Politicians do nothing but keep the blame game needle spinning. The issue is irrelevant because it will, at some point, be lost in the minds of the Americans, if their paying attention at all, so, what is important is the politicians presentation of impact, for if he/she, says the right thing, appeals to the marginalized, then he gets reelected, and that,is the name of the game! Politicians have misrepresented themselves for decades, but now, video tape is retrievable in an instant, but believing they can bowl the voter over, they just keep right on spreading the B.S., because that is what they do best! Remember, the average human being only has a 13 second retention memory, and that is only, if he/she is interested in their pet project, so, issues are basically a numbers game, and Politicians know that very well! ~ David T. Vedt
When a Video from 15 years ago Says It ALL!
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