Something just STINKS in this Country!

Kamala thought that she could discreetly squeeze out a “panty whisper” but she soon found out that it was going to become a “SHITUATION“… and then America realized that it had stopped being cute about two weeks ago!

If you are offended by this post – then you just don’t get it. Let’s be honest – this entire 2024 ‘Erection‘ insanity is like NOTHING that we have ever witnessed… and THAT is what you should be offended with! ~ Editor

One thought on “Something just STINKS in this Country!

  1. Robert Mark Fischer

    Oh something, rather many things stink about this election! You sir have directly ‘ hit the nail on the head’ .
    I suppose the most objectionable aspect of this election is how unbelievable the press can simultaneously attempt to gaslight Americans with their totally uniform and biased news reporting . Is there really any advantage lying to U.S. citizens? I think not.
    How in Gods world can Commie Kamala just arrive on the scene and nearly be announced as our next American president ? It’s not that she has come from being effective or popular in her current VP position…. to being the solution to our countries present woes and deficiencies…is it ? She lost miserably in her bid to be president last time around .
    I was watching an excellent interview with Tucker Carlson and Ben Carson on YouTube recently. Dr. Carlson basically said we have only one or two chances in upcoming elections to honestly elect a true honest American president. That is we’re truly running out of time to have a honest person in the White House or an evil corrupt Marxist who currently serves? as not my VP .
    Do we really have the opportunity to accomplish a honest election when the left or communist traitors running our country currently are known to cheat in our elections? Through ballot harvesting, counting dead people or multiple false ballots or any devious methods to plant socialism & communism firmly in our free republic? It almost seams like Biden , Harris will be put in power dishonesty. My one big hope is that conservatives will gain the majority of members in the house and senate again . Hopefully congress will stop the destructive behavior so detrimental to our great nation. Lastly I want to thank this publication and website for allowing me to speak my mind freely.

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