Smith: Make the Bastards Pay

The more things change the more they stay the same, and so, here we are some 40 years after Reagan’s amnesty for illegals, which he granted against his better judgement, and facing an illegal alien invasion a hundredfold worse than anything ever seen before in U.S. history. Who could have ever imagined that a nation […]

Smith: Bullets or Ballots!

“The line between good and evil runs across every human heart.” ~ Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, ‘The Gulag Archipelago‘ The corrupt and evil, immoral Americans within our society have greatly soiled and damaged our society, by regularly being successful in re-electing, honestly or otherwise, their own ilk to high offices across the land, who regularly lie, cheat […]

Smith: Americans Have Reason Enough to Revolt ~ Time to Clean America’s House Again

“Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness” ~ author unknown, engraved on the side of the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier Our federal government and its institutions currently rest in the hands of anti-American communists and radicals, intent on destroying traditional America and transforming Her into something unrecognizable, […]

Smith: The Continued Invasion of America Subverts Our Society

Illegal Aliens Demand “the Right” to Invade America America’s borders are being breached and the country invaded by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens each month, which constitutes an attack on our country, especially when one sees all the cross-border violence engaged in by the drug cartels that has left much of the U.S. Southern […]

Smith: At What Cost to Freedom and Liberty

Mourning for America… continued Americans currently are in bad humor over the current state of our economy, driven by the fiction of “Bidenomics”, despite being constantly told how rosy and wonderful their finances surely must be now by the Biden regime communists seeking the perpetuation of their power and self-serving agenda. Our distemper arises from […]