.

Anne Frank
How they miss the danger signs from the Marxist-Maoist ideology and all the harm it promises to deliver is one of the great mystifying questions of the ages.
Since WWII, it seemed that everyone has been so focused on the Holocaust, they fail to understand that Joseph Stalin murdered so many millions more people than Hitler could ever imagine murdering. Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night‘ and ‘The Diary of Anne Frank‘ brought the Holocaust into America’s living rooms, making it a part of their education, where its victims were no longer mere numbers or names on a memorial, but real people with faces, families, dreams, hearts and souls, who were sorely abused and murdered. And Hitler and the Nazis were basically turned into every American’s personal enemy.
How the horrors of communism and 160 million dead in prisons or on some gulag plantation field can be so easily forgotten is terrifying to any sane person in and of itself. The communists not only sought to break the bodies of their targets – their “enemy” – or simply shatter their minds, but they strived to smash their opposition’s – those dissidents – souls, to erase them and absolutely everything about them in regards to their faith, family, nation, will, self-respect, identity. They worked to destroy everything that made a once free individual person a human being. They sought and still seek today, to destroy Western civilization and erase the idea that man is created in the image of God.
I must warn You that I have included some Extremely Graphic and Descriptive “adult only” bits within this piece, but they serve a purpose in the end. However, there’s enough substance to this piece to allow for it to be edited as seen necessary. ~ J.O.S.
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